看板 Japan_Travel 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《stonevirus (初新者)》之銘言: : 在版上潛水已久, : 多虧了版上各位大大的經驗分享, : 也讓小弟買了幾次價錢不錯的機票。 : 趁著今天虎航有促銷活動, : 向版上大大分享一下捷星的低價保證服務。 : 若是要買大阪航班的朋友,不妨參考一下。 : (其它航班亦適用,只需符合條件) : 捷星低價保證: : 如果您能在網上找到同等機票的更低票價, : 我們將在其基礎之上再降10% : Find a lower comparable fare online and we will beat it by 10% : 簡單的說就是只要找得到 : 1. 相同航線 (ex: TPE to KIX) : 2. 相似時間 (捷星航班前後一小時) : 3. 更低價格 (價錢比捷星還低) : 便可使用此服務 : 若是無用資訊或是違反版規請告知,謝謝。 : 分享一下使用此服務購買的價格 : 1. 昨晚(09/15)購買2016/01/09 : 台北飛大阪機票 : 虎航票價NT$2099 : 昨晚捷星票價NT$9xxx 現在價格10xxx : 捷星機票購入價格NT$1889.1 : 買含25KG行李機票價格NT$2639.1 : [兩張機票現省了約NT$15,000] : 2. 八月父親節週末搭上回程ꔳ500促銷 : 購買了明年228連假機票 : 去程2016/02/27 : 台北飛大阪 : 虎航當時票價NT$4199 : 捷星當時票價NT$5798 : 捷星機票購入價格NT$3779.1 : [兩張機票現省了NT$4xxx] : 雖然228連假看起來沒有省很多, : 但是因為是家族旅遊再加上228連假, : 還是忍不住就出手了... : 現在看虎航票價居然變成NT$3499 : P.S. : 兩次購買經驗都是直接在官網上 : 以即時交談方式與服務人員訂購。 : P.S.2 : 八月初買完228連假機票沒多久後, : 捷星全面更改大阪飛台北時間 : 1705 延後5分鐘變成 1710 : 完全如同數個月前版上大大的猜測 : 使得回程無法此使用此服務與Peach比價 : 對於各位鄉民大大真的是很嚴重的損失rrr... 簡單分享一下透過官網對話窗購買的對話 基本上回答YES or NO就可以了 Q1. "Welcome to Jetstar! My name is Mona. I understand you'd like to book a flight, making use of our Price Beat Guarantee offer? I can certainly help you with this. First step - what is your full name? 先詢問如何稱呼您? Q2. Hi, . How are you today? 喇賽一下,可能拖個時間去查資料XD Q3. Let me confirm the flight details that you sent: Taipei to Osaka 27/02/16 07:00am for one passenger. Is that correct? 確認比價航班時間 Q4. You are welcome. Tiger fare is 3, 499 TWD. Is that right? 跟你確認(比價對象)航班價格 Q5. Here are your flight details from Jetstar. SAT, 27/02/16 TPE-KIX 07:00AM-10:30AM. Is that correct? 比完價再次跟你確認捷星航班時間資訊 Q6. Thanks for that. I've checked those prices and congratulations - you are eligible for our Price Beat Guarantee. I'll make this booking for you now. The offered amount less by 10% is 3,149.10 TWD . Shall we proceed? 符合低價保證服務,開始幫你訂票 並且以比價對象航班價格的9折票價幫你訂購捷星航班 Q7. May I have the full name of the passenger including the title please? 詢問乘客姓名(含title) Q8. Your Jetstar fare will come with 7kg cabin baggage included. Checked baggage will need to be purchased as an optional extra. Will you require any check-in baggage? Please keep in mind baggage pricing increases after your booking is confirmed, and again when at the airport. 捷星航班有免費7kg手提行李 詢問是否需要購買托運行李(如要購買可直接詢問價格) Q9. Will I list you as the contact person on this booking? 是否將你設為聯絡人? Q10. May I also have the address, phone number and E-mail address for the contact details please? 聯絡人資料,地址、電話、E-mail Q11. There's a small non-refundable fee to select your seating preference. Would you like to select seats now? If you choose not to select a seat one of the remaining seats will be assigned to you randomly when you check-in at the airport or during web check-in. 是否需要選位? Q12. Here are your flight details: SAT, 27/02/16 TPE-KIX 07:00AM-10:30AM 3K723. Please confirm if the flight details are correct. 再次跟你確認訂票航班資訊(確認這麼多次應該不會錯了...) Q13. A friendly reminder - Your flight departs from an international terminal. Please check in at least 2 hours prior to departure with a valid passport and travel documents if any. Check in counter closes 45 minutes prior to departure. Please check the Fare Rules by clicking the link and let me know if you agree to it. http://www.jetstar.com/au/en/planning-and-booking/fares/fare-rules 這邊會給你Fare Rules的link,必須要agree才可以繼續購買XD Q14. The total amount is 3,149.10 TWD. Shall we proceed with the payment? 