看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我會慢慢翻慢慢update 想要轉載請先經過我同意 原文網址: http://tinyurl.com/ptbdhrs Isolation Play It isn't Kobe's taunts or humiliating viral videos that have made this the toughest year of Jeremy Lin's life. It's the feeling that, as hard as he tries, he just doesn't fit in 今年是林最困難的一年, 但並不是老大的挑釁或是那廣為流傳的 羞辱人的video造成的. 而是林感覺如論他如何努力, 他無法融入 Warning: This story contains explicit language. 警告: 我會原文翻髒話 BETWEEN THREE AND a million years ago, after an increasingly intimidating series of meetings with literary agents, I resolved to write a book about the ascension of Jeremy Lin. None of this was my idea. But publishers, like the rest of this planet in February 2012, wanted to hawk something -- anything -- branded with the word Linsanity. And I happened to be an Asian American in New York City with Harvard-induced debt and a few relevant Sports Illustrated clips. 在 一百萬年前跟三年前之間, 在好幾次與文學仲介的恐怖會議後, 我總算可以寫一篇 有關林崛起的書. 這些都不是我的想法, 但是發行商, 就像2012/2地球上的所有人一樣 想要用某種東西, 任何東西, 來兜售跟Linsanity 有關的事. 然後我剛好是 亞裔美國人在紐約市, 也剛好欠哈佛學費並且剛好之前寫過一些SI的文章 It was terrifying. While everyone could already recite the beats of Lin's rise -- Harvard, undrafted, cut twice, D-League, brother's couch, Madison Square Garden -- nobody knew where the most cinematic sports story in memory was going next week, let alone next fall. So when the first American-born NBA player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent dropped 38 to defeat Kobe Bryant at a volcanic Garden, I mapped out the vantage points of his shocked parents and friends in the crowd. When rappers Rick Ross and Stalley Instagrammed Lin Sanity OG, a strain of weed they'd purchased, I sought out a review. ("Once it sits with you for a while," Stalley emailed, "it brings out the creative juices that allow you to work diligently.") When a hoodied Lin tried to sneak into a Harvard-Columbia game, I took notes while wedged between his electronics engineer dad, Gie-Ming, who first taught Jeremy the game, and Spike Lee. 那時候真是超恐怖的, 當大家都可以倒背如流Linsanity的故事 - 哈佛生 沒有被選秀到, 被球隊砍了兩次, 發展聯盟, 老哥的沙發, 麥迪森花園廣場 - 沒有人知道這個記憶中最戲劇化的運動故事會往哪個方向走, 更不用說墜落了. 所以當第一個美國出生的華裔 (Chinese or Taiwanese這就不翻了)NBA球員 在猶如火山爆發的花園裡對Kobe砍下38分時, 我在一個有利位置上看到人群中 林書豪他父母跟朋友不敢置信的神情. 當Rapper(就嘻哈) Rick Ross跟Stalley 在Instagram拍下Linsanity牌的大麻. 我向他們尋求抽後感想XD (Stalley用email回覆我說, 當它在你體內沉澱下來後, 她就帶出創造力 讓你可以用心的工作) 當戴上套頭帽的Jeremy偷溜進哈佛對哥大的比賽時. 我一邊卡進林的電子工程師老爸 跟Spike Lee之間一邊寫note By mid-March, of course, Linsanity's biggest ally, Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni, would resign amid discord with Carmelo Anthony. By early April, the point guard himself would undergo knee surgery for a torn left meniscus, mercy-killing my panicked literary aspirations and hinting, finally, at where this story was going next. By now, 36 months later, my notes look like the monuments of a once-proud city, frozen in time. A sort of point guard Pompeii. 到三月中, 理所當然的, Linsanity的最大盟友, 尼克教練丹東尼, 就會 在與Melo的不和中黯然辭職. 到四月初, 林書豪就會去動左膝蓋半月板手術. 慈悲的葬送掉我之前要為他的故事寫書的心願, 並總算, 暗示了這故事會走向何方. 現在, 36個月以後, 我的note看起來像一個自豪的城市的紀念碑, 時間暫停在那. 