看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
已經有點很隱諱的嗆聲了 http://tinyurl.com/n278db6 "I'm thankful I played, A DNP will change your perspective on things." 我很感激我能出賽, DNP真的讓你對很多事看法改變 "In terms of my career, the only thing that's really been consistent is the amount of inconsistency that I've had in my life," Lin said. "I've gone from getting cut to the D-League to starting to playing heavy minutes -- a different role every week, it seems like. I've just got to keep trying to stay aggressive when I get out there -- if I get out there." 在我的職業生涯裡, 唯一穩定的就是我生活中都一直不穩定 我從被D-league砍掉到可以在場上打很多分鐘, 到每個禮拜角色都不同 看起來, 當我能出賽的時候我就是保持侵略性, 如果我可以出賽的話 "I'm human," he said. "I've got emotions, too. I show up and do my best to play and work hard and stuff, but it definitely hurts. It's discouraging sometimes. It's disappointing. All those emotions." 我也是人我也有情緒, 我每天準時到場準備充分跟努力, 結果DNP 當然會心痛, 讓人洩氣失望, 很多負面情緒 "The only thing that you can really get used to is the fact that you don't know what's coming next," Lin said. "That's kind of been true this whole season." 在這賽季中唯一要習慣的就是你永遠不知道下一次會是啥 記者問他今天的表現是不是跟教練叫陣說他值得更多出賽時間 "No, we've been down this road before," he said with a laugh. "[Sunday night], I was just enjoying the game." "沒有, 做這種事是古早時代了, 我只是在享受比賽" "I was out there having fun just attacking and really just enjoying the experience of getting to play team basketball -- try to get everybody involved and do the best we can," he said. "It was fun. Losing is not fun, but just playing again is fun." 我就是出賽然後保持侵略性然後享受團隊籃球的比賽, 讓大家都融入 然後做到最好, 這很有趣, 輸球不有趣, 但能打球很有趣 記者結語 And that's what the season has been reduced to for Jeremy Lin. He's just trying to have fun in a situation, and in a season, that is anything but fun. 所以這賽季對林就倒退到只能享受比賽, 但這賽季, 真的一點也不有趣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1422264425.A.CCA.html
BadGame : 結論....記者是怎樣 ..XD 01/26 17:28
Landius : 他們想要像上一季Young那種偶有高潮的感覺,但這季全 01/26 17:31
Landius : 隊都被壓制下去了. 01/26 17:31
djviva : 將帥無能累死三軍啊, 希望林書豪能撐的過去 01/26 17:41
Aswind : 說,誰今天沒準時到場的!? 01/26 17:43
Hildebrandt : if i get out there LOL 01/26 17:54
hutten : 我對林有信心 但是他X的要能上場啊... 01/26 18:00
turbomons : 感謝翻譯 雖然無奈但心態積極是好的 01/26 18:01
wylscott : 推翻譯 01/26 18:06
claudia1419 : 『在我的職業生涯裡, 唯一穩定的就是我生活中都一直 01/26 18:09
claudia1419 : 不穩定』 這句話有洋蔥 01/26 18:10
spark05 : 推 01/26 18:31
peggie : 怎麼不丟一顆芭樂轟死教練?太隱晦了不過癮啊! 01/26 18:37
peggie : 妓者還等著寫新聞上八點檔呢! 01/26 18:38
fairysan : 感謝翻譯,林的處境從他高中開始打球到現在似乎不變 01/26 18:40
cadie : 林:整個人生中最穩定的事是一直有不穩定發生... 01/26 19:07
playing808 : 唉 01/26 19:22
waiting0801 : 真的看了很無奈,林加油!! 01/26 19:36
qqqidqqq : 一直在等Lin發出自己的聲音和脾氣,Lin加油! 01/26 19:39
kerotamama : 有時候真受不了林的個性...=..= 01/26 19:40
claire612 : 也太隱晦......北七表示:不懂 01/26 19:58
avril0625 : 鼻屎:豪豪你還是講中文吧 01/26 20:41
k5a : 1感謝翻譯 我還是只要求這季不受傷 健康打就好 01/26 20:54
wuling1001 : 第三節林上了 快看 01/26 21:01
ilovebritpop: 硬啦硬啦硬啦 幹爆BS GOGOGO 01/26 21:15
eileen86 : 可以一次看林 真幸福 01/26 21:27
handsomecat3: 感覺悶到快炸了 還用些說詞安慰自己 01/26 23:11
handsomecat3: just playing again is fun....很無奈又矛盾 01/26 23:13
handsomecat3: 強顏歡笑嗎... 01/26 23:13
sillywhoever: (幻想)私底下組織板凳群, 硬是故意贏個幾場, 讓BS 01/27 02:25
sillywhoever: 沒辦法順利坦, 然後丟飯碗! 感覺一定很爽! 01/27 02:25
ts0821 : 我已經看開在倒數了..剩三個月不到.只求健康離開.. 01/27 09:51
daiyani5566 : 版主又被抓惹 惱到刪文XD 01/27 11:42
peggie : 樓上這句推文關本文屁事? 01/27 11:44
daiyani5566 : 樓上林迷生氣囉 林迷素質 唉 01/27 13:00
Peaks3000 : 樓上到個版引戰 你的教養又如何!? 01/27 13:06
patrickleeee: 酸民素質就這樣瞜 家長沒有教好吧 01/27 13:08
Hard1980 : 翻成被D-League砍掉怪怪的 => 被下放到D-League 01/27 13:22
simata : 酸爆了...XD... 01/27 15:47
boyd1014 : 宅酸罐頭帳號留言這麼開心~~不如我們出來聊聊天 01/28 10:29