看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
怎麼沒人整理Q&A? Oh well, here we go Q:What was your favorite memory of college; besides basketball? A:getting to level 50 in halo 3. took three years to do it.. 大學除了籃球最美好的記憶? Halo 3 花三年達到50級 Q:What are your fears? A:needles, bees, spiders, death of a loved one 最怕針, 蜜蜂, 蜘蛛, 所愛之人死亡 Q:How do you keep getting more humble the more attention you get? A: im not humble. pride is my greatest sin I struggle with. but id say, as I get older, go through more experiences in life and face tougher obstacles, I realize that Im more sinful and need God more than I ever imagined 在鎂光燈之下如何保持謙卑? 我不謙卑, 驕傲是我最大的原罪. 但要我來說, 當我年紀越大 得到更多人生經驗跟遇到更多困境, 我了解我的罪惡, 以及我比我想像中更需要神 Q:What are you working on to improve this summer? Do you think you'll get a chance to showcase the growth fully in LA? A:im adding a floater to my game, and trying to improve on my goals from last summer (defense, left hand, 3 point percentage) 休賽季中加入拋投訓練, 以及延續上一季的訓練(防守, 左手, 三分球) Q:how long have you been playing table tennis?? A: how long have you been breathing lolllllll 你從多久以前玩乒乓球? 你從多久以前就開始呼吸了 (哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈) Q:do you think you are overrated ? A:some fans think im the greatest ever. haters think im the worst ever. I thin k im somewhere in between. but its just the beginning... 你覺得你被高估了嗎? 有些粉絲覺得我是史上最偉大球員, 有些酸覺得我是史上最爛 我覺得我在中間某處, 而且才正要開始... Q:Jacky Chan, Jet Li or Bruce Lee? A:bruuuuuuce. I have a bruce lee phone case 李小龍最高, 我有李小龍的手機殼 Q:Do you skip leg day? A:never. my thighs are like tree trunks...that's why I cant fit into skinny jeans smh 從不缺席訓練腿的日子, 我大腿像大樹一樣粗, 所以我都不能穿細腿牛仔褲(搖頭) Q:Ice cream, fro yo, or gelato? BEST flavour? A:tough question. gotta go with ice cream...coffee, green tea, mocha almond fudge 好問題...我要選冰淇淋, coffee, 綠茶, mocha almond fudge(蝦咪杏仁?) Q:On a scale of 1-10, whats yur favorite color of the alphabet?? A:I knew something was wrong with us education... 如果用一到十來排, 字母裡你最喜歡的顏色是? 我就知道美國教育有點問題.... Q:If today is the end of the world,what is the thing you most want to do? A: tell my family/friends I love them and eat unhealthyyyy 世界末日我會跟家人朋友說我愛他們然後狂吃垃圾食物 Q:Fav Disney/Pixar movie? A: probably Ratatouille 最愛電影, 料理鼠王 Q:Most embarrassing moment?? A: I once ate 100 pieces of sushi at an all-you-can-eat restaurant, then proceeded to throw up in the middle of the seafood section all over an innocen t bystander 最難為情時刻, 在吃到飽餐廳吃了100個壽司, 然後在海鮮區時 對著無辜的陌生人吐出來.... Q: If you were a pokemon, what would you be A:snorlax seems to have a pretty awesome life 如果是口袋怪獸要當Snorlax (他生活不賴...) Q: If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would it be and why? A: my listening because too many people say too much junk these days 如果要喪失五感之一, 聽覺, 因為近來太多人說太多垃圾 Q: Are u gonna to shoot your 999 three's again??? A: me and my little bro do that multiple times a week 你幾時要再投999三分球? 我跟我小老弟一個禮拜要做幾次 Q: Do people have the misconception of you being a Kung Fu master? A: you have the misconception of thinking that's a misconception 人們是不是誤認你是一個功夫大師? 你認為那是一個錯覺本身就是一個錯覺了 Q: Did your mom hit you with a spoon after the dunk? I would have. A: she couldn't. I was already running back on defense 你在灌籃後你媽有打用湯匙打你嗎? (我一定會) 不可能!我早就跑回去防守了 Q: Can you eat 6 in n out burgers? A: e.z. im emile from ratatouille 你可以吃六個漢堡 簡單! 