看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,今天要來分享自學兩個月的準備心得~ 背景:半職考生,高中考過多益 程度中高級 自從上大學到去年10月底退役前約有五年多沒碰英文(只有偶爾看看美國影集或球 賽轉播) 準備雅思考試大概兩個月左右 準備期間是自己爬文找書練習(沒有找人批改作文或練習口說) 希望我的小小心得可以對自學的朋友有些幫助!!! 成績:L:7.5 R:7 W:6.5 S:7 Overall:7 考試日期 2017/01/07 準備資料: The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS Student’s Book with DVD-ROM https://www.douban.com/group/topic/70752547/ 劍4-劍11 http://wenda.guixue.com/article/2079 平行閱讀法 http://bbs.51ielts.com/thread-756727-1-1.html http://club.topsage.com/thread-167464-1-1.html 無詞閱讀法 https://mega.nz/#F!UNRkiBDJ!VFtdPSyOb8FzGfy5gkY_Ew Simon http://ielts-simon.com/ https://mega.nz/#F!BFJF0ADQ!F3L6Sk6m3sMwx4rpDZb5Mg https://mega.nz/#!y8cikKrZ!pTYbXwSTM0Xv3k1sDtpuoWjLoDhHwmgGt3o4Jpa2hFE Liz http://ieltsliz.com/ Andi(Cambridge EAP) https://www.youtube.com/user/cambridgeeap 慎小嶷十天突破雅思寫作(劍11版) http://www.books.com.tw/products/CN11340178 Listening: 聽力幾乎沒有準備教材 只聽了OG裡面的練習和practice tests 想用OG的人要注意一下!聽力可能比實際考試簡單一個band,個人認為做劍4-劍11會比 較準 而聽力基本上主要還是先看題目,預測他會問什麼 如名詞,可能是人名、時間或地點最好先稍微標記一下,寫起來較容易判斷 題外話 UK postcode的格式主要是 AB1 2CD 這樣的格式 可以參考https://www.doogal.co.uk/PostcodeGenerator.php 數字有可能超過1碼 離市中心愈遠 數字愈大 順便分享一個這次考試的經驗 電話跟人名一定會拼出來 數字零會念成O這大家都知道 有一個是這次考試才知道 XY"Z"的Z 可以讀作ZEE 也可以讀作ZED http://grammarist.com/usage/zee-zed/ Reading: 在練習期間錯很多(爛),也看了很多書 無詞閱讀 這本書就講了滿多的技巧!無詞的意思並不是真的不需單字量 而是在不增加新詞的前提去作答,運用大量技巧來縮短閱讀的思考速度 並針對每種題目應該如何解題有詳細的說明 舉例:怎麼判斷True/False/Not Given 文章說 雪梨港口是世界上最大的港口之一 Sydney Harbor is one of the largest in the world. 題目問 雪梨港是世界上最大的港? Sydney Harbor is the largest in the world. 文章提“最大的之一”不一定是最大的(可能與其他港並駕齊驅或比最大的港小一 些) 題目問“最大的”肯定是最大的之一(與其他港比較後是最大的) 而題目沒說到,所以要選NOT GIVEN 平行閱讀 主要除了標題類題型的選項會亂序以外,其他題目基本上會按照文章順序出 所以可同時看兩或三個題型的題目,再到文章裡找答案 文章看完的同時,題目也跟著寫完 這樣可減少每做一個題型又再看一次文章的時間 Reading Strategy 1/預測內容-從標題、副標題、圖片 2/掃描文章(skim read),圈關鍵字:names, numbers, topic words 第二步驟不要花超過五分鐘,看完懂個兩成就好 3/分析題目,定位關鍵字 4/回去找答案,精讀那個部份或那個段落,一題不超過一分鐘 剩下的時間就是多練Cambridge找語感 先求穩再求快,如果錯誤太多就不要一開始強迫自己要在限時內寫完 個人當初開始練習的時候,三篇花了一個小時也寫不完 經幾次反覆花時間練習,前兩篇大概可以一篇15-16分 所以每天一定要分配一點時間練習非常重要! Writing: 最弱的部分...完全靠Andi、慎、Simon、Liz的資料救起來 Task 1 兩種寫法 ‧Introduction ‧Body Paragraph ‧Conclusion 或是 ‧Introduction ‧General Statement ‧Body Paragraph Conclusion跟General Statement只要選一種寫法寫就好,不要兩種都寫 例如一樣的東西,裡面不用放任何數字,而數字可以留在BP裡面 Intro寫法 The table/pie chart/line graph provides information about compares and contrasts(有比較的話) the rate of ? the figure for ? the changes of ? ,measured in percentages(單位) ,of men and women ,of males and females ,of ? in 時間, 時間, and 時間 respectively. in three periods of time; namely 時間, 時間, and 時間. over a 多久-year period between 時間 and 時間. 合起來 The table presents information about the rate of consumption , measured in pounds and gallons , of seven types of food and drink in America , over a 20-year duration from 1980 to 2000. 同義詞互換 information <-> data proportion <-> percentage men and women <-> males and females between 年代 and 年代 <-> from 年代 to 年代 General Statement寫法 主要寫一個大方向趨勢或轉折 數字留給Body paragragh ‧最多最少 ‧最大最小 ‧最大差異 ‧大致走向 Simon推薦用這個開頭 Overall, it is clear to see that... 