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151120 Yerin 15.09.18 #iloveyoumyfans. #wait_til_i_get_there. https://instagram.com/p/-SkUIMOC-F/ [截圖]http://imgur.com/LFH2rlq 嗚嗚~Yerin都發文叫我們等也只能等了... 話說...頭髮染回來了!?? 151120 Jimin V https://instagram.com/p/-SenaWp6k8/ 然後要默默加補一則11/18 Jimin的IG文 151118 Jimin I believe these rain drops are from the angels up high . https://instagram.com/p/-N0hbSp6la/ 然後Jae回覆: Rain is part of the water cycle. Air contains invisible moisture called water vapor. This is apparent on warm, humid days.when the air is thick with water vapor. Because warm air can hold more water vapor than cooler air, when the air becomes cooler, excess water vapor is condensed out as water in the form of water droplets. These water droplets are carried up into the clouds and as the clouds become heavy, rain may fall. You believe wrong. [截圖] http://www.kpopsnaps.com/c/1120806503048521987 簡單來說就是,他寫了一堆你在自然課本會看到的... 雨是如何藉由氣候的循環系統而降落在地表上 然後以一句"You believe wrong."總結 然後我稍微試著拿這段來google一下... 結果出現這篇XDD http://www.ask.com/science/rain-formed-387a5dbf1c8ec677 補上Jimin回覆: can i punch you? No actually i won't even have to ask you now ;)  [截圖] http://i.imgur.com/G5wAM4e.jpg
↑感謝tjpcj8大提供 -- 只能說...Jae你似乎少放了hashtag... 或是引用符號XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1448033117.A.EE7.html
beauteen: Jae超煩XD 為什麼要這樣對一個少女~11/20 23:27
lolo12379: 所以Jae也是估狗出來的嗎XDDDD 我以為他真的知道!!11/20 23:29
jasmine81072: Jae真的XDDDDDDD很煩啦11/20 23:33
tjpcj8: http://i.imgur.com/G5wAM4e.jpg Jimin回覆11/20 23:39
taekekeke: Yerin應該是放舊照片吧?因為新造型不能曝光11/20 23:43
kumaya: t大我沒跟到這則耶XDDD 感謝補充!!11/20 23:44
kumaya: 喔喔 taekekeke大我沒想到這點耶!!(恍然大悟)11/20 23:45
sorryforgot: Jae很煩XDDD不懂少女的浪漫XDDDDD11/21 00:02
sorryforgot: Yerin那則有寫日期 所以是9.18那天的照片11/21 00:04
kumaya: sorry大說得也有通耶!!(我好煩喔XD)11/21 00:11
sorryforgot: XDDDDDD K大好可愛11/21 00:15
amputate: 推jae不懂少女的浪漫啦!11/21 01:00
LoveYoo: Jae真的超煩的XDD11/21 01:02
wfvip20076: 期待藝潾的solo~哈哈哈幹嘛戳破智敏的少女情懷啊XD11/21 12:41
※ 編輯: kumaya (, 11/25/2015 18:31:02