我是料理鼠王的Emile Q: Do you eat stinky tofu? A: literally cant even be at the table if someone orders it....so gross haha 吃臭豆腐嗎? 我都不能忍受有人點臭豆腐上桌了! 很噁捏! Q:Will you ride Toothless the Night Fury or Cloudjumper the Storm Cutter? A: I love Toothless!! Me and my little bro want a night fury as a pet 你要沒牙(卡通的黑色飛龍)還是Cloudjumper? 我愛沒牙! 我跟我老弟想要這隻當寵物 Q: How often do you shave your face? A: like once every blue moon lol...no facial hair swag 多久剃鬍子 每個藍月吧 (我留不出鬍子...) Q: Do you still use your lion king blanket? A: haha yes I do. mostly on roadtrips 獅子王的被單還在? 旅行的時候我會帶著它 Q: Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle????? A: Leonardo because his weapons look the best and blue is my favorite color 最愛忍者龜裡的李奧納多, 因為雙劍看起來最cool而且我愛藍色 Q: favorite startegy board/card game? A: Board Game: settlers of catan Card Game: texas hold'em poker 最愛的紙上遊戲 - settlers of catan 最愛卡牌遊戲 - 德州撲克 Q: Would you come back to Knicks if given the opportunity again? A: Justin Bieber taught me to "never say never" 你還會再回來尼克嗎? 小賈斯汀告訴過我 never say never Q: would you rather poop your pants (a tiny nugget) once a day in public for the rest of your life or have a niagra falls scaled diarrhea in public once? A: you must not know how big the Niagara Falls really is haha 你寧願每天不小心大一小塊大便在褲子裡還是一次在公眾場合中來一個尼加拉瓜型的 大落屎? 我看你最好不要知道尼加拉瓜瀑布有多大.... Q:Would you rather be a muggle at hogwarts or be a pokemon trainer who could only catch magikarps? A: a pokemon trainer who can only catch magikarps. I love fishing 你要當麻瓜還是只能抓magikarps 的口袋怪物訓練師? 訓練師, 我愛魚 Q: How many kids you like to have in the future?! A: 3 (boys) because that's what my family is...although recently, ive really been wanting to have at least one daughter somewhere in the future 以後希望有三個男生小孩, 因為我家就是這樣 但最近, 我覺得未來我想要一個女兒... Q: In terms of all the doubters in the world, what is your response to them? A: nothing. I play for the Man upstairs 你怎麼回應那些酸酸 我為上面的人而打, 對那些人不回應 Q:Do you want to build a snowman? A:Or ride our bikes around the halls, I think some company is overdue, I've started talking to The pictures on the walls 要不要做個雪人? 然後林開始唱歌了 (請看Frozen開幕) Q: Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence? A: super intelligence because I already have super strength........ 要超級聰明還是超級力量 超級聰明, 我已經有超級力量了 Q: whats your favorite karaoke song? A: I want it that way -- backstreet boys 最愛的karaoke 歌是 (譯者: 我還蠻討厭那首歌的....) Q: Whose your goto I need a win Dota hero? A: faceless void or phantom assassin 如果一定要贏會用哪個dota英雄 Faceless void or phantom assassin Q: Is your whole family horrible drivers? A: no we drive decently. we don't take selfies while we drive like you did in your profile pic hahah 你家人都不太會開車吧 沒有喔, 我們開車很有分寸, 我們絕對不會向你的profile 照片一樣在車上自拍! Q: Do you find it more difficult to make new friends because of you being a celebrity or you don't really try to make new friends because of the fear of them not being genuine A: no new friends, no new friends, no new friends, no no no 你覺得成為名人很難交到新朋友, 還是你不主動交新朋友因為你覺得他們不夠真誠? 沒有新朋友, 沒有新朋友, 沒有新朋友, 沒有沒有沒有 Q: Why do not you like to eat hot food, Have try to eat hot pot? A: because it burns off my freakin taste buds...so annoying lol 你為啥不愛熱食? 沒試過火鍋嗎? 因為會把我味覺整個燒掉, 很煩捏 Q: What kind of sushi do you like the best? A: seared salmon, toro or sweet shrimp 愛吃帶皮鲑鱼, 鮪魚, 甜蝦壽司 Q: What's your attacking strategy in Clash of Clans? A: casual raiding: giants/healers/archers clan wars: hogssssss Clash of Clan 攻擊方針 搶資源時就巨人/天使/弓箭手 部落戰爭時: 戰豬豬豬豬豬豬豬豬豬豬豬! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1407471791.A.E90.html
