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eaJ - Otherside https://youtu.be/tJkKiGvLPSM
Otherside Lyrics Do you ever think about me All good you probably busy Me too can’t count the blessing There been too many lately All day been smiling lately Thankful like we cut the turkey Just about to butt heads with big 3 And man I feel James worthy Some times I think about you Even in the midst of good news Then I got to go home pull out all the old bones from the closet and then I see you And you’re still cheesing My God it’s messing With my head cause you took mine Sometimes I just call I Know you won’t pick up Can’t ever help myself and try Scared you're scared alone So every night I hope I see you on the other side Are you sleeping alone Cause if you are I can meet you there I'm sleeping alone And it’s killing me anyway I hate that you're gone And when I lie in the dark alone I die a little Every time I reach out and its cold Written by: eaJ Arranged by: Majorcode, 220 Mixed by : 220 Digital editing by: JW Hur Video by : Kim Balko, Im Jihyun Art by: Kim Balko Follow eaJ http://twitter.com/Jae_Day6 http://instagram.com/eajpark https://soundcloud.com/eajpark ================================ eaJ - Otherside 1.31.20 12PM KTS @jaesix on youtube @eajpark on soundcloud https://i.imgur.com/3HedHEY.jpg
=============================== 結果因為再興太想睡了 所以就提早發了XDDDDDD Soundcloud也有了 很方便聽 可以多多利用<3 手機排版 請見諒 有什麼問題只能等手邊有電腦再修了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1580460205.A.020.html ※ 編輯: lolo12379 ( 臺灣), 01/31/2020 16:44:01
wingmelai: 推 原本就該睡覺的eaj parkXD 01/31 19:12
yuki08: 推推 午休時間聽剛剛好 01/31 20:35
kumaya: 推! 早該去睡了XD 明天凌晨時間就是歐巡最後一場啦! 01/31 21:34