看板 JYPnation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Instagram @realstraykids 180203 不會wink的 #鉉辰尼 帥氣的小可愛 #精寅尼 喜歡BOBO的 #燦尼哥 正在吃飯的 #彬尼哥 #昇玟尼 熊熊熊熊熊 #宇珍尼哥 尼尼尼尼尼 bro們♡ https://imgur.com/tCVkSsi.jpg
180204 Coca Cola~!! 非常感謝能夠邀請我們 讓我們有這麼有趣的體驗~! 真的非常有趣呢 科科科 和漂亮的昇玟一起拍照! 和SKids家族一起留下了美好的回憶~ #可口可樂 #美味 #昇玟尼 #StrayKids #平昌奧運 #燦尼樣子很好吧? #創造回憶 #CokePLAY #CocaCola #巨型自動販賣機 https://imgur.com/RudUjjq.jpg
180205 和Felix Acrobatic!!! 轉起來吧! #Felix #Acrobajix #轉吧轉吧 https://www.instagram.com/p/BezYdhvlzEc/ https://imgur.com/kv1jFLc.jpg
可愛的東西 #(送出飛吻) #小可愛 https://imgur.com/aAsc4W4.jpg
中翻:StrayKids_Harbor站 Twitter @Stray_Kids 180203 [SPOT KIDS : BLACK] 小心翼翼爬下梯子的Stray Kids★ https://youtu.be/fO8m5Q42VmI
#StrayKids #StrayKids韓文 #SPOTKIDS_BLACK #SPOTKIDSBLACK韓文 180204 [SPOT KIDS] 充滿的可怕的(?)哭聲 Stray Kids的封面拍攝現場! https://twitter.com/Stray_Kids/status/960136175968141314 #StrayKids # StrayKids韓文 #SPOTKIDS #SPOTKIDS韓文 180205 Stray Kids 官方FanClub 0期 Fan's 驗證指南 Stray Kids Official Fan Club 0th Fan's Verification Guide https://goo.gl/pAM1Ru #StrayKids #StrayKids韓文 [SPOT KIDS] 剪刀石頭布是世界上最簡單的東西^^ 彰彬,鉉辰,Felix 無止盡的遊戲! https://twitter.com/Stray_Kids/status/960498730133725186 #StrayKids # StrayKids韓文 #SPOTKIDS #SPOTKIDS韓文 Fan's From.Stray Kids 180204 [Felix]大家好 我是Straykids的菲力Felix 大家好 我是Straykids的菲力Felix 粉絲們大家過得好嗎? 我和Stray Kids都在努力練習,也都穿得很暖和 最近有一點冷,特別是暖呼呼的食物 大家要多吃點喔~^^ 但是在韓國的飲食比我想像中還要吃的更香,正好是我喜歡的style^^ 無論如何 最近大家過得如何,真的很好奇呢~ 好久沒見過我們粉絲們的臉了.. 大家非常可愛,非常lovely.. 但是這不是最後,各位天使們我們下次再見拉~! (Please read it all if you want, I poured my heart into this message for you fans~ <3 I'm this kind of person) G'day Stray Kids fans~ Are you guys all having a good time these days? It's pretty cold these days and just worried if you're all wearing warm clothes......... and just eat whatever you like HAHAHA ^^ Same as myself and our little 精寅 I myself in a cold weather eating warm creamy pasta is what I love to eat in Korea.... I gotta say it's really delectably tasty. I literally have no words on how good it tastes.................. because I'm always eating it ahahah^^ In all honesty, when I eat something warm and tasty... I really do think about all the support and love given to us from the start. So in result, every warm bite counts! And I mean every one of you lovely fans count being with us in the end........ Including food HAHAHAHAHAH Even though we've had good times showing our love for you guys, I feel that you guys have shown so much more than what I had ever expected til this day. In other words you guys are just too lovely I sometimes think the fans are true angels. So thank you for giving us the love and respect~ Everyone please make sure to eat what you love with your friends and enjoy having a warm day ^^ And lastly thank you for the support and love given to us.. I cannot thank you enough As always, stay warm both inside and out Thank you~ https://fans.jype.com/BoardView?BoardName=from_sk&Num=11 中翻:StrayKids_Harbor站 -- Stray Kids 2018 is coming... \宇珍/\/\旻浩/\彰彬/\鉉辰/\知城/\Felix/\昇玟/\精寅/ TITLE Hellevator https://youtu.be/AdfIfFGCqgo
HOT Grrr總量的法則(BEWARE) https://youtu.be/Sy3ERg7OCWo
HOT 幼小的翅膀(Spread My Wings) https://youtu.be/Xo8FPXlI3CU
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1517847316.A.3DB.html
jm6bj3: 推整理~猜拳好可愛 02/06 00:26
tsuruzu: 感謝整理! 02/06 01:41
IiTK: 推~~ 可愛的Felix~ 02/06 01:42
wty84136: Felix好Q~~~~ 02/06 02:38
bluetimray: 尼尼尼尼尼~ 02/06 13:28
loverafa0603: 感謝整理!哥哥們都好愛忙內啊~ 02/06 13:38
tetsu96: 全團忙內傻瓜XDDD 02/06 13:40
change510: 感謝整理~ 今天孩子們是去參加彰彬的畢業典禮嗎? 而且 02/06 17:37
change510: 頭髮開始有變化了 02/06 17:37
zaluli: 沒錯喔,恭喜彰彬畢業 02/06 18:12
jeanlee0606: Felix的發文後面英文的部份實在太可愛了QWQQQQ 02/07 01:15
beauteen: 感受到Felix對粉絲深深的愛~真的是好孩子 02/07 01:36