再次確認獲得的優待票價(比價對象9折),並詢問是否進行付費流程。 Q15. Are you the card owner? 確認是否持卡人,主要是需要取得持卡人刷卡同意 Q16. Please don't share your credit card or voucher information in this window. In a moment, a secure payment form will appear to the right of this window - you can enter your credit card details there. 這邊會給你一個加密連線的link, 讓你輸入信用卡資料 Please tell me when you're done with the payment secure form. Finally. Thanks for waiting . The payment of 3,149.10 TWD is confirmed. We've already booked the flight on SAT, 27/02/16 TPE-KIX 07:00AM-10:30AM 3K723. Your booking reference number is QWERTY. Please expect the itinerary and tax invoice via email within 72 hours. 最後可以查到訂票代碼,並在72小時內將會收到確認mail 整個訂購流程大致上跟自己訂票差不多 而且還不用怕眼殘輸入錯誤的資料 並且還免去了最後的刷卡手續費 最後附上購買的確認單給大家參考 https://www.dropbox.com/s/szmlnhodap8i2hd/1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/33ny3wuqou1lrxy/2.jpg?dl=0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Japan_Travel/M.1442510187.A.F6F.html ※ 編輯: stonevirus (, 09/18/2015 01:19:20 ※ 編輯: stonevirus (, 09/18/2015 01:22:02
MAgiCalIve: 推推 太用心了,很實用! 謝謝 09/18 01:22
Crradoe: 推!用心的實用文!感謝! 09/18 07:15
yijeanliu: 推推!I'm yijeanliu!直接有人幫我處理~好開心~哈 09/18 07:46
yijeanliu: 哈!很實用謝謝分享喔:) 09/18 07:46
chister: 推 09/18 07:52
w6523520: 好棒喔!之前打電話,拼音都怕會錯 09/18 07:55
cherrybeen: 叫我嗎?XDDDDDDDD 推用心! 09/18 07:59
h4512297: 推 09/18 08:05
tunafang: I'm tunafang但我沒有要買票啊 09/18 08:12
hans12s12: 驚!我是hans12s12…而且昨天我也問同一航班…… 09/18 08:19
cuteonion: 推實用 09/18 08:24
isaen: 謝謝分享 09/18 08:25
kinurse: 推用心 09/18 08:31
hereisalice: 控制碼XD 09/18 08:49
puccalin: 用心推~~~~~ 09/18 09:06
jie2011: 用心推 09/18 09:08
rueiping: 推 09/18 09:18
kylechiu2013: I'm kylechiu2013 09/18 09:26
kylechiu2013: I'm doing just fine today, how about you XDDDDD 09/18 09:29
palace: 推 09/18 09:29
Suckmine: 推分享 09/18 09:30
ivar0304: 推 09/18 09:33
Hellokichu01: 原來我適合和客服喇低賽 09/18 10:01
phvicky: 太厲害!! 09/18 10:02
LewisRong: 這篇很讚 09/18 10:45
maize21: 感謝整理 09/18 10:56
huskymilk: 推推 09/18 11:11
s91ad017: 推實用 09/18 11:19
angela604: Hi~I'm angela604 09/18 11:31
passenger10: 好強大 推這篇 以後可以用了 09/18 12:01
jung828: 推 09/18 14:26
wootzu: 推 09/18 19:45
ronale: 推 09/18 20:02
beyan50: 為什麼q2會出現我的名字…………好神奇 09/18 20:28
jimsam: 原po用了bbs的控制碼 可預設觀看人的Ptt Id 09/18 21:08
lahugh: 是真的有人不知道控制碼嗎XD 09/18 23:15
shu750615: 我還納悶怎麼有我的名字勒XD 09/19 00:49
dinex: 09/19 01:08
mavisp: 推實用~感恩~ 可以用在買寒假機票啦 09/19 11:56
mavisp: 就不能用~ 跟大家分享 09/19 12:13
mavisp: 得要直航班機才能用,所以捷星的東京回台北(中間停大阪) 09/19 12:13
docoke: 推推 09/19 22:03
Griffey168: 請問一下,能否提供官網線上客服的網址聯結?我在官 09/20 08:57
Griffey168: 網找很久都找不到,謝謝! 09/20 08:57
mavisp: 前一篇有提到要切換到澳洲版的低價保證頁面~明天台虎促銷 09/24 21:38
mavisp: 打算來試試看~感謝S大分享~ 09/24 21:38
chienyu0122: Q2看到自己名字大驚 連生日都一樣嗎!!! 11/18 02:27
yayaya33: 推樓上我也被Q2嚇到了....... 11/18 08:49
ro0936769689: 我也嚇到 11/18 09:13
sweetkiller: 用心推 11/18 10:12
okngr: 實用 推 11/18 13:25
buy520d: 推推~ 11/18 14:03
stonevirus: 挖,這是置底嗎! 11/18 14:10
tingct0817: 完全被Q2嚇到了+1 11/18 14:14
tnhitori: 推~真實用。 11/18 15:47
soul0327: 咦 怎麼我的ID出現了xDD 11/18 16:20
eioa: 同航班飛,我也來去退差價了XD 11/18 19:30
ascvb007: 推!!! 11/18 20:32
icu1003: 為什麼是 icu1003! 11/18 22:03
Chloe18: 推 11/18 22:43
lovely0428: 不會英文的我,直接打skype有普通話服務~ 12/01 20:31