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eaJ - 50 proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9OCTnonBgw&t=0s
Lyrics Do you still wake to sunsets and eat home alone watching the moonrise asking on and on what's gone wrong How you been doing you sleeping alright I'm worried your tears still wake you up at night and you know why but you don't know why at the same time Who holds you on your 50 proof high been worried all night wondering all night who loves you now Who wipes the problems like leaves turned autumn when they won't stop falling from your eyes and from your sighs who loves you now Video by: Stefanie Michova (Instagram : michovasfilm) Written by: eaJ Arranged by: 220 Mixed by : 220 Mastered by: Nam Woo Kwon Digital Editing: Jango Follow eaJ http://twitter.com/Jae_Day6 http://instagram.com/eajpark http://soundcloud.com/eajpark =========================================================================== eaJ - 50 proof 4/3 12pm KST https://twitter.com/Jae_Day6/status/1245029259023769601?s=20 推文是MV Teaser cr. Day6_Jae twitter & Jaesix Youtube -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JYPnation/M.1586155963.A.1FC.html
kumaya: 推!! 04/06 19:22