bluesunflowe:感謝整理~~~~08/08 12:29
iamPamela :好感動喔 有人整理~~ 謝謝 淚推阿08/08 12:29
nsmmsn :!08/08 12:31
doxo :halo那個是3年08/08 12:31
akainorei :喔對看錯08/08 12:33
※ 編輯: akainorei (, 08/08/2014 12:34:41
eileen86 :現在大家都知道問問題的絕竅惹~1.吃的2.遊戲3.選擇08/08 12:36
eileen86 :題08/08 12:37
minoru04 :那2隻是DOTA2的角色喔08/08 12:38
superlittle :不可能,我早就跑回去防守了XDDD08/08 12:41
akainorei :抱歉,上班偷翻而且我不是電玩迷orz08/08 12:41
※ 編輯: akainorei (, 08/08/2014 12:42:30
Syffence :我就知道美國教育有點問題XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD08/08 12:42
lsforever :感謝整理~08/08 12:43
flow1978 :壽司吃到吐是怎樣XD。雖然我朋友也幹過類似的事,哈08/08 12:45
turbomons :感謝整理08/08 12:49
eileen86 :等等2點轉站中文FB08/08 12:50
dogisburning:鯉魚王XDD08/08 12:51
turbomons :功夫的回答真像個大師 桌遊 卡坦島拓荒好像很好玩08/08 12:57
turbomons :http://goo.gl/XQOwZF08/08 12:57
akthebest :感謝翻譯和整理。08/08 13:01
spark05 :讚~不過I play for the Man upstairs沒錯的話應該是 08/08 13:05
spark05 :說他為神而打 (球) =.= 08/08 13:05
akainorei :是阿,我故意寫為上面的人而打,盡量貼近原文 08/08 13:08
spark05 :XD ~原來如此 ,再次感謝翻譯整理 08/08 13:27
fivefinger :感謝a大熱心整理~XDDDDD 08/08 13:27
BigJ :us那個應該翻譯為我們的教育?因為沒有大寫? 08/08 13:28
nancyh :感謝整理和翻譯! 果然好多吃和玩相關的問題XDD08/08 13:30
kauyau :那個是摩卡杏仁 08/08 13:33
kauyau :100個壽司是殺小啦XDDDDD 08/08 13:35
coldsheep :如果是我們的那他會用our吧... 沒大寫很正常 08/08 13:38
plzsmile :感謝翻譯及整理。 08/08 13:40
plzsmile :倒數第五題,no we drive "decently" 翻譯有誤 08/08 13:41
akainorei :嗯,我看成recently....orz08/08 13:47
toroyo :關於開車那題應該是說我們開得很好,是Decently不是08/08 13:48
※ 編輯: akainorei (, 08/08/2014 13:50:20
toroyo :recently 但還是謝謝你的翻譯 辛苦了:) 08/08 13:48
akainorei :已修改 08/08 13:50
sillywhoever:如果用一到十來排, 字母裡你最喜歡的顏色是? XDDDDDD 08/08 13:53
sillywhoever:林的回答害我噗口水到鍵盤上! 08/08 13:53
akainorei :那我翻得不好,on a scale 1 to 10. 就是1是最低10是 08/08 13:55
akainorei :最高得分 08/08 13:55
akainorei :但真的那問題超蠢XDDDD 08/08 13:55
jaykinki :感謝翻譯! 林的中文fb也開始可以提問了 08/08 13:58
silviasun :謝謝翻譯,跟電動有關的都看不懂 08/08 14:12
silviasun :字母顏色那題我理解不能....... 08/08 14:13
kauyau :就是他覺得這是個廢問XD 08/08 14:14
DominateS :第二題,LIN最怕的跟我幾乎一樣@@ 針、密蜂、蜘蛛 08/08 14:19
patrickleeee:吐壽司那條是無辜的旁觀者 不是酒保 08/08 14:25
※ 編輯: akainorei (, 08/08/2014 14:29:26
akainorei :我下次不在上班時偷翻了,自己都沒仔細看 08/08 14:30
patrickleeee: XD 神奇寶貝那題 要當個訓練師只能 抓到鯉魚王XDDD 08/08 14:30
patrickleeee:DOTA那兩隻都是HARD CARRY 就是需要農點裝備後期初來 08/08 14:33
patrickleeee:大殺四方的角色 本身的技能在有裝備之下很強 不過血 08/08 14:34
akthebest :微博的Q&A也開始了... 08/08 14:34
patrickleeee:少 初期容易被針對 FV有團戰控場 PA大絕隨便普攻破千 08/08 14:35
DominateS :很好奇中文臉書是林書豪本人打字回答的嗎?他中文有 08/08 14:36
DominateS :到這麼好嗎 08/08 14:36
patrickleeee:冰淇淋口味 摩卡杏仁軟糖 08/08 15:05
handlesome :感謝翻譯 08/08 15:11
vitaminB :感謝翻譯 08/08 15:18
senaswong :每天大一小塊大便在褲子上XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/08 15:46
supa :seared salmon 表皮稍微烤過的鮭魚 08/08 16:13
supa :fishing 釣魚 08/08 16:13
akainorei :字誤,忘了釣字,下班改 08/08 16:21
avril0625 :林的回防意識真好XD 謝謝整理! 08/08 16:26
peggie :謝謝整理,之前他明明最愛阿拉丁...變心惹 08/08 17:20
peggie : 還是獅子王? 08/08 17:25
jt :謝謝整理及翻譯 08/08 18:56
royehou :上面某個回答沒看上文 我真的會想歪...XD感謝翻譯 08/08 19:17
seto :其實是尼加拉瀑布....沒有"瓜"喔 08/08 20:46
Starwindd :http://youtu.be/4fndeDfaWCg I want it that way 08/09 04:28
Starwindd :同場加映 http://youtu.be/ohiqeig1jqU 08/09 04:29
superlittle :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/09 23:24
reitina : i love fishing. 我愛釣魚。不是我愛魚。 08/10 15:48
swwf : 部落戰爭他的戰術是很實用的 08/24 17:22