有點像一個控衛的龐貝城 (駐: 被火山爆發淹沒的羅馬都市) But my motive for revisiting these memories isn't nostalgia, it's ignorance. Since the Rockets signed Lin away from the Knicks in July 2012, then traded him to the Lakers two years later, he and I have exchanged a few friendly texts a season. But we hadn't had a substantive conversation in years. As the league whispered What the hell is happening to Jeremy Lin? something hit me: I knew nothing about his interior life. Not anymore. 但我去重新了解我的note並不是要緬懷, 而是無知. 從火箭在2012七月把林從尼克那邊簽來起, 然後兩年後又把他交易到湖人. 林跟我在每一季有交流一些友善的簡訊. 但我們已經好久沒有好好坐下來聊一聊了. 當聯盟中已經在私語林書豪到底怎麼了? 有件事出現在我腦海裡: 我不知道他的內心生活, 不像以前了. Not about what it's like to approach unrestricted free agency for the first time since going undrafted. Not about slogging through what he will eventually call "as hard of a year as I've ever had to experience," complete with on-court demotions and viral humiliations. 並不是有關季後第一次進入自由市場的心態, 也不是有關苦撐他所謂的 "今年是我最困難的一年", 然後結束在被降等到替補, 跟廣為流傳的羞辱 After I consult some of Lin's old friends and coaches, in fact, a consensus emerges. Yes, they all worry about Jeremy. How could they not? They all saw that video wherein Bryant, having spent one practice daring Lin to shoot, declares, "You motherfuckers are soft like Charmin in this motherfucker!" And no, they don't quite know what the hell is happening to Jeremy Lin either. 在我請教過林的老友跟教練後, 事實上, 一個共識出現了. 是的, 他們都很擔心林. 怎麼不會擔心? 它們都看過那個Video 老大直接挑釁林投球, 然後宣布 "你幹他媽的像衛生紙一樣軟!" 然後, 不, 他們也不太清楚林到底發生什麼事了 WHENEVER VISITORS ENTER Lin's first-floor two-bedroom apartment in Santa Monica, just a 10-minute, palm-fronded walk from the hiss of the Pacific Ocean, their verdict is always the same: This place is very ... you. 每當人們拜訪林在Santa Monica的一樓, 兩房公寓. 只要十分鐘就可以走到海邊 感覺太平洋. 每個人的想法都一樣: 這地方, 真的很林書豪 Stuffed pandas and toucans cling to stalks of fake bamboo in the foyer. Racks of sneakers, a dozen rows tall, cover one wall in the living room, near an electric piano holding Lion King sheet music and the computer where Lin, now 26 years old, plays Defense of the Ancients online. Floor-to-ceiling windows open onto the patio, where he grills nutritionist-approved slabs of grass-fed steak. Outside the kitchen hangs a white canvas board where his family and friends have used different-colored Sharpies to inscribe, among other messages, an inside joke about Chipotle and Bible verses. With a floor plan just shy of 1,200 square feet, rent is a fiscally conservative sliver of an expiring three-year, $25.1 million contract. 熊貓跟巨嘴鳥娃娃就放在玄關的假竹子之間. 一堆球鞋的鞋架, 大概有十二排那麼高 就占滿客廳的一面牆, 在電子琴上放在獅子王的樂譜, 還有一台電腦, 讓林, 這個26歲的大男孩, 可以線上玩Defense of the Ancients. 陽台的落地窗整個打開, 在那他就會烤營養師認同的用天然牧草飼養的牛排 (跟澳洲牛一樣). 在廚房外面掛著一個大白板, 在那他的家人跟朋友會用各種顏色的螢光筆, 寫上, 當然還有其他東西, 有關聖經跟墨西哥辣椒的笑話. 一整個房間大概28坪, 在這裡住一個財務上很保守的富豪, 最近他的$25.1M合同 快要到期. Neighbors have no idea that what's left of Linsanity lives here. "Every time I see someone, I just run and hide," Lin says. "This building has pretty good security. And I know it's not New York anymore. But I'm still kinda scarred from what happened." 