這是LIZ寫的bar chart http://ieltsliz.com/ielts-model-bar-chart-band-score-9/ Overall, the UK spent more money on consumer goods than France in the period given. Both the British and the French spent most of their money on cars whereas the least amount of money was spent on perfume in the UK compared to cameras in France. Furthermore, the most significant difference in expenditure between the two countries was on cameras. Body Paragraph 寫法 交代一些數據 ‧起終點 ‧轉折點(changes-biggest or fastest, contra-trend相反趨勢) ‧極值(biggest/highest/lowest/smallest) ‧等值(similar-big or small, no change) ‧倍數關係 會用到很多詞 可以參考 https://goo.gl/r5yhHd https://goo.gl/yRijBw 圖表題 Charts/Graphs ‧升 rise increase climb see/witness/experience an upward trend a growth ‧降 fall drop decrease see/witness/experience a downward trend a drop ‧持平 unchanged stabilized remain constant remain steady remain stable ‧波動 fluctuate between 年代 and 年代 from 年代 to 年代 in the period given ‧高點 reach its peak at stand at at its highest began at 多少 in 年代, and rose significantly to reach over 多少 in 年代. ‧低點 reach to its lowest point at fall to its lowest point at at its lowest ? had its lowest figure at 多少 in 年代1, before it rose to 多少 in 年代2. ‧百分比 account for make up constitute ‧預期 is expected to is predicted to is forecast to is estimated to is anticipated to is thought to ‧X2 doubled more than doubled almost doubled twice as high as ‧X3 tripled was nearly three times higher than three times as high as ‧差距 the gap between A and B narrowed/widened ‧持續 consistently higher/lower ‧超越 overtaking that of ? in 年代. ‧大約 about around just over just under approximately ‧快 dramatically rapidly sharply quickly ‧中 moderately gradually ‧慢 slightly slowly marginally ‧顯見 significantly higher considerably lower the most significant difference the most considerable difference 流程圖 Process diagram 1/製造東西 時態 are/is + p.p. Paper is made from wood. In the first stage of the cement making process, limestone and clay are crushed into powder by a mixer. 2/自然過程 life cycle, fact 時態 簡單式 The moth lays eggs. The sun rises in the east. ‧首先 first at the beginning initially ‧再來 next then later afterwards after this followed by subsequently ‧最後 finally at last eventually to sum up overall in conclusion the process ends with ‧開頭段 It is strikingly evident there are ? main phases involved. The former can be divided into ? phases while the latter can be separated to ? stages. 地圖 Maps ‧extended/expanded ‧renovated/modernized/reconstructed ‧replaced/removed/reduced ‧improved/added/developed ‧merged/joined ‧infrastructure/facilities ‧housing area/residential area ‧in the bottom left-hand corner in the top right-hand corner to the left of in the bottom center of ‧north east south west to the north of There is a ? in the south. ? is located to the west of ?. Task 2 需要很多的ideas應付各種題型 上面得資料裡simon那區有simon的電子書 裡面有很多ideas可以參考 或是慎小嶷有120急救短語 https://quizlet.com/TLo_O/folders/ieltsguru 也有分成十個種類的ideas可參考,多看多思考就能產生想法 Andi的說法是:要想過再寫 有四個步驟 think organize write fix 花八分鐘思考一些ideas再下筆,最後花2-3分鐘檢查(是否有漏加S或ED要注意) 至於架構的部分完全是看Andi的youtube再加以整理一下 第一種題型 Agree/Disagree ---> Thesis 佔65-70% ‧Introduction ‧Background information ‧Focus on the issues ‧Thesis statement 你同意或不同意+為什麼? ‧Body Paragraphs ‧Introduce one reason (2 or 3) ‧Explain it ‧Supporting information ‧Concluding comment ‧Conclusion ‧Restate your opinion ‧Summarize the bps (main ideas only) Thesis題型最好是一開始先說明立場 你同意或不同意 然後再來主題段看你選那邊站 就寫那邊的立場 不需要寫別人的意見或觀點,重點在於你自己的想法觀念!