看板 JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.wownews.tw/article.php?sn=39261 2016年 06月 17日 http://www.wownews.tw/upload_images_b/2016/06/17/054/57640fb9831ec.jpg
擁有歐美時尚潮流血統的複合式品牌概念店「MRKT 5」於6月17日正式於台北開幕。 秉持 時尚是一種態度、風格該以生活定義的理念,「MRKT 5」不僅是流行精品、日常物件的選 品店,也是一個提供藝術創作、刺青文化、造型設計等不同生活風格與創意薈萃交流的集 散地,透過自由多元的生活美學,彼此激盪、重新定義時尚風格。 「MRKT 5」開幕當天(2016.06.17),有來自韓國的兩大巨星聯袂站台,一位是在亞洲、歐 美皆有超高人氣的韓國首席嘻哈男神JAY PARK朴載範,身為「MRKT 5」的品牌大使,JAY PARK朴載範多元文化背景與創作風格正呼應了品牌兼容並蓄的底蘊;前韓國人氣女團2NE1 成員之一的MINZY孔旻智也專程來台出席開幕活動,共襄盛舉。 http://www.soompi.com/2016/06/18/minzy-showcases-friendship-artist-jay-park/ On June 19, former 2NE1 member Minzy posted a picture to her personal Instagram account of her and fellow singer Jay Park. She comments, “Turn up with my bro!” http://0.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/18151904/Minzy-Jay-Park.png
In the picture, Minzy is fashionably wearing a cute black-and-white striped romper with heels. Jay Park is sporting all white from his shirt to his shoes. Minzy穿了一件黑白條紋連身短褲,社長全身白(北瑟瑟~~~) This is not the first time the two have shown off their friendship on social media. Minzy has shown her support for Jay Park by attending his concert, evidenced by a previous Instagram post. The two have also been spotted in a picture together on Jay Park’s Instagram for the grand opening of MRKT5. Minzy之前也有去看社長表演,網頁內有之前放在IG的照片及一同出席MRKT5的照片 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 補一下之前的新聞跟圖,演唱會完的新聞好像完全沒有啊 唉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JayPark/M.1467212810.A.F33.html