看板 Immigration 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近準備要來處理兩年轉十年綠卡(婚姻綠卡) 想請問近期有經驗的版友們 是否剛好有郵寄地址跟居住地址不同的情況? 我跟先生從2018年1月入境美國之後 一開始是住在公公家 到了2018年3月搬到目前的租房處 (離公公家大概開車20分鐘) 大概每兩個禮拜就會有家族聚會 平常週末沒事也會回公公家 我們兩個人的所有重要文件都是留公公家地址 之前就爬文參考過地址問題 基本上有提到永久居住地址不變 不特別去改地址是沒問題的 但現在準備要遞出I-751 擔心會不會因為沒有更新地址被質疑? 甚至會被罰鍰或是其他處罰? 剛剛又查了一下USCIS網站上的資訊 沒看到permanent address字眼 (印象中之前有看到過,還想說那就放心了...) Change of Address Authority: The information requested on this form is collected under the Immigration and Nationality Act section 265. Purpose: The primary purpose for providing the requested information on this form is to report a change of address. Except for those exempted, all aliens in the U.S. are required to report any change of address or new address. DHS uses the inf ormation you provide to contact you about the immigration benefit you are seek ing. Disclosure: The information you provide is mandatory. Failure to report a change of addres s may result in a fine, imprisonment and/or removal, as well as jeopardize you r ability to obtain a future visa or other immigration benefits. 先謝謝各位分享 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Immigration/M.1571194692.A.000.html