(沒有對錯之分) BP兩段或三段看你能有多少idea ideas愈多可以寫成三段 這樣每一段用到的單字就不會很多 相對輕鬆一點 第二種題型 2-sided (benefits/drawbacks, advantages/disadvantages, some/others) ‧Introduction ‧Topic ‧Paraphrase side 1 ‧Paraphrase side 2 ‧Body Paragraphs ‧Introduce the side 1 (always 2) ‧Reason 1 + explain ‧Reason 2 + explain ‧Reason 3 + explain 有時間的話 ‧Concluding comment 簡單總結這個side ‧Conclusion ‧Summarize the bp1 and bp2 ‧Where do you think the balance is? 這種叫做Evaluation 跟thesis最大的不同是兩方立場都要寫 最後才說明你站在正方還反方 所以回答的主角(主題段)不是你自己的意見 因此個人意見要放在conclusion 第三種題型 Problem/Solution Cause/Effect ‧Introduction ‧Background ‧Focus on issue/problem ‧Purpose of this essay 是要寫cause/solution還是just solutions? ‧BP1 ‧Problem 1 + why ‧Example + Consequences ‧Problem 2 + why ‧Example + Consequences ‧BP2 ‧Solution 1 + why ‧Example + Consequences(intended) ‧Solution 2 + why ‧Example + Consequences(intended) ‧Conclusion ‧Restate Problems ‧Restate Solutions + and goals 你想達成什麼? 如果只要solution 中間就改成 ‧BP1 ‧Solution 1 + introduce ‧Explain it ‧Consequence ‧Possible drawbacks or benefits ‧BP2 ‧Solution 2 + introduce ‧Explain it ‧Consequence ‧Possible drawbacks or benefits 這種題型是要你提出一個解決問題的方法 但是方法要實際可實行 不要提出拯救世界之類的方法 你可以說你提出解法後有something new或 something changes都可以 你的goals主要是說你想達成什麼 達成的主要目的是什麼之類 總之 有了架構 最難的還是主題段 simon的主題段是希望你要先有一個想法 Ideas---> Explain it ---> Example 我個人也是遵循這樣的方式寫出一個段落 有好的idea還是挺重要的!!! 而練習則找liz跟simon上面的來寫 寫完再看哪裡寫得不一樣 思考怎麼寫會更好來檢討我的作文 學習並模仿他們的句子 慢慢累積 Speaking: Simon給的六大類主題 準備好應該就可以 For part 2 of IELTS speaking, I encourage my students in Manchester to prepare ideas for 6 main topic areas: Describe an object (a gift, something you use etc.) Describe a person (someone you admire, a family member etc.) Describe an event (a festival, celebration etc.) Describe an activity (e.g. a hobby) Describe a place (somewhere you visited, a holiday etc.) Describe your favourite (book/film/advertisement/website) Most questions fit into one of these topics. For example, "Describe a river, lake or sea which you like" is number 5 - you could describe a holiday by the sea, or a city with a river. Don't take the test without preparing some ideas for these topics first! 最困難的還是兩分鐘前的筆記 我個人是寫 ‧人 事 時 地 物 +為什麼 ‧你的意見和你怎麼想? ‧講故事 跟寫一個body paragraph差不多 有簡單的核心想法→解釋→舉例說明 多練習還是可以講到兩分鐘,ideas無論是寫作或口說都可以用的 附上2017口說新題目 https://mega.nz/#!RJwCSbqS!yuY0TcopUj92URe4ukLcKqyQqZttSrFWPAAtDvbcnaU 以上是我小小的經驗分享,感謝這個版給予我很多幫助 希望大家都能順利!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1494953185.A.611.html
Tulipnight: 很清晰的方法論!謝謝分享 05/17 03:37
lemoncatsky: 推!謝謝分享 05/17 08:19
oopscrap: 感謝分享,分析得很詳細 05/17 09:39
callista: 推 好詳細 05/17 10:03
lucy0401: 整理的超用心,謝謝分享 05/17 13:22
anyy362600: 推! 05/17 13:25
ranie1017: 非常實用!! 05/17 14:45
soyannie: 推!謝謝分享~ 05/17 16:02
ccc66412002: 推!謝謝分享 05/17 23:21
heystayreal: 謝謝分享!!!! 05/18 11:20
Zxcv4501: 受益良多,謝謝 05/18 22:31
ja000123: 推 五年多沒碰英文 還自學很厲害耶! 05/18 23:20
ja000123: 我中高級都沒把握一次就7阿 05/18 23:21
metaphysics: 超實用謝謝分享 05/22 10:07
myrna0301: 超讚 05/22 11:11
aircraft9511: 推 05/23 15:38
canatont: 推 05/27 10:32
jason8160: 大推這篇受益良多 希望能快跟雅思分手 05/30 23:22
anskao: 謝謝分享 06/04 23:46
kkk258: 推 07/03 12:06
ctcocr: 推 12/25 00:16