看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2016年08月20日雅思口說機經分享 各位同學大家好: 幫大家整理網路上雅思口說機經如下, 歡迎同學參考練習 也歡迎同學協助修訂補充 完整口說真題連結網址:https://goo.gl/sAoSh4 PART 1 A skill you learned when you were a child A mistake you once made A situation you got angry A wedding you attended A short trip that you dislike A program or app in your computer or phone Something you bought that pleasing you A place near water that you enjoyed visiting A favorite park in your city (hometown) A piece of clothes that was given by someone A toy that you received when you were a child A piece of local news A story or novel that was interesting to you An article that you read from a magazine or newspaper A perfect job that you want to have in the future Are the transport facilities to your hone very good? How often do you listen to music? Do you like to listen to live music? Does your name have a special meaning? Did you learn how to paint when you were a child? Do you like to go to galleries? Do you learn art lessons in your school? What are the most popular types of art? Do young people and old people have the same taste in art? How often do you buy other gifts? Do you like to send expensive gifts? What kinds of gifts are popular in your country? Why do people send gifts? Where do Taiwan people like to go dancing? How often do you dance? Do most people ride bicycles in Taiwan? Why do children like to ride bikes? Did you learn to ride a bicycle when you were a kid? PART 2 Describe something did helped you saving money You should say What this way was How you know this way When you started to use it What you may achieve through doing this And explain do you think it is an easy way to save money Is it a good idea to save money? Why (not)? What can parents do to teach children to save money? Why do young people tend to waste money? What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country? Do schools in Taiwan teach anything about financial management? What is it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money? How do parents give pocket money in your country at present? Do you think that people are happier if they have money? Why (not)? Don't rush into buying anything Stick to the shopping list Get a get-together at home Choose public transportation Buy in bulk Pay bills on time Prefer borrowed to buying and old to new stick to bookkeeping Describe an important thing your family kept for a long time You should say What the thing is How your family got this thing How long have you kept it and explain why it is important to your family Which do you think is better, old things or new things? As well as family photographs, what are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time? In your culture, what sorts of things do people often pass down from generation to generation? Why? Why do you think people keep these things? What are the benefits/What is the value/What is the importance of keeping some old things in the family? Do you think it's good to recall the past? Why do people like to keep old things? Describe a program or app in your computer or phone You should say What the program/app is When/where you found it How often do you use this app What function this app has And explain why you think this app is useful What kinds of APP do you have on your phone? What are the drawbacks of having too many apps on your phone? How much time do you spend on these APPs? Do you like to look for new APPs or just keeping using the old ones? Do you use free APPs or the ones that you need to pay for? How can technology make our life easier? What are some greatest inventions you know about? Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places? Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity? Can you do without your mobile phone? Describe a time when you forgot something important You should say: When it was What you forgot How you managed the situation And explain how you felt about it Why do old people forget about things easily? What are the tips of keeping things in mind? What kinds of things people can do to prevent poor memory? How can technology help people improve memory? Do you think memory is important for language learning? Describe an unpleasant short trip You should say Where you traveled to What you did during the trip Who were you with during the trip and explain why you felt unpleasant about the trip Are there any special places for visiting in Taiwan? Do Taiwanese people like to travel aboard? What can people benefit from travelling? Do you like to travel on your own or with your family? Do you like to visit popular places or less-known places? Do people prefer short trips or long trips? What kinds of problems would people have when they go on a long trip? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1472038426.A.03C.html