看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
先說明一下小妹我考IELTS的目的是希望明年可以去澳洲留學!! 小妹我英文程度算弱, 自認沒能力自己準備所以找補習班學, 目前在時代國際補IELTS, 最終目標是IELTS聽說讀寫四項都考到7.0!! 補習外IELTS板也幫了小妹很多, 所以打了這篇作為回饋, 由於最近小妹真的頗忙, 容我只先獻上IELTS口說部分Part 1的準備指南囉!! 其他部分待我有時間再續… ※IELTS口說Part 1考試準備 口試官會問考生一些比較生活化的問題。 小妹我補習外加自己統整, 在下面歸納出IELTS口說Part 1常考的主題, 各主題小妹有附上相關問題跟回答供參考!! 1. 居家生活 口試官在這個主題會問的像是: Q: Where are you from? A: I’m from Xindian, Taipei. I’ve been living in this city for about 20 years. 【注意】 這題要用完成進行式, ”I have been living…”表示已經住了多久。 Q: Where’s your hometown? A: I was originally from Taipei, which is to the north of Taoyuan. 【注意】 to the north of Taoyuan vs. in northern Taoyuan 前面是指”在桃園北方”,後面是指”在北桃園”。 小心不要講錯了,這意思可是差很多,還好有補習班老師常和我們練口說,幫忙糾正,不 然小妹我還錯不自知呢!! 2. 學習/教育背景/職業/工作經驗 口試官在這個主題最常問: Q: Are you a student or do you work? A 1: I’m a student studying at National Taiwan University. (在學生) A 2: I graduated this summer, but I still consider myself a student as I spend much time studying English in the hope that I can do well on my IELTS test. (大學畢業但仍認真讀英文考IELTS) A3: Neither. I graduated from college 1 year ago. I just completed my military service not long ago. (如果是剛服完兵役沒在念書也沒工作的男生可這麼答 ) Q: Do you work? Or are you still a student? A 1: I work as a ________(職位) at ________(公司) Company, which sells/manufactures/exports/imports… (在什麼樣的公司擔任什麼) A 2: No, I don’t work at present. (目前沒工作) A 3: I quit my job this winter. And I’ve been devoted to preparing for this IELTS test. (辭職當IELTS全職考生) A 4: I completed my military service 2 months ago. (剛服完兵役) 【注意】 這些問題根據考生不同狀況可以有很多種回答, 補習班老師上課時有一一問我們每個人的狀況, 然後補充很多回答給我們參考, 以上小妹我分享的只是一小部分而已囉!! 3. 興趣嗜好 口試官在這個主題會問的不外乎是: Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: In my spare time, I enjoy surfing the Net and listening to music. Over the Net, I can further explore my interest in jazz music. For example, I join a discussion group on jazz music. Through that I can exchange my ideas with like-minded people. I also enjoy reading. 【注意】 針對這個主題口試官的問法有很多種, 老師也補充了”Do you have any interests or hobbies?” ”What would you like to do in your leisure time?”… 改變一下用字但其實還是同樣的問題喔!! 4. 考IELTS的原因 口試官在這個主題會問: Q: Why do you want to take IELTS? A: I’m taking this IELTS test because I plan to do a Master’s degree in Marketing in Australia. I want to achieve at least a band 7 so as to qualify for a place to study there. (要去念碩士) 【注意】 如果考IELTS不是要出國念書而是要移民, 可以這麼回答” I plan to emigrate to Australia. Because…” (因為什麼原因要移 民) 5. 未來計畫 口試官在這個主題會問: Q: Do you have any plan for the future? A: Yes, certainly. I’ve thought a lot about my future. My short-term goal is to qualify for a place to study in Australia and receive some solid training in my field. If everything goes well, I hope eventually to become an expert in the field of marketing. 【注意】 老師建議我們這個問題可以分短期目標和長遠目標來回答, 因為這樣不只可以增加回答的豐富度, 也可稍微延長一下回答時間!! IELTS口說Part 1差不多就是這樣, 小妹我手打得好痠…就分享到這囉!! 其他部分小妹有時間再打了… 謝謝大家!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1454507951.A.503.html
chiatic: 推!謝謝分享~ 02/03 22:20
imkai1108: 推~ 02/03 22:35
wheeeee: 推! 02/03 22:42
frank820130: 詳細推 02/03 22:49
hsinchiao319: 推 02/03 23:47
omgsoez: 很棒 02/04 01:20
EsonP: 推分享,好仔細! 02/04 11:06
nckufishcan: 推詳細!! 02/04 11:09
cabron: 推! 02/04 20:02
mouio: 推! 02/04 21:09
bigsally25: 推 02/28 01:01
leaf1742: 推 提醒一下未來計劃那邊有些字沒斷好哦 03/03 09:44