看板 Japan_Travel 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《sss5 (opp)》之銘言: : 回台第2天聯絡了skype線上客服 : 告知可以使用捷星澳洲官網進行線上申請交通/住宿/早餐的補助 : 捷星澳洲官網:http://www.jetstar.com/au/en : 申請步驟: : 首頁右上角「HELP」→ 「contact us」→ 「Complaints and compliments」→ 「Start : Live Chat」 : 進行線上對談,需要使用英文 : 他會和你要全名、航班號、email跟手機進行確認 : 爾後他會要求你直接在那個視窗上傳收據(所以要先拍上傳) : 之後提供以下的銀行資訊: : Bank Name: : Bank Code: : Account holder address: : Branch number: : Account Name: : Account number: : SWIFT Code: : 之後… 就等15個工作天啦啦啦啦... : 或者可以直接寫一寫用表格方式傳真至捷星 : 希望大家都可以順利拿回補償! 經過兩次的email跟線上填單 得到回覆了 Thank you for your response dated 10 November 2016. I have reviewed your receipts and on this occasion, I am happy to provide you with a TWD 3,993 refund which consists of JPY 1,955 (TWD 595) for meal, JPY 1170 (TWD 356) for transportation and JPY 10,000 (TWD 3042) for taxi expense as a further gesture of goodwill. Please allow 15 business days for the refund to be processed to your nominated bank. Thank you again for taking the trouble to follow this up with us. I very much hope we see you again soon, and that things go more smoothly the next time you travel with us. Yours sincerely... 可是我半夜計程車搭了18000 QQ 看來只能往旅遊不便險丟了 希望搭這班的板友都可以順利拿到退款... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Japan_Travel/M.1479576391.A.A6E.html
monkey16: 推 11/20 01:52