看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Andi老師的youtube免費直播IELTS已經到了第九集了(4月2日) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdnJJw69d00
Download link for material : http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_9 目前主要是以WT1&WT2為主 希望對於在準備考試的大家有幫助 也謝謝很多留言或email給老師鼓勵的學生 雖然現在因為家庭因素沒辦法每星期有直播課程 但是老師還是會盡可能每2-3個星期上一堂youtube課程 目標是讓即使沒有預算補習的學生 還是可以有基本的自修教材 因而拿到好成績 也希望大家繼續給老師支持喔! 當然如果希望老師親自授課的同學也歡迎直接跟我們的團隊聯絡: email:[email protected] FB:https://www.facebook.com/Cambridge-EAP-450251478331649/ 老師近期在”台灣”的團體班課程資訊也可以在這裡找到: https://goo.gl/forms/8fA4TTCZP6GFPSrB3 以下為Andi老師給考生的全文: Hello to all those hard working students out there! We at Cambridge EAP hope that all time spent has brought you much closer to those language goals, and the next step of your plan whether it be university, a career, or even migration. Late last year we started an experiment, and planned to broadcast 6 YouTube live streams on a regular basis, covering the most important and fundamental skills that have confused academic IELTS students for a very long time, despite all the books and other available resources. Well. Wow! Where to start? We’ve been so overwhelmed by the positive support, comments and stories about how these shows have helped. The love and response you’ve all shown has meant we’ve blown pass that original plan of 6 shows, and released the 8th just a few days ago. More importantly, are we going to stop? Absolutely not! If you’ve missed any of these shows, fear not! You can always catch up on our channel at: www.youtube.com/cambridgeeap …and if you'd like to look at the material we use at your own leisure, then click on any of the links below for more information. For academic writing task 1: > Structured introductions for data tasks http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_1 > Identifying features and structuring a response for tasks that have time http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_3 > The language, features, and structure for charts that have no time http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_5 > How to respond to process tasks, using the given pictures and language http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_7 …and in terms of task 2, we’ve covered: > The different types of task 2 and their structures http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_2 > How to identify opinions and structure thesis-style introductions http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_4 > Writing body paragraphs and maintaining coherency http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_6 > Conclusions, and their relationship to the introductions/body paragraphs http://bit.ly/Live_from_Cambridge_Session_8 So, where are we now? Well, coming to the end of the academic writing series – boo! - but still a few more shows to come - yay! However, we’re thinking here what’s next, and the answer? Well, what do you think - what would you all like help with? Leave comments on the Youtube channel, or our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/cambridgeeap and let us know. This channel is our home, so you’re all invited to come along, put your feet up, relax, hit the subscribe button, and as soon as the next show is being broadcast live, you’ll get an email letting you know. How cool is that? Keep up the good work, don’t let IELTS get you down, and hope you can all feel a little warmth (in all this cold weather) and cheer from us here based in Cambridge! If there’s anything we can do to help, we always will! Keep up the good work, and let’s make 2017 a very special year! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1492322158.A.5BF.html
Allen737: ㄋˊㄗㄌㄔ 04/16 16:32
Allen737: ...按到麻煩幫刪推文.. 04/16 16:36