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180520 SJF首爾爵士節:Yun Seok Cheol Trio X 白藝潾 官方網站:http://www.seouljazz.co.kr/ 表演資訊:https://instagram.com/p/Bi_FVr8g41T/ 表演時段:https://instagram.com/p/Bi-1OpIAl7d/ 問候影片:https://youtu.be/LlQiw3uUu9g
--影片曲目:---------------- 上半場表演:Yun Seok Cheol Trio https://youtu.be/37WL6UITl2I cr. BlocAlchemist
下半場表演:Yun Seok Cheol Trio X 白藝潾 1. Bye Bye My Blue https://youtu.be/y_BYp11Gmsw cr. 15and pang2
https://youtu.be/y5lbtAEwd_Q cr. mc forever
https://youtu.be/fso8slutPMA cr. gongrot
https://youtu.be/Duczlqmezko cr. YONJIN
2. November Song https://youtu.be/f8HfYvdSXwk cr. 15and pang2
https://youtu.be/nRMSJ0Td3po cr. mc forever
https://youtu.be/MLF1VmifG-M cr. sarang chae
https://youtu.be/zCFAwirCnFU cr. vol.9
3. Fly Me to The Moon https://youtu.be/_EqiJMkhCTc cr. 15and pang2
https://youtu.be/vr7oWNLjP3o cr. mc forever
https://youtu.be/1KvgnzmrOQw cr. YONJIN
https://youtu.be/kQ_DKeUAs7w cr. gongrot
https://youtu.be/t8dKjkkYWAM cr. sarang chae
1-3. Bye Bye My Blue + November Song + Fly Me to The Moon https://youtu.be/UKW3WxogtDk cr. BlocAlchemist
4. I Wish You Love https://youtu.be/SXonm2cPQbg cr. 15and pang2
https://youtu.be/Cg8UEeciYBU cr. mc forever
https://youtu.be/X1mV8FMFbvA cr. BlocAlchemist
5. Waters of March (by Susannah McCorkle) https://youtu.be/l40oeyAXJbk cr. 15and pang2
https://youtu.be/LtWgRZLqtjQ cr. gongrot
https://youtu.be/zom4xn4cobk cr. hyejin kim
https://youtu.be/zX6fIF9YgU4 cr. sarang chae
6. Across the Universe https://youtu.be/qRv5UTFFeOg cr. 15and pang2
https://youtu.be/u83heKv3F6E cr. mc forever
https://youtu.be/y0Ct0LnSRtE cr. gongrot
https://youtu.be/tyAqBfwSw78 cr. hyejin kim
https://youtu.be/2U8eee9yHrI cr. sarang chae
5-6. Waters of March + Across the Universe https://youtu.be/4pLNSggen2w cr. BlocAlchemist
彩排片段 https://youtu.be/LqXelu-vi9o cr. BlocAlchemist
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1526995803.A.B78.html
akiyuuketa: November多了re? 05/22 21:38
akiyuuketa: 下面還有一個XD 05/22 22:02
驚!!!!!!! 立馬改!!! ε=ε=ヾ(;゚д゚)/ ※ 編輯: kumaya (, 05/22/2018 22:05:33 ※ 編輯: kumaya (, 05/26/2018 15:46:28 ※ 編輯: kumaya (, 05/28/2018 15:09:06