鄰居都不知道這個Linsanity之後餘下的人住在這 林說: "每次我看到人, 我就跑走躲起來" "這個公寓有良好的保全, 我也知道這已經不是紐約, 但那時候的經驗還是讓我 記憶猶新 (留下疤痕) It's a Monday afternoon in late February, and Lin and I have been catching up at a small brown dining table beneath a clock ornamented with ceramic pieces of sushi. By the time the hour hand ticks from salmon to spicy tuna, I notice that Lin, dressed in a gray hoodie and black athletic shorts, has been going out of his way to avoid saying the word Linsanity, a word he trademarked in 2012 to prevent strangers from profiting from his image. (Of his 10,381 words in our interview, he utters it exactly twice: once as part of the phrase "this, this whole Linsanity ... thing," as if using tongs to hold a diaper, and once when explaining why the term makes him uncomfortable.) In its place, Lin keeps substituting "New York," referring to the shock of true global fame -- the paparazzi who stalked him, the phantom knocks on his door at the downtown W Hotel -- that urged him to hide from a city that venerated his success. 二月底的某一個禮拜一下午, 在一個棕色晚餐桌之間, 牆上放著一個陶瓷壽司時鐘. 我跟林書豪開始交流起來. 當時針從鮭魚到辣金槍魚時 (翻註:你這樣講誰知道幾點!?). 我發現, 穿著黑色運動短褲, 灰色套頭衫的林一直避免提到Linsanity這個詞, 一個 在2012年他申請商標以防有人盜用的詞. (在訪談中他的10,381字彙裡, 他只講過兩次: 一個是片語中的一部分 "這個, 這整個Linsanity...的東西", 好像用鉗子夾住尿布一樣, 還有一次就是解釋為何這個詞讓他感到不舒服). 林一直用 "紐約" 來代替Linsanity, 因為他整個嚇到了, 狗仔隊一直跟著他 在市中心的W Hotel 有莫名的人敲他的房門, 整件事情都促使他躲藏一個曾經 崇拜他的城市 No mobs swarm Lin in Santa Monica, so he gets out more, donning sunglasses to bike along the beach or the Third Street Promenade. Almost every day he sees Josh, his older brother, the couch-owning dentist who moved into this neighborhood a month before the Rockets traded Jeremy to the Lakers; Josh's wife, Patricia, who doubles as Jeremy's business manager; and his trainer, Josh Fan, who moves wherever Jeremy does. 在Santa Monica不會有一群暴徒跟著林跑, 所以他可以多出去晃一些, 戴上墨鏡 就可以在海邊或 3rd street promenade騎腳踏車. 幾乎每天他都跟他大哥見面. 在火箭把林交易到湖人的一個月前, 前沙發擁有者他老哥就搬進這個社區; 林書豪也幾乎天天看到他大嫂Patricia, 剛好也是林的事業經理人; 還有他的訓練師, Josh Fan, 基本上林哪他就跟去哪 When it comes to talking about work, though, those walls instinctively shoot back up. He cannot help but tune out his dad and mom, who call from Palo Alto with concerns about his well-being. He refuses to engage friends' complaints about Lakers coach Byron Scott giving his starting job to little-known Ronnie Price in December, then to littler-known Jordan Clarkson in January. The backup's backup isolates himself from the loved ones featured on that canvas board, from the people who cannot help but watch the games, read the articles, scroll down to the comments and emerge, in Lin's words, "just super pissed off." "It got to a point where I had to tell all of them, 'Look, I appreciate you guys being on my side,'" he says. "'But all this stuff about how upset you guys are, or how bad you think this is, I don't want to hear any of it. I can't carry that negativity to work.'" 當談話談到工作時, 他又直覺性的築起高牆, 他不得不無視因為擔心他狀況而從 Palo Alto 打電話的父母. 他也拒絕朋友的抱怨於門外, 抱怨為何教練在12月 把先發給一個名不見經傳的老普, 然後在一月又給更少人知道的新秀JC. 這位替補的替補把自己孤立起來, 不願意跟白板上的朋友交流, 也不願意跟那些 關心他卻什麼也不能做只能看比賽的人, 讀了新聞, 往下拉到留言區, 並留下足跡. 