看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hi Helen Having taught English and IELTS Preparation for over 20 years, I can say that all students are different, and have different expectations about what constitutes good teaching. It seems that, for whatever reason, you do not feel comfortable with my class, nor with the administration. You have expressed some very strong sentiments in this respect. As a teacher, I want happy students, who feel happy to be in my class, just as much as you, as a student, surely want to feel happy to be in that teacher?s class. The strength of your views (and accusations) suggest very deep convictions, and I can?t imagine that you will change your mind, whatever my wife and I say in response. Thus, we need a solution acceptable to all involved. I feel the best solution is ? 뜠 to offer you the 5% discount for all the lessons you have received so far (on both courses: Reading & Speaking, and Writing & Listening), which is what you have demanded, and ? 뜠 to refund you for the lessons remaining in the Writing & Listening Course, and ? 뜠 (if you want) buy back your two Writing Books, since you have not finished the course, ? allowing you to move on, search for, and hopefully find, a teacher and an organisation which can meet your expectations. The calculations are shown at the end of this email. Luckily, Wesley is your friend, and also a student in the AIS Sunday Class. I have spoken to Wesley, and he has accepted the task of being a ?middle man? between us, allowing you and I to avoid any uncomfortable face-to-face meetings. So, what will happen is this. 1. You no longer need to come to AIS, and can continue looking for another teacher to help you, and one with whom you can feel more comfortable. 2. Next Sunday, I?ll give Wesley an envelope with $5,505 NT plus $400 if he brings in your Writing Books (assuming they are in good condition). 3. Wesley will deliver this envelope to you, and you and I can both move on, having successfully resolved a difficult (and irreconcilable) difference of opinion, hopefully to the satisfaction of all involved. So Helen, I?m sorry that it didn?t go to plan with AIS, but these things happen, given that everyone is different. Those differences can cause problems, but also make life interesting, right? You can feel happy, Helen. You got your 5% discount for both courses, completed the first, and almost finished the second one. Thanks also for the marketing advice. I?ll certainly think carefully about how to improve customer handling, communication, and relationships. I wish you all the best in your future studies. Teacher Andrew Calculation You have completed the Reading & Speaking Course ($10,000), and we will refund you 5% of the course fee = (1) $500 which we will pay you. The Writing & Listening Course is $16,500 for 15 lessons, which is $1,100 per lesson. You have done 3 Listening Lessons & 8 Writing Lessons = 11 lessons of this course, and there are 4 lessons remaining ? which you will not attend, which equals 4 x $1,100 = (2) $4,400 which we will pay you. The 11 lessons you have done of the Writing & Listening Course equals (11 x $1,100) = $12,100 for the tuition, but we will refund you 5% of this = (3) $605 which we will pay you. The total of (1), (2), and (3) is ($500 + $4,400 + $605 =) $5,505 NT, which what we will pay you. If you want to give back your two Writing Books, we will pay an additional $200 per book (= $400), providing the books are in reasonably good condition, without excessive writing or scribbling on them. -- Teacher Andrew Cambridge CELTA, Cambridge DELTA M.Ed, Cambridge CELTA Tutor, Author of the 'Practical IELTS Strategies' Series [aisielts.com] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1533599929.A.0B2.html
doublepei: ? 08/07 16:00
qeye000: Helen! 有人找你! 08/07 16:43
UkZong: 感覺是老師本人 但不會用PTT吧 08/07 22:10
english22334: 兩年前跟學生溝通的信,未經Andrew本人同意貼出,也 08/07 23:23
english22334: 不知貼文者是誰 08/07 23:23
english22334: 個人不太懂貼文的點? 08/07 23:26
hsuan1739: 老師不會使用ptt喔,另外這個文章有點不知所云,想要 08/08 00:57
hsuan1739: 表達什麼內容? 08/08 00:57
jkljkl999: 感覺只是不滿意上課,學生退費的信件 08/08 01:51
jkljkl999: 我在這裏上課的經驗是老師會跟學生開玩笑 08/08 01:54
jkljkl999: 應該是希望上課有趣,我不至於覺得不舒服 08/08 01:55
cuckoo0405: 我還以為是reading task呢 08/08 09:38
mikedirnt: …真的是無聊,你是要想做什麼?去年寫選補習班文,然 08/08 18:35
mikedirnt: 後將post 刪除,今年又再一次,如果自己有問題,不要 08/08 18:35
mikedirnt: 以為他人不知道你是誰 08/08 18:35