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原文恕刪 大作文正確題目: Nowadays, many young people, particularly those living in big cities, spend their free time in shopping malls instead of doing activities, such as sports, music, etc. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 開頭使用「趨勢法」範例: Shopping malls are working with sophisticated advertisers, using both modern and traditional methods to attract new, especially younger, customers, so an increasing number of youngsters tend to spend considerable spare time in the malls. I think this is an alarming trend for some reasons. -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1485003921.A.4EC.html ※ 編輯: GibsonTutor (, 01/21/2017 21:07:17
kidd050: 為什麼我印象中是 many young people spend too much of 01/21 21:31
kidd050: their free time on shopping malls. Some people says 01/21 21:31
kidd050: it would have negative effects on their life and the 01/21 21:31
kidd050: society they live in. Do you agree or disagree 01/21 21:31
yellow6124: 樓主的題目怎麼怪怪的!? 印象中的題目是一樓的 01/21 21:42
GibsonTutor: 『題幹』是重點,最後問句是『題型』僅影響分段流程 01/22 09:37
GibsonTutor: 再度我用意不在題目這個『事實』而是開頭『範例』 01/22 09:38
GibsonTutor: 題目換湯不換藥,請參考回答範例。歡迎「異見」指教 01/22 09:40
GibsonTutor: 相同題幹不同題型也出現在十二月雪梨正式雅思考試 01/22 09:41
GibsonTutor: 昨天亞洲區考題只是換了題型,其題幹是一樣的 01/22 09:41