這些足跡留言, 用林的話來說, "就是很不爽" 林說: "就後來我只好跟他們全部說, 聽著, 我很感激你們站在我這邊, 但你們說得像是有多生氣, 或你覺得對我還說有多糟的言論, 我不想聽到, 我不能帶這些負面情緒去工作" This edict originally came down during his second season in Houston, when coach Kevin McHale started pairing superstar James Harden (who needs the ball to thrive) with point guard Patrick Beverley (who doesn't) over Lin (who does). It held up as Rockets general manager Daryl Morey -- who waived Lin on Christmas in 2011 before signing him away from the Knicks the next summer -- courted Carmelo Anthony, of all people, by Photoshopping him into Lin's No. 7 jersey. And it applies in LA now more than ever, as the movie of Jeremy Lin's life turns into a surrealist mashup of Whiplash and Birdman: the story of an obsessive young player who is haunted, unremittingly, by his ambitions and by his role as a superhero in a former life. 這個詔書早在休士頓第二季就已經傳達了, 那是冰箱把鬍子(需要一球在手)跟 PB(不需要一球在手)放在先發導致林去替補(因為也需要一球在手). 這詔書也在Morey - 在2011年聖誕節拋棄他又在下一個夏天把他簽回來 -- 為了要 Melo來休士頓而把他的No.7球衣PS到Melo身上時, 傳達了 這詔書, 在洛杉磯, 更用力地傳達給每個身邊的人, 即使現在林書豪的 生涯電影變得猶如進擊的鼓手跟鳥人綜合體般的寫實: 一個執著的年輕球員 卻被自己的雄心以及過往生活的英雄形象如影隨形地困擾著 "I've always wanted to be a starting point guard, I've always wanted to win championships, I've always wanted to be an All-Star," Lin says. "I've always wanted to be great. And for three straight years, I've put in a lot of work, but I haven't seen the results on the court." He sighs. "I mean, that's a long time, right? The average NBA career is five years. It's not like I'm an accountant and I can be an accountant 'til I'm 67 years old." 林說: "我一直想要成為先發控衛, 我一直想要贏得總冠軍, 我一直想要成為全明星" "我一直想要成為很棒的球員, 但連續三年, 我很努力, 我在場上我看不到成果" 他嘆氣 "我的意思是, 這是一段很長時間, 對吧? 一個NBA球員平均生涯是五年. 這不像是 我可以一直當一個會計師當到67歲捏" tired and trapped. Sometimes it strikes him at home, so he'll go to the beach by himself and take deep breaths. Often he'll come home after games and watch film on his iPad, climb into bed by midnight, pray aloud, read, then fail to fall asleep until 4. "And then I wake up at 6, head spinning with a million different thoughts," he says. "About plays from the previous night. About when I've had success in the past. How I can try to replicate that. How I can work on certain moves. How I can analyze the game differently." 疲累又被困住, 有時候他在家時會被這些感覺襲擊, 那時候他就一個人去海邊深呼吸. 常常比賽完他回家他會在iPad上看比賽回顧影片, 午夜上床, 大聲的祈禱, 讀聖經, 但卻又失眠到四點. "然後六點我就起來, 腦海一堆不同的想法" "像是昨晚的戰術, 像是以前我的成功, 像是我如何可以把以前複製過來, 像是有些動作我如何可以改進, 像是下次比賽我如何可以換個方式分析" Lin enters this maze alone. But one such night earlier this season, around 1 in the morning, his iPhone blinked awake with a directive from a teammate who was sleepless in his own way. 林自己一個人進入這個迷宮, 但是賽季初期的一個晚上, 大概半夜一點, 有一個用他自己方式也同樣失眠的隊友傳一個簡訊指示到林的iPhone裡 I hope you're absolutely pissed off at the way the season's going, Bryant wrote. "我希望你對這整個賽季的走向是絕對的不爽": by, 老大 These Lakers would ultimately establish themselves as the fourth-worst team in the league and the worst team since the franchise moved to LA. Lin has scored five or fewer points in more than a dozen games. Multiple times, he says, he has posed with professed fans for pictures at a takeout counter only to find that a friend, waiting by the door, had overheard those same fans laughing about how much Jeremy Lin sucks. 這一季湖人最終會是整個聯盟到倒數第四名, 並達成在球隊在洛杉磯落腳的最差賽季紀錄 . 