看板 JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在AOMG Follow The Movement 2016 American Tour的臉書上看到的 今天是載範上傳Nothin' on You的cover六週年~ (雖然我那時候還不知道他是誰XDD 以下臉書全文https://www.facebook.com/aomgtour2016/?fref=ts Today marks SIX YEARS since Jay Park(AOM) uploaded this cover of "Nothin' On You." The video was such a huge hit amongst fans that it hit 2 MILLION VIEWS in less than 24 hours! It even soared the original B.O.B version up the Korean charts! Jay's original Youtube upload was lost in the wind, but he’s made several different versions of that cover, including this one. Happy anniversary, #JayPark fans! #AOMGTOUR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY1v2m7BfBA
好稚嫩的社長XD 祝社長繼續開心做音樂 也祝大家六週年快樂:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JayPark/M.1458107259.A.037.html
agsdf: https://youtu.be/qKiE-SJlF3M 以前板上做的中字XD03/16 21:28
maxmessi: 推!03/16 21:42
iceice: 推 03/16 23:53
applee530: 現在走野性美風格XD (裸露派???)03/17 00:35
heeweeds: 推 沒想到那麼久了><03/20 17:57
dormice: 社長那時候真的好少年!!!03/22 00:10
※ 編輯: rissos (, 01/27/2017 14:43:25