看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
許多學生大概對Andi老師都不陌生 他目前是擔任英國Cambridge EAP Ltd.的course director 本身有18年教學IELTS & pre-sessional EAP課程的經驗 近半年因為台北成立分校 目前人在台灣 即將在聖誕節前回到英國 在回英國之前 下星期二晚上CambridgeEAP要舉辦“Let's talk to Andi"的活動 參加辦法非常簡單 只要加老師的Skype好友(ID:CambridgeEAP) 並且在下星期二(12月4日)台灣時間晚上19.30上線加入對話(19.30-21.00TW time) 老師將提供完全免費的1.5hr雅思入門課程 會針對亞洲學生最弱的writing作答題技巧解密 或者單純有IELTS相關問題想要跟Andi聊聊也非常歡迎 有興趣的同學請踴躍參加喔 不要錯過難得機會~ 詢問更多詳情請加官方LINEID:@hwb0508e 活動介紹如下: This online free trial lesson is held by Cambridge EAP Ltd Director Andi Reed, who has helped hundreds of students achieved IELTS 7+ in the last 18 years of teaching. During this course, he will introduce IELTS exam and mainly focuses on writing and speaking skills. Now you can sit at home and learn English from a Cambridge teacher, why not? Please come and join us, any IELTS-related questions are welcome! Simply add Andi as your friend on Skype (ID:CambridgeEAP), and sign in Skype at the time of event, it's so easy to get your IELTS learning started. Do not hesitate, Andi is always here to help you!!! Event link:https://www.facebook.com/Cambridge-EAP-450251478331649/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1543769656.A.F19.html