看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/gvwhsje (去掉冗文節略翻譯) But those weren't what allowed the Hornets to turn the tide and score an 89-85 victory in a win-or-be-in-serious-trouble Game 4. Already trailing 2-1 in their best-of-seven series with the Miami Heat, Charlotte was blitzed out of the gate: down 8-2 after three minutes, 13-4 through the first five-and-a-half. 黃蜂第四戰89-85的勝利, 不是來自於Kemba, 也不是來自Big Al或Batum, 賽前系列賽1-2 落後的黃蜂, 開賽後打的跌跌撞撞, 開打後三分鐘2-8落後, 開打後5分半鐘4-13落後 Then, super sixth man Jeremy Lin checked into the action. And the Hornets almost immediately came to life. The Heat couldn't stand next to Lin without hacking him; Manny Navarro of the Miami Herald provided an example involving Dwyane Wade: Within 15 seconds of Jeremy Lin entering the game, Dwyane Wade picked up 2 fouls guarding him — Manny Navarro (@Manny_Navarro) 然後, 超級第六人林書豪介入戰局, 黃蜂因為他而幾乎立即甦醒, 熱火幾乎無法不去對林 書豪犯規去限制他, 邁阿密日報的記者這樣說:"林書豪上場才15秒, Wade就因為防守他而 快速吞下兩次犯規" And when Miami's defenders did stand their ground, Lin raced right past them. His dribble penetrations gave Charlotte a pulse. Either he finished plays in the paint or at the free-throw line, or he had a gravitational pull on the defense that freed up the Hornets' other options. 若是熱火的防守者堅守陣地, 林書豪就快速切入超過他們, 他的運球切入讓黃蜂的脈搏 得以跳動, 無論他是切入籃下還是透過罰球取分, 或是在防守方面幫助球隊, 在在都替 黃蜂增添了許多戰勝熱火的可能性 By the time the Heat started to corral Lin, they'd diverted too much attention away from Walker and could no longer contain the other scoring guard. "We love playing with each other," Walker said of Lin, per AJ Neuharth-Keusch of USA Today. "We just feed off each other. He was super aggressive making plays, then he got a little tired and it was my turn to go." The team's official Twitter account provided a Lin highlight: Jeremy Lin AAAAAND ONE! — Charlotte Hornets (@hornets) 而當熱火開始對林書豪包夾時, 他們對Kemba的防守就會分心, 而讓Kemba這位擅於得分的 後衛得以大展身手, Kemba提及林書豪時他說:"我們很愛一起在場上打球, 我們會餵球給 對方, 林書豪對於make play真的是非常有侵略性啊, 當他開始有點累時就換我主導" -----旁邊傳來"林書豪球進算加一啊啊啊啊啊!!!" As soon as the Hornets found their offensive rhythm, the Heat lost any semblance of their own. From the start of the second quarter through the first two-plus minutes of the third, Charlotte embarked on a 36-13 run. Miami finally found its footing, trimming what became an 18-point deficit down to two midway through the period, but Lin once again responded. He supplied 10 straight points for the Hornets to end the third and start the fourth, including a banked-in triple that had Lin shrugging like Charlotte's owner Michael Jordan famously did during his own net-shredding postseason days, as ESPN's Rachel Nichols and The Cauldron pointed out: 當黃蜂找到他們的攻擊節奏時, 熱火就失去他們的了, 從第二節開打到第三節前兩分多鐘 這段時間, 黃蜂打出了一波36-13的大局, 之後熱火醒來想起怎麼投籃後, 戰局就從黃蜂 領先18分到僅僅剩下2分, 此時, 林書豪再度跳出來, 供給了黃蜂連續10分來結束第三節 , 包含他自己命中的一顆打板三分, 旁邊的Jordan老闆看的心花開~ "That was kind of Angels in the Outfield, a blessing from God," Lin said afterward, per CBS Sports' James Herbert. "That shot, when I let it go, I was like, 'Yo, there's no chance this goes in.' And it went in. So thank God." 