看板 JYPnation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
151128 IG Yerin Love, from yerin. 在30號以前想寫些我對你們的感謝 [照片又被Yerin自己刪掉了=口=;;] YERIN, THE LOVE 11/30, 2015<3 ------------------------------ Sorry for making you wait for so long. I wanted to show you guys 'better me' and 'better music', and taking so long... :( finally, I got a lucky chance to show and tell my stories and music! I'm very very excited and happy, when i imagine you guys hearing the whole album. LOVE FROM YERIN! https://www.instagram.com/p/-odPBDOCx7/ [截圖]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU6CODJWoAEADcJ.jpg
圖片韓文打不出來也不能求救辜狗XD 僅打出IG照片中英文部分 如有全文翻譯會再補上 <(_ _)> 文字如有問題歡迎提出! :) 11/30快到了!! -- 久違沒聽到15&的翻唱 放一篇Yerin唱祝歌的影片 Nothing's gonna change my love for you (by George Benson) (影片11.29已由上傳者移除) cr. woorimedia [備份]https://goo.gl/jDqjv7 fr. YerinB Supporters 這個婚攝團隊拍起來的畫質也太好太像拍MV了吧!! You in My Arms (by Yoo Jae Ha) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpKpLOo_fPY fr. Ming Hui
cr. http://m.blog.naver.com/hyunayaya/220551944350 (Bernard, GOT7也都有出席這場婚禮獻唱祝歌 然後Jimin的是之前10/13 ASC的片段,跟Ailee一組並唱出猜到的歌 New York (by Alicia Keys) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGpf3WXaJJs cr. 15& is good
這場唱了不只一首喔XD (但都只有小片段) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1448726190.A.F05.html
natsukawa270: 推整理影片 新人太幸福了! 11/29 00:17
※ 編輯: kumaya (, 11/29/2015 19:29:39
anchan: 推!ye 11/29 19:29
anchan: rin真的是個心思很細膩的孩子,希望這次初solo成績大紅! 11/29 19:29
anchan: 期待晚上音源和MV :) 11/29 19:29