看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2015-03-08 15:17:31 NBA台灣 udn記者吳孟儒/綜合外電報導 在明星賽後擁有火燙手感的林書豪,對此,湖人總教練史考特(Byron Scott)表示,這是 因為林書豪在進攻體系得到更多空間,打起球來更自由、在場上也沒有想得那麼多,但史 考特認為林書豪應該減少擋拆,他認為球隊實施擋拆戰術是會影響球的流動,然而林書豪 對此論點則是持相反意見。 史考特在今天接受《洛杉磯時報》時指出,擋拆戰術其實是會使球隊進攻時的球權流動停 滯,對此,他也表示,他並不喜歡球隊太常運用擋拆戰術,他希望林書豪能夠減少使用擋 拆。 「這會讓球員都站在那裡不動,很容易被防守。」史考特談起擋拆戰術時說:「如果在比 賽末段利用順暢的跑動執行擋拆那是可以的,但我不喜歡一開始就跑擋拆。」 對此,林書豪則持相反意見,他並不認為擋拆會影響球的流動,「我會根據對手的防守做 出判斷,假如有投籃機會我就會出手;但如果沒有的話,我就會為隊友創造機會。」 「這就是過去讓我取得成功的事,也是我為什麼能夠領球隊薪水還能打擋拆的原因。」林 書豪說。 雖然林書豪昨天只拿到4分,不過林書豪在明星賽後明顯狀況提升,相較於明星賽前4成26 命中率,場均10.2分、2.4籃板、4.6助攻,近8戰場均數據皆提升,4成84的投籃命中率攻 下15.5分,外帶3.3籃板及5.6助攻的表現。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 外電來源 http://bit.ly/1ED95mR 感謝peggie提供 Jeremy Lin, Byron Scott debate merits of L.A. Lakers’ pick-and-roll play The two have remained respectful of each other through both the good and the bad. But rarely have Lakers coach Byron Scott and Lakers guard Jeremy Lin ever agreed on much regarding both his early-season struggles and his recent success following the NBA All-Star break. Lin enters Sunday’s game against the Dallas Mavericks (40-24) at Staples Center averaging 15.5 points on 47.4 percent shooting, 5.63 assists and .88 turnovers in 25.12 minutes per game through eight contests following the All-Star break. That marks a sharp increase from when Lin averaged 10.2 points on 42.6 percent shooting, 4.6 assists and 2.7 turnovers in 25.5 minutes per game before the break. “He’s more comfortable,” Scott said. “He’s not thinking so much out there.” Yet, Lin argued he mostly feels comfortable because Scott has granted him both more freedom to run the offense and run more pick-and-roll plays. “That’s who I am,” said Lin, whose $14.9 million contract expires this offseason. “That’s what allowed me to have success in the past. That’s the reason why people are paying me money to play pick-and-roll.” Scott initially remained reluctant for Lin to play pick-and-roll because he believed the play stunted the team’s ball movement. Scott also preferred varying up the playbook to read how defenses were guarding various offensive approaches. “Everybody is stationary and it’s easy to guard,” Scott said of the pick-and-roll. “You go to that in a late game situation when you got guys who are rolling pretty good. That’s a different story. But to start the game with that is something I didn’t like.” Lin has run the play more since the All-Star break. But he said this new trend happened without having any dialogue with Scott about it. Lin also disagreed with Scott’s assessment that the play hurt ball movement. “I’m a player who will take what the defense gives me,” Lin said. “ Whatever it is, if they’re giving me the shot, I’m going to shoot it. If not, I’ll try to get someone else a good shot.” ----------------------------------------------- 感覺要瘋了,又要叫林去打沒高位策應的普林嗎? 球死在高位更沒流動的普林嗎? 然怪在對灰熊都看不到有甚麼人在幫擋, 只是讓更多人守林讓 JC變成弱邊對矮控衛 爽爽射嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1425824228.A.4FB.html
takewind : 沒擋拆比較容易坦 03/08 22:24
cadie : BS是不是雙重人格還是精神分裂 前幾場林有好成績時 03/08 22:26
cadie : 他不是才誇林說他做到球隊的要求等等云云 03/08 22:26
cadie : 現又回過頭來說林太黏球...= = 03/08 22:27
eileen86 : Bs是跳針哦 = = 阿你到底想怎樣?!球都給你打阿 03/08 22:31
boyd1014 : 各種坦戲 03/08 22:38
peggie : 老大電影宣傳期,不准小林來攪局。懂? 03/08 22:40
ysfang623 : 大概是老大不爽了吧 03/08 22:49
stygianX : 我覺得peggie突破了盲腸 03/08 22:50
rxvt : 這傢伙觀念真的很老舊 現在哪個強隊不打擋拆的? 03/08 22:52
jacky30203 : 好難捉摸的敗總... 03/08 22:52
jt : 以討好老大的方向 很好懂呀 XDD 03/08 22:54
qaz0314 : 坦是中心思想 大家開心點 03/08 23:34
fairysan : 坦是球隊的中心思想,不是林的,為什麼要開心呀?頂多 03/09 00:21
fairysan : 就是不去理BS胡說八道的廢話,然後林健康撐完這季吧 03/09 00:22
sam123343 : bs心海底針。 一下喜歡一下不喜歡 能不能像男人點 03/09 01:10
sam123343 : ? 03/09 01:10
leafland : 說真的有kobe在隊上還敢罵黏球...睜眼說瞎話的極致 03/09 01:15
redbarron : 人類就是這種鳥樣 大家還不得不看 !!! 03/09 01:47
redbarron : 這種東西社會上比比皆是 不是只有NBA的球隊教練 03/09 01:48
qazxswptt : 制度該檢討了 這種明明有好手還要擺爛的戲很難看 03/09 01:57
peggie : http://bit.ly/1ED95mR 請原PO補一下外電來源 03/09 03:21
peggie : 證明BS確實說過這種智商捉急的蠢話,別說大家冤枉了 03/09 03:24
※ 編輯: uuilee (, 03/09/2015 06:56:28
Landius : BS最好不擋拆,那誰可以解釋一下紐澤西J.Kidd和夏洛 03/09 07:36
Landius : 特CP3? 03/09 07:36
senaswong : 因為以上兩位是大腿 只好抱了 03/09 07:48
wylscott : 如果又是在老大在不爽 那下一季……林你懂的 03/09 08:50
phix : 普林 X 給小克練 O 03/09 09:15
attdave : 沒差 我們只要再忍耐兩個月就好 03/09 09:23
apjj : 放心 老大回來以老大說的為主 03/09 09:32
ddfg : 這也難怪不喜歡MDA 03/09 09:42
Peaks3000 : 連湖人都這樣 對整個聯盟沒甚麼期待了 有的話 大概 03/09 09:44
Peaks3000 : 就小牛 庫班比較不甩聯盟官方 03/09 09:45
Odyseus : 所以當年老史跟馬龍都在停止球的流動了.... 03/09 11:18
Iversonchi : 總覺得BS這段話是否代表他又要限制Lin的打法了.. 03/09 11:50
Iversonchi : 這兩場感覺Lin又打的不是很順了.. 03/09 11:50
peggie : 元宵節過了,年也過完了~回歸正常而已。 03/09 11:51
riuao : 只會吹喇叭的爛教練 03/09 11:56