林在好幾個比賽中只得到5分, 或5分以下. 林說, 已經好幾次, 他在一些外賣區遇到球迷跟他合照, 結果等在門口的朋友卻告訴他 這些球迷在嘲笑他有多爛 But those incidents hardly compare to what he calls the hardest part of his hardest year. That would be Jan. 23, in San Antonio, when Scott decided not to play his uninjured third-stringer. At all. "The low point," Lin says, "for sure." 但這些事情都比不上 1月23號, 那所謂的最困難的年度裡最困難的事件, 在馬刺主場, 教練完全不讓他上場. 林說: "那天絕對是最低點" I ask why. "It just felt like I went full circle," he says. "The last time I got a straight-up DNP was that first month I got signed three years ago. I wasn't playing. And then all of a sudden I'm a starter, and then a bunch of things happen" -- yes, this is him yada-yada-yada-ing over Linsanity -- "and three years down the road, it's like I'm back. At square one." He takes a deep breath. "Where I was before." 我心中自問 "為何?" "好像我繞了整整一大圈, 上一次我DNP是我簽合同的第一個月, 那是三年前. 然後突然的我是先發, 然後發生一大堆事情" -- 沒錯, 這就是他的Linsanity含糊含糊 -- "然後三年後, 我好像回到原點了" 林深呼吸一口氣 "回到以前的所在" HE HAD BEEN asleep in his bed at the Ritz Carlton in Beijing, a stop on what has become his annual summer tour of Asia, when he learned that Houston had flipped his contract, along with a first- and a second-round pick in the 2015 draft, for obscure Ukrainian big man Sergei Lishchuk. In what amounted to a salary dump, Lin was off to join Bryant, the brand-savvy future Hall of Famer whose jersey had long been the most popular one in China -- and the same man who'd famously sniffed to a scrum of reporters, hours before that internationally anticipated Knicks-Lakers game, "I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Who is this kid?" 在北京的Ritz Carlton 大飯店 (我懶得翻成中文), 一個他每年夏天都會去的亞洲之一站 他在那邊下榻睡覺, 也在那邊得知火箭把他跟一個2015的一輪以及二輪簽 - 一個無名的 烏克蘭大個子Sergei Lishchuk. 基本上就是拋棄薪資般的交易到湖人. 林要跟老大合作, 一個超有名的未來名人堂成員, 而且球衣也在 大陸賣的嚇嚇叫的球員 --也是同一個人在那成名的尼克對湖人的比賽前對一群記者 說 " 我不知道你們在說啥, 這小子是誰?" As the clock ticked toward 3 a.m. in Lin's hotel room, his mom, Shirley, handed him the phone for his inaugural conversation as a Laker. "Oh my gosh," Mike D'Antoni told Jeremy, in his unmistakable West Virginia twang. "I can't believe we missed each other." 半夜三點, 林的媽媽, Shirley, 在飯店房間裡把電話給林 "我老天" 丹東尼教練, 用他那很好辨識的西維吉尼亞腔調說 "我不敢相信我們就這樣錯過彼此" The offensive virtuoso who had vowed to ride Lin "like freakin' Secretariat" in New York had kept in touch with his former pupil since fleeing the Knicks. Their bond began when Lin sidled over to him during one practice, early on, and asked, "Should I bring my car over from the West Coast?" ("That," D'Antoni thought, "may not be such a good idea.") It intensified as the coach soon discovered that he could show the point guard moves that Steve Nash, his ur-pupil, used in Phoenix, and Lin could pull them off in the very next game. 這位進攻大師在紐約曾經發誓要操練林, 就像傳奇賽馬 Secretariat般的使用 他逃離紐約後還是有跟林保持聯繫. 他們的關係其實是從這段談話開始 林: 教練, 我應該把我西岸的車運過來嗎? (那時, 丹東尼心想, 應該不用吧XD) 當丹東尼發現, 林, 在下個比賽, 可以做到跟他的前學生, Nash, 一樣好時, 他們的關係跟緊密了 Now he was calling Lin only eight weeks after resigning as coach of the Lakers amid discord with, yes, Kobe Bryant. "You hate to miss an opportunity to coach somebody that receptive, that good," D'Antoni says. "He's one of those special point guards." 