看板 Interior 關於我們 聯絡資訊
案名:金鍋 地點:台北市大安區 設計師:林世峰、廖崇文、方秋哥 花藝裝置藝術:陳思穎 攝影師:吳偉祺 最早用來作為容器的金屬是黃金。 在東方社會裡,一起吃東西象徵著情感的交流,飲食的內容也跟時下文化有緊密的連結。 餐廳的名稱是「金鍋」,黃金讓我們想到挖礦與開採,因此 我們想要用採礦來做發想。 我們想要讓外觀入口有往內挖進去的感覺,從嘈雜的街道走進室內的時候,是通過狹窄幽 暗空間的過程,光線從邊緣角落自然的漫射出來,讓人走過玄關的時候有種沐浴、洗滌心 靈的儀式感,準備要進入室內的前置氛圍。 我們想要在人潮熙攘的大安區中創造讓人內心平靜的淨土,讓用餐的人能更專注於食物及 人與人之間情感的交流,我們用多一點中性色調的元素,像是暖灰色水泥、紅磚染白、石 磨黑色來襯托空間、作為背景,用一點點的金色隨機置入空間內部,桌上的裝置藝術吊燈 、走道末端的雕塑或者牆上的壁燈,我們給一個謎,讓人們自己來探索。 VIP房間我們獨立出一條動線與出入口,從入門口進來或送餐服務時,都能有在空間之間 穿梭流動的感受,包廂內的客人也能享有安心私密的用餐體驗。 --- PROJECT INFO: In Eastern society, food play important role in our daily life. Eating Hot Pot not only keep people in touch but also represent eating culture today in Taiwan. We used gold as the first metal utensil in the past. The hot pot restaurant is named “Gold pot restaurant”. Therefore we decide to use “mining” as the core concept to develop the design. We intend to leverage the idea to the restaurant façade, lighting, decoration, and every detail. In the bustling Da'an district of Taipei, we try to create a tranquil façade with a recessed foyer. People can have a peaceful and silent experience while going through the front door. We use a large amount of neutral color in the interior, concrete gray, brick wall with white paint as well as charcoal black. On the other hand, we regard gold as accent pieces as the soul of the space, people can glimpse and feel it while wandering in the restaurant. Last but not least, the private dining room is featured by its own separated circulation. The very important person can access the private dining room via its isolated door. This dining room is made for people who need a full privacy experience during the dining period. In addition, we intend to make the light come out in every edge and corner, in order to create a mystery and pleasant dining experience. 照片: https://www.facebook.com/100546374897871/posts/335776358041537/?d=n -- -- Alf Fang https://www.facebook.com/AF-Design-Studio-100546374897871 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Interior/M.1626883351.A.44B.html