看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文網址 http://ppt.cc/jkwa *************** Greg的新文章 有版友在置底文章分享過原文 下一場比賽是大年初三 這段時間就看看外絮打發時間吧 衷心感謝這些在美國本土不斷撰文為林發聲的專欄作家 NBA版每次有林的Live文跟Box文都戰得昏天黑地 但事實上對於林突破在NBA奮鬥所面對的困境一點影響也沒有 身為球迷能做的就是希望林能堅定信仰 保持健康 等待機會來臨 在此翻譯這篇文章與大家分享 林加油! *************** Jeremy Lin & the All-Star Hopes That Still Exist 林 & 仍舊存在的全明星期望 *************** Soon, Jeremy Lin will forget about his season with the Los Angeles Lakers, and his career will take him to a different team, with a new role and hopefully more playing time. Even the dream of becoming an All-Star someday isn’t completely gone. The road to that achievement just became longer due to the twists he’s had to endure. It’s easy to forget how short of a time Jeremy Lin has been in the NBA. He played a total of only 64 games in his first two seasons, first during a meaningless rookie season with the Golden State Warriors followed by his time with the New York Knicks, beginning as a player on the edge of the bench, followed by the Linsanity period which turned him into an international phenomenon almost overnight, and might be haunting him in a way almost to this day. *************** 很快地,林將會忘記他在湖人的球季,他的職業生涯將會帶著他到一支不同的球隊,伴隨 著一個新角色與有希望地更多的上場時間。儘管在未來的某一天成為全明星的夢想尚未完 全消逝,但由於他所忍受的種種曲折,達成這項成就的道路正變得更長。人們很容易忘記 林進入NBA到現在的時間有多短。在他的前兩個賽季裡他只打了64場比賽,先是在勇士期 間一個毫無意義的菜鳥球季,接著在尼克,以板凳邊緣中的球員出發,伴隨而來的林來瘋 幾乎在一夕之間將他變成一個舉世聞名的非凡人物,而這直至今日很可能持續地以某種形 式困擾著他。 *************** His arrival at Houston was going to give him a chance to run a team from the beginning of the season. A point guard, trying to break out as a star, on a team trying to enter a new era of success. Not the media circus of New York, but with pressure, and expectations, maybe for the first time in his career. But then James Harden landed and everything changed. Lin didn’t have a bad first season with the Rockets, averaging 13.4 points and 6.1 assists per game, but he was a second or third act on this team, not given the opportunity to be all that he can be. *************** 來到休士頓原本正要給他一個機會從賽季開始去運作一支球隊。一個控球後衛,在一支試 圖進入一個成功的新時代的球隊裡,努力脫穎而出成為一個球星。不同於紐約的媒體馬戲 團,伴隨著壓力與期望,很可能是他職業生涯的第一次。但隨著鬍子空降,一切都變了。 林在火箭的第一個球季並不差,場均13.4分6.1助攻,但他是這支球隊的第二或第三要角 ,而不是被賦予一個他能成就一切的機會。 *************** The second season? His minutes dropped, and at some points midway through the season, he lost his starting job to Patrick Beverley. Overall, his per minute numbers were slightly better than in the previous season and often, when given the opportunity, Lin would show he’s good enough to star for and lead a team. But this is Harden’s team, and one of the things that has been holding Lin back is the fact that playing next to another ball-dominant guard is a problem for him. He’s not made to be an off-the-ball scorer. He needs the ball in his hands. *************** 第二個球季呢?他的上場時間減少了,並且在賽季期間某些時刻,他失去他的先發位置給 小貝。整體而言,他的每分鐘數據比起上一季要好一點,並且時常地,當他被賦予機會, 林總會證明他有足夠本事成為球星並且帶領球隊。但這是鬍子的球隊,有件事情始終阻礙 著林,事實上是在一個支配著球的後衛身邊打球對他來說是個問題。他並不是個無球得分 手。他需要一球在手。 *************** Lin was traded in the summer of 2014 to the Los Angeles Lakers. The move hasn ’t proven to be a step forward in his career. More like standing in the same place, or maybe even moving backwards. First it was the time with Kobe Bryant next to him, then the irregular playing time allotted to him from Byron Scott who seemed clueless about how to make this team better from day 1. Now it’s playing on a tanking team, and the time adjustments being even more irregular. *************** 林在2014年夏天被交易到湖人。這筆交易目前看來在他的職業生涯中並非向前一步。看起 來更像是待在原地,甚至可能是向後退。一開始是在Kobe身邊打球,然後是BS,一個從第 一天看起來就對於如何讓這支球隊更好束手無策的人,指派給他不穩定的上場時間。