然後現在, 在他與老大的不和中辭職湖人教練的八個禮拜後他打給林 丹東尼回想說 : "你真的會很怨嘆, 竟然失去機會教導一個如此有吸收力, 如此棒的球員 " "林是那些特別的控衛的其中一人" It's March, and the coach and I are sitting inside a Westin lobby during a free moment at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference in Boston, which has more than occasionally paid tribute to D'Antoni's work. Under D'Antoni, Nash -- whom the coach would follow to LA -- won two MVP awards. And yet when I bring up Lin, there is a singular nostalgia for that fleetingly collegiate Knicks team, when Anthony was still sidelined by injury and Linsanity was in full swing. "Those three weeks were the best," D'Antoni interrupts, laughing, when I bring up Lin's serene Valentine's Day winner against the Raptors. "Every day was Valentine's Day." 那是三月, 我跟丹東尼教練 (以後我暱稱丹總) 在波士頓MIT Sloan商學院的運動分析論壇中的休息時段坐在Westin飯店的大廳, 這論壇不只一次讚揚丹總的豐功偉業. 在丹總指導下, Nash, 也就是丹總會跟他一起去湖人的Nash, 贏過兩次MVP 但當我提起林, 就有一種在那時尼克隊稍縱即逝的緬懷感. 那時, Melo 還在受傷, Linsanity 可是火力全開. 但我提起林對暴龍隊的情人節勝利時, 丹總笑著打斷說 "那三個禮拜是最好的時光" "那時每天都是情人節" But the reasons love bloomed in New York foretold a doomed romance in Los Angeles. "The majority of the responsibility is on me," Lin will say when asked about problems of fit. "I'm not running from that." Nonetheless, the contrast between D'Antoni and his successor, Scott, is so extreme as to evoke the Bizarro World. Whereas D'Antoni was known for an up-tempo, unstructured, high-pick-and-roll-centric offense, Scott favors an old-school, methodical, Princeton-based attack. Whereas D'Antoni opened the lane by empowering his power forward to let fly from beyond the arc, Scott announced in the preseason that he wanted the Lakers to shoot just 10 to 15 3s a game. And whereas D'Antoni empowered point guards to be CEOs, there was little doubt that Scott would defer to the 36-year-old Bryant. 但是,在紐約事件而引起的喜愛也正正提早指出了在洛杉磯注定會失敗的關係 當林被問到融入的問題時他說 "大部分的責任在我, 我不會逃避" 但無論如何, 單總跟他的繼任人, Scott, 對比實在太極端了 丹總著名的就是快節奏, 隨興, 超級P&R中心為主的進攻 Scott卻是喜歡老派, 有條理, 普林斯頓為底的進攻 當丹總允許他的大前鋒在三分線投球時 Scott卻在賽季前宣布他希望球隊每場只投10~15個三分球 當丹總讓控衛當CEO時 沒人會懷疑Scott把重責大任交給36歲的老大 "I think Jeremy can fit anywhere as a player," D'Antoni says. "He's that good. But he's not Linsanity if you put him just anywhere. If you close the floor on him" -- that is, if you don't stretch out defenses, if you don't leverage his yearning to attack the rim -- "he's going to look mediocre." 丹總說 "我認為作為球員林到哪裡都可以融入, 他就是那麼強" "但你如果隨便丟他在隨便一個位置, 他就不會是Linsanity. 如果你場上空間緊縮, 也就是說你不讓防守的空間打開, 你不運用他對攻擊籃框的渴望 --那他就會看起來很平庸" "J-Lin is used to having the ball 90 percent of the time, and in my system, you just don't do that," Scott tells me after a recent Lakers practice. "He's had some moments where he's been terrific. But sometimes smart people who get in this system can be the dumbest people in the world." Scott教練說: "J-Lin之前習慣90%球在他手上, 但在我的系統裡, 你就是不能這樣做" "他有些時候打得很棒, 但有時在這系統裡發揮的聰明人可以是全世界最笨的人 In Lin's apartment, I wonder whether he ever looks around the league to one of the many winning teams that have installed D'Antonian elements -- from the Hawks to the Spurs to the Trail Blazers -- and salivates. Lin knows that a system can showcase or bury a point guard, more than any other position. And as a free agent this summer, he'll be able to pick a boss for the first time since he chose his hometown Warriors as a rookie. 