看板 Immigration 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://travel.state.gov/網頁上看到這個最新的更新,是不是代表DV面試要解禁了? Diversity Visa (DV-2020) Update Last Updated: September 8, 2020 On September 4, 2020, the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia ruled in Gomez v. Trump that the Department must make good-faith efforts to expeditiously process and adjudicate DV-2020 diversity visa applications by September 30, 2020. Therefore, DV-2020 applicants may be processed in embassies and consulates where local health conditions and post resources allow. In accordance with the requirements in the Immigration and Nationality Act and applicable regulations, applicants must be documentarily qualified, have paid all requisite application fees, be able to obtain the required medical exam by a panel physician, and demonstrate that they are eligible for a visa before visa issuance. DV-2020 applicants may be issued a visa through the end of the fiscal year, on or before September 30, 2020. Applicants are reminded that immigrant visas generally expire on the same date as the medical exam expiration; typically three or six months from the date of the exam. DV applicants whose medical exam has already been conducted but will expire prior to December 31, 2020, may opt to submit a new medical exam prior to visa issuance. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Immigration/M.1599666912.A.51D.html
MIKEmike07: 對喔,但目前還是必須在9/30 前拿到visa. 09/10 00:58
cassine: 目前名額沒用完不能沒收的部份還在告 09/10 02:44
ctl: 中籤者不是還要等收到面試通知才能面試嗎? 09/10 02:46
ctl: 9月剩20天,有辦法這麼快發通知+面試嗎? 09/10 02:47
cassine: 目前來看移民局會動起來,有一些人應該可以排到面試,沒 09/10 03:06
cassine: 排到的人只能等法官下令名額不能沒收才有機會 09/10 03:07
cassine: 目前移民局依然堅持9/30後沒有發完的簽證全部沒收 09/10 03:12
cchris: 法官要求國務院要快速動起來,認真處理案件;目前依照4個優 09/10 03:21
cchris: 先順位來處理:1原告 2已面談者 3面談被取消者 4其他 09/10 03:21
cchris: 基本上所有判決的受益者要趕快去重做體檢,才能在明年入境 09/10 03:25
cchris: 因為年底前有禁令,不能入境;所以要在9/30前拿到新簽證 09/10 03:25
cchris: 處理DV的是國務院,不是移民局;(境內AOS才由移民局處理) 09/10 03:33
cchris: 如果無法受益,又很想移民,趕快加入第3版的告訴案,9/14會遞 09/10 04:06
cchris: 出;搜尋DV2020 litigation就可以找到律師的資訊 09/10 04:06
cchris: 加入原告絕對有好處的(如果告成功的話) 09/10 04:07
cchris: 該律師的收費是$500;BritSimon說這個律師很熱心也很認真 09/10 07:27
tFDA: 抱歉,ESTA算visa嗎?另外AIT不是已經開始開放辦簽證了嗎? 09/10 11:41
tFDA: 我學妹才拿到學生簽證 09/10 11:41
cchris: 不算;這篇在討論綠卡樂透簽證,是個移民簽證,被川普停發 09/10 12:08
Alohaoe: 我是原告,在等KCC排面試時間,想先去體檢,但台安說一定 09/11 10:35
Alohaoe: 要先拿到面試通知單,請問這有解決辦法嗎? 09/11 10:35
cchris: Simon說可以嘗試聯絡領事館、鎖定你的面談時段,這叫雙管 09/11 10:51
cchris: 齊下 09/11 10:51
Alohaoe: 謝謝C大回覆,我聯絡AIT但他們不讓我預約,但我再打一次 09/11 11:11
Alohaoe: 給台安他們這次說可以直接體檢了(週一說不行),他們說A 09/11 11:11
Alohaoe: IT昨天有跟他們說,因為DV時間很趕,所以可以先去體檢。 09/11 11:11
ikai99: 推特上有看到國外有人原本被取消的面試恢復了 09/11 12:43
cchris: 已經很多地方的領事館在安排面談了 09/11 15:07