現在 則是在一支正在坦的球隊打球,而且上場時間的調度甚至更不穩定。 *************** So what about being the next Steve Nash? What about the All-Star game? It’s still a possibility. Nash, for example, made it only after six NBA seasons. A lot of times, the NBA is about timing and opportunity. Lin, hitting free agency at the end of this season, needs some luck and good decision making as well when the time comes to choose a team. The Lakers can still trade him before the deadline, but he’s going to be on the market either way. *************** 那麼關於成為下一個Nash這件事呢?全明星賽呢?還是有可能性的。Nash,舉例來說,直 到NBA六個賽季後才做到這件事。很多時候,NBA講的是時機與機會。林在本季結束後進入 自由球員市場,當選擇球隊的時刻來臨時,需要一些運氣,同時也要有好的決策。湖人仍 有可能在交易截止日前交易他,但其實不管哪一種,最後他都將進入自由球員市場。 *************** The point guard position around the league is stacked. Lin is slightly different than the popular, prominent type of players dominating the position right now, but it doesn’t mean he can’t stand out. Maybe it’ll be easier for him, despite not being a score-first, pass-much-later kind of player. His defense? It’s a lot better than what the media has been trying to sell for years. Sure, he can’t stop John Wall or Kyrie Irving when they’re hot. But who exactly can among the point guards in the NBA? *************** 整個聯盟在控球後衛這個位置上人滿為患。林與目前統治著這個位置的這類型受歡迎的、 突出的球員有點不同,但這並不表示他沒辦法脫穎而出。的確,當Wall跟KI變得火燙時他 無法阻止他們,但在NBA控球後衛裡又有誰能呢? *************** But the All-Star game, right now, seems far away. It’s about finding the right place for him to finally play consistent, stable minutes, where he can be at his most productive for the team that signs him, and also in a position without anyone getting in his way. It might be a lot to ask, especially for a player who is now a bit further behind in terms of “stardom” than he was when he left the Knicks in 2012. But Lin is a good enough player to prevail and come out stronger from this stretch in his career. The problem is it’s not just up to him. *************** 至於全明星賽,在這個時間點看來,似乎遙不可及。這全都是關於找到一個對的地方,讓 他終究能夠有前後一致、穩定的上場時間,為簽下他的球隊打出他最有效率的狀態,並且 處在一個沒有任何人能阻擋他的位置。外界也許還有很多想問的問題,特別是對一個,現 在看來距離2012年離開尼克時的”大明星”這個名詞有點遙遠的球員。但林是個有足夠本 事勝出並且在他職業生涯的這個階段變得更強壯的球員。問題在於這一切並不只是由他決 定而已。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1424019957.A.066.html ※ 編輯: taweiyang (, 02/16/2015 01:09:27
eileen86 : 推 謝謝翻譯 02/16 03:18
allofme : 謝謝翻譯 02/16 03:27
peggie : 謝謝翻譯 02/16 04:06
bhmok : 讚 02/16 06:11
avril0625 : 謝謝翻譯 02/16 06:41
pierce07 : 讚 02/16 07:46
zoeinndhu : 謝謝翻譯,對於國外這些不離不棄的林迷們也覺得感 02/16 08:09
zoeinndhu : 動! 02/16 08:09
Bonjwa : 謝。 02/16 08:28
jamesyu545 : ============= Hell Push =========== 02/16 09:25
senaswong : ☆推☆ 02/16 09:39
nancyh : 感謝翻譯! 02/16 10:19
VieriKing : 感謝翻譯 02/16 10:20
k5a : 感謝翻譯 ☻  02/16 10:21
peggie : 補推! 02/16 10:33
avril0625 : 幫一下佩姬好了XD 02/16 11:31
turbomons : 感謝翻譯 02/16 12:08
peggie : 真的補推啦?囧 02/16 12:20
YTOM : 謝謝翻譯 02/16 12:31
jl834021 : 感謝翻譯 02/16 12:39
fairysan : 感謝翻譯,只能說林迷不離不棄,只為守住一個希望啊 02/16 12:49
wylscott : 推 02/16 13:29
yachuyachu33: 謝謝翻譯 02/16 14:41
hdn : 謝謝翻譯 02/16 14:48
patrickleeee: 推翻譯 02/16 14:49
essendo : 推翻譯 02/16 15:03
small91051 : 推! 02/16 19:43
Manny55 : 謝謝翻譯 02/16 20:42
Gilbertsky : 還有機會啊 只要身體足夠健康 再進步是可以預期的 02/16 21:42
JLintopPG : 有一段少翻了 "他的防守比媒體所說的好多了" 那邊 02/16 21:54
抱歉 以下補上 Maybe it’ll be easier for him, despite not being a score-first, pass-much-later kind of player. His defense? It’s a lot better than what the media has been trying to sell for years. 也許對他來說會容易些,儘管他並不是那種得分第一、傳球第二的球員。他的防守呢?比起媒體這幾年來所一直宣傳的要好得多了。 ※ 編輯: taweiyang (, 02/16/2015 22:05:06 ※ 編輯: taweiyang (, 02/16/2015 22:05:59
JLintopPG : 直接修到內文裡吧XD 02/16 22:22
Wall62 : 感謝翻譯 02/18 21:13
sinch0330 : 感謝翻譯 02/22 18:29