在林的公寓裡, 我在想林有沒有看看聯盟裡其他勝率高的也用丹總的體系的隊伍 像是老鷹, 馬刺, 拓荒者, 並流涎羨慕. 林知道一個系統比起其他位置, 更可以 展示或埋葬一個控衛. 然後今年夏天作為一個自由球員 他總算可以像新人時選擇家鄉的金州勇士隊一樣, 選擇自己的新老闆 "To be honest," Lin says, "I don't want to be defined by one style of play. People say, 'You're so much better without Kobe,' but you want superstars on your team. My goal is to evolve my game so I'm not so contingent on any system. Great players can figure that stuff out." By his own definition, he knows, he's far from great. The part that hurts is that it's not for lack of trying. "Shoot," Lin says. "What do you think I'm doing when I can't sleep?" 林: "老實說, 我不想被定義成只會一種戰術" "人們說, Kobe不在你變得更好, 但你想要超級巨星在你的隊伍" "我的目標是進化我的技術, 使我不用特別依靠任何一種系統" "一個偉大的球員可以釐清這種事情" 用它的定義來說, 他知道他離他所謂的偉大很遠. 但痛的是並不是缺乏嘗試 "投射" 林說: "要不然你以為我睡不著時在想啥" He visualizes Grizzlies point guard Mike Conley, who thrives without space, and Bryant, who inspired Lin's "point of emphasis" for this summer: midrange shots. Later, when I relay this plan to D'Antoni, I brace for a spit take. But the jobless coach invokes that PG-as-CEO metaphor. "There's trying to run your own company," D'Antoni says, grinning. "But you've gotta be employed too." 他想要成為灰熊的控衛Conley, 在沒有空間下也能成功 還有老大, 讓他知道這個夏天的重點在哪 -- 中距離投籃 之後我把這段話給丹總聽, 我原本預計會聽到吐槽 但目前無業的丹總卻用控衛即CEO的隱喻說 "那是你想要如何管理你的公司" 他微笑 "前提是你要先被雇用" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1427561763.A.999.html
patrickleeee: 叭叭叭 敲碗 斷在這種地方不可取 趕快補阿XD 03/29 01:01
allofme : 先謝謝原po翻譯,認真看完之後心中有一種沈重感 03/29 01:02
wuling1001 : 感謝翻譯。四月初,銀書豪 (我有認真看喔 XD) 03/29 01:06
neos042 : 謝謝AK大無私翻譯分享! 03/29 01:07
bhmok : 1F翻譯機快開啓連線同步功能 03/29 01:09
Peaks3000 : 環境造就個性 逆來順受 又如Boo說的 太在意討好別人 03/29 01:13
akainorei : 我抱怨一下, 這篇真的有夠長! 03/29 01:16
bdsl : 感謝原po,加油~~~ 03/29 01:17
waiting0801 : 推! 03/29 01:23
patrickleeee: 原文我全看完了 還不錯 03/29 01:28
akainorei : 那樓上要不要幫忙翻? XD 03/29 01:41
donnylee : 來湖人後,lin太想要迎合每個人,導致父子騎驢 03/29 01:41
peggie : 先謝謝翻譯,雖然對岸已經翻譯了,但是有一些些看 03/29 01:59
peggie : 不懂,希望同為鄉民的翻譯語法會更容易理解。再謝! 03/29 01:59
sharonsh : 謝謝翻譯....... 03/29 02:13
k5a : 總算等到這篇專訪了 感謝原po辛苦翻譯 這篇被拆成好 03/29 02:18
k5a : 段新聞,總板正戰得熱火朝天 03/29 02:19
wuling1001 : 好戰,不戰嗎? XD 03/29 02:30
半夜三點, 太累了, 明天補完 如果有人願意接手, 歡迎幫忙 ※ 編輯: akainorei (, 03/29/2015 03:16:43
windtalker22: 推~~~ 03/29 03:17
justinku : 感謝翻譯 03/29 03:51
apollo62 : 辛苦了,感謝。 03/29 03:59
bonnysu : 原文好長 辛苦了! 感謝翻譯 03/29 04:04
eileen86 : 關於林的一切 根本討戰阿XDDDD 酸酸視為鮮肉 03/29 05:31
drgraffiti : 赤靈大!!!!!感謝啊!!!!!這樣就不用看原 03/29 06:55
drgraffiti : 文看太久了XDDD 03/29 06:55
jamesyu545 : ^_^ 03/29 06:57
avril0625 : 謝謝原po,辛苦了~~ 03/29 07:04
turbomons : 感謝翻譯 辛苦了 看到跟恩師互動那段 感觸實在很深 03/29 07:22
turbomons : 像是得遇伯樂的千里馬 在失去伯樂後又被迫回去 03/29 07:25
turbomons : 被迫回頭去拉鹽車的感覺 03/29 07:26
turbomons : 這篇很長也很深入 讓人了解Lin的憂慮、無奈與掙扎 03/29 07:30
summer9021 : 謝謝翻譯,辛苦了~這篇文章寫得真好 03/29 07:36
fairysan : 感謝翻譯,看到DNP那段真的覺得超心酸的,然後又愛酸 03/29 07:50
fairysan : 又愛找他合照的球迷心裡真的是有X 03/29 07:51
avril0625 : 原來黑眼圈不是迷迷的錯覺,每天睡不好卻還是得練球 03/29 07:57
avril0625 : 比賽,孩子辛苦你了....加油! 03/29 07:57
kinki999 : 謝謝大大,不用看二手合成肉了 03/29 08:35
Shrugged : 感覺翻譯! 03/29 08:46
akthebest : 感謝翻譯! 03/29 08:49
puremiya : 謝謝,辛苦! 03/29 08:51
Mentha : 翻譯辛苦了 03/29 08:53
Gilbertsky : 推推 這篇跟我對林現況的認知差不多 03/29 09:14
lsforever : 感謝翻譯 03/29 09:15
Gilbertsky : 想要融入各種體系是不現實的 必須去強調自己的優勢 03/29 09:16
BBgun : 推!! 03/29 09:17
eileen86 : 怪不得明星週前,林在媒體面前稱「不要再問我有關 03/29 09:26
eileen86 : 自由市場的事」,他其實是想告訴不停擔憂及忿怒的 03/29 09:26
eileen86 : 親友別來困擾他了 03/29 09:26
minsoing : 看完,我哭了。可以感受到Lin的壓力和無奈,甚至孤 03/29 09:26
minsoing : 獨。 03/29 09:26
eileen86 : 是阿 哪位成功的偉大球星不是建築在適合自己體系下 03/29 09:27
eileen86 : 的呢? 03/29 09:27
eileen86 : 應該要以自己的優勢為豪 然後更專精它 03/29 09:28
lost0816 : 哀有點沉重.... 還是謝謝你翻譯 , 希望LIN 可以快樂 03/29 09:30
eileen86 : 林的有些籃球技術是頂尖的 更該表現出來 讓更多球 03/29 09:31
eileen86 : 隊知道 03/29 09:31
lost0816 : 沒錯 , 從文字可以感受到林的壓力,孤獨,辛酸 03/29 09:31
lost0816 : 心智承受太多的困擾 , 來自外界跟自己內心的都有 03/29 09:33
mamimi : 謝謝翻譯,即使如此真誠的採訪也有人斷章取義拿去酸 03/29 09:34
mamimi : ,唉,真心希望下賽季能否極泰來 03/29 09:34
jt : 已看完全文 真的很沈重 一個了解和信任的教練真的 03/29 09:40
jt : 很重要 謝謝翻譯 03/29 09:40
ston12 : 淚推!林加油啊! 03/29 09:49
AxelGod : 翻譯推 希望下季Lin自己挑選個好東家 03/29 10:11
july713c : 非常感謝!! 03/29 10:32
newtypeL9 : 推!翻譯辛苦了 03/29 10:38
peggie : 還沒翻完喔!請大家繼續敲碗(大誤)^^" 03/29 10:46
sdfsonic : 推冷笑話 希望下季林跟冷笑話還有機會合作 03/29 10:47
nancyh : 未看完先淚推這篇!! 也感謝翻譯! 唉 剩11場就可獲 03/29 10:50
nancyh : 自由了 03/29 10:50
VieriKing : 感謝翻譯!!這篇好棒~ 03/29 10:50
austar : 感謝翻譯~~~ 03/29 11:02
akainorei : 我要到半夜才能翻。家中有個亂跑的九個月小男孩 03/29 11:21
akainorei : 如果有人繼續翻最好,要不然就等我到半夜摟 03/29 11:22
binser : 謝謝翻譯! 03/29 11:28
kaka2013 : 感謝翻譯 03/29 11:43
teen1 : 謝謝翻譯+1 03/29 11:46
chensone : 感謝翻譯 03/29 11:49
CC97 : 好文推!謝謝翻譯~ 03/29 11:49
yoshro : 感謝翻譯~~ 03/29 11:53
iwsly : 謝謝翻譯 看了好想哭O_Q 03/29 11:57
peggie : 請原PO翻完,語法會比較一致,感謝~ 03/29 12:00
TTKevin : 辛苦了 這文章太長了 別半夜翻啊~~~ 03/29 12:02
eileen86 : 是邊坐等敲碗翻譯 然後邊看籃網的節奏嗎XD 03/29 12:04
allofme : 原po慢慢來,這是這賽季關於林最好的文章 03/29 12:17
NgJovi : 辛苦啦 感謝 03/29 12:23
sodes72 : 那時,每天都是情人節...恩師 (ToT) 03/29 12:28
rexxon : 感謝翻譯。無限感概 03/29 12:33
fairysan : 淚推丹總,想起JJ曾說願為他犧牲,果然是有原因的 03/29 12:35
BadGame : 作為球迷只能表示支持林走下去.. 03/29 12:38
sodes72 : 謝謝翻譯啊~那些白目球迷看不起林就別靠近!!!!$#%& 03/29 12:41
Lin17Show : 看完之後覺得好難過哦…感謝翻譯 03/29 12:41
neos042 : 大推,辛苦了! 03/29 12:47
Lowking : 推!!超讚的~~繼續支持~~! 03/29 12:55
claudia1419 : 剛在聽廣播節目也在講這篇訪談 一邊聽腦海彷彿又回 03/29 13:02
claudia1419 : 顧了一遍這三年 聽完看完覺得很難過 03/29 13:03
lwu24 : 感謝原po的翻譯,幾度無法讀下去 太虐心了~ 03/29 13:47
peter7258 : 推!感謝翻譯真的很棒 03/29 15:02
yachuyachu33: 謝謝翻譯! 03/29 15:30
attdave : 感謝翻譯!! 03/29 16:19
casman : 感謝翻譯!!! 真的是一段無比艱辛的旅程... 03/29 16:26
spark05 : 也看完原文了,這個專訪文筆寫得非常好 03/29 17:24
spark05 : 感謝翻譯 03/29 17:25
jl834021 : 感謝翻譯! 03/29 18:54
chenyy0128 : 感謝翻譯!! 03/29 19:28
charles0626 : 感謝翻譯,豪神加油! 03/29 20:04
qazxswptt : 往好處想 至少老大教會了他重用中距離 03/29 20:54
qazxswptt : 本季中距離投籃實用率感覺遠高於過去 彈性變高了 03/29 20:55
bhmok : 中距離早練早好 總不能一直靠切入 03/29 21:15
bhmok : 應該是說加強 還在練甚麼練 吼~ 03/29 21:35
zujjee : 謝謝翻譯!! 03/29 21:52
kerotamama : 特別喜歡這篇文章冷笑話和BS的教球哲學對照XD 其實 03/29 22:00
kerotamama : 在某隊第二年就蠻常用中距了 中距對切入型更有幫助 03/29 22:02
boyd1014 : 罰球線前面那個半圓形,左右45度 03/29 22:27
bowin : 感恩! @_@ 03/30 07:59
bluesunflowe: 感謝翻譯 03/30 09:48
dalinman : 淚推冷笑話QQ 03/30 09:52
renie57 : 感謝翻譯 03/30 11:49