關於那顆打板三分, 書豪說:"那是大天使的氣息, 以及來自上帝的祝福, 因為我出手那瞬 間, 就有種po文會被水桶的感覺, 絕對沒機會進的吧, 但它卻進了, 喔喔感謝上帝" "Walker and Lin, they put you on your heels," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said, per Steve Reed of NBA.com. "They are aggressive and make you have to defend with position. You have to expect that in the playoffs—great performances." 熱火的Spo說:"豪華連線, 奢華到讓人折服傾倒, 他們都很有侵略性, 迫使我們必須去改 變站位來防守他們, 在季後賽裡我們必須得去預料到的, 真的打得相當好" ------------其他敘述就不翻了------------- -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1461655448.A.6A1.html
kiki41052: po文會被水桶的感覺XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/26 15:27
beanseven: 腿 04/26 15:28
Ycosmos: 這超譯XDDD 大天使的氣息XDDD 04/26 15:28
beanseven: 打錯 推 04/26 15:28
eileen86: 所以是塞到的彈手XDDD 04/26 15:29
henrylinsj: 哈哈 04/26 15:29
eileen86: *攤手 04/26 15:29
nancyh: 感謝翻譯! 04/26 15:29
djviva: 還是在自己家翻譯來得得心應手~ 04/26 15:30
musk: 謝翻譯~~~~~~~~ 04/26 15:30
bhmok: Wade這ss級的明星竟然15s被B兩次 04/26 15:34
casman: 在林板亂翻! (笑倒 04/26 15:34
asd250: 林三分沒打板的習慣,一般也沒有人這樣投,多少猜到是運氣 04/26 15:35
asd250: 推翻譯 04/26 15:35
casman: 林今天有幾犯買得有點幸運是真的, 雖然可以判罰, 在客場幾 04/26 15:35
casman: 乎是一定買不到還可能變進犯, 明天皮繃緊一點!!! 04/26 15:36
kimikott: 大天使的氣息,不是獵人在貪婪之島的梗嗎?哈哈哈 04/26 15:36
ericf129: 大天使哈哈哈 04/26 15:41
djviva: 翻譯要信達雅咩, 但我更愛信達喜 ^^ 04/26 15:41
handlesome: 推翻譯 04/26 15:41
chensone: 看到 po文會被水桶的感覺 大笑~~~~~ 04/26 15:44
ghostxx: 這到底是什麼感覺啦XD 04/26 15:52
WengSir: 翻譯強者 有看有推 04/26 15:53
xxxfiles: 你在翻譯什麼東西啊?? 哈哈哈 推一個 04/26 15:56
waiting0801: 大天使氣息XDDD 04/26 16:00
patrickleeee: 不要亂加梗好嗎XDD 04/26 16:01
emmamal: 哈哈,有笑有推 04/26 16:02
onegaisimasu: 原文是說那是MJ季後賽某球的著名動作吧 04/26 16:03
b551122: 有種po文會被水桶的感覺 哈 推翻譯!! 04/26 16:04
zujjee: 推翻譯,翻的很有趣!! 04/26 16:08
doubleee: 推 04/26 16:08
leonardo7788: 推 04/26 16:08
gn01948540: 大天使氣息是三小XDDDDD 04/26 16:24
aabb177: 大天使的氣息XDDD 04/26 16:26
clover1524: 那球能進真的是奇蹟,感覺光推就會被桶@@ 04/26 16:28
phix: 拜託挖客眼裡也要有其他人啊 04/26 16:31
djviva: Inegais才是對的 04/26 16:32
boyd1014: 推翻譯阿~~夠爽的 04/26 16:41
EVASUKA: 推信達喜 04/26 16:45
littlehouse: 04/26 16:57
yamato21: 推翻譯合胃口 04/26 17:08
bhmok: 來林版po文先擔心就心懷鬼胎了吧 呵呵 04/26 17:17
w08152266: 推 04/26 17:20
natsuki123: 俏皮翻譯,推,辛苦了 04/26 17:25
wuling1001: 大天使的氣息和水桶是啥啦XDDDD 04/26 17:35
inschool: 推俏皮翻譯XDD 04/26 17:39
wylscott: 大天使的氣息 我走錯版了嗎XDDDDDDDDDD 04/26 17:42
catlee: d大翻譯得好棒 XDDDD 04/26 17:50
Nekki1409: 有笑有推 04/26 17:54
djviva: 看翻譯就是要開心啊,不能嚴肅的哈哈哈 04/26 17:57
QCANCER: 這翻譯怎麼了? 04/26 17:59
drgraffiti: 豪華連線這奢華的感覺~D大文采越來越好了 04/26 18:10
gold97972000: 好棒的翻譯XDDDD 感謝~~~ 04/26 18:32
turbomons: 推翻譯 04/26 18:40
Joba07: 92年冠軍賽對上拓荒者隊 Jordan 上半場就投進6顆三分球 04/26 19:04
Joba07: 投進第六顆回防時就做出那個動作 04/26 19:06
qazthlin: 在個版這樣翻很有趣 若是總版這樣翻要小心 04/26 19:16
Wall62: 原po翻得好有趣 04/26 19:23
svg1031: D大 XDD 有木有考慮回任版主一下 04/26 19:25
qazxswptt: Lin你是在玩遊戲王嗎 04/26 19:26
sodes72: 謝謝翻譯 哈! 04/26 19:38
oncelove: 優秀的翻譯推~ 04/26 21:54
tim8333: 黃蜂的毒瘤是誰? 不用說各位林迷們都曉得了! 04/26 22:09
patrickleeee: 樓上這個犯規了吧 04/26 22:10
airawesu: 黃蜂毒瘤不是樓上上嗎 04/26 22:13
djviva: 樓樓上你故意引戰哦 04/26 22:14
Peaks3000: 大家都知道毒瘤是...................糗爺 04/26 22:17
Clarkliu: 只能同意樓上了 04/26 22:24
mkl: Angels in the Outfield 是1994年的電影,中文叫魔幻大聯盟 04/26 23:12
mkl: 是說天使幫球隊進球的故事! 04/26 23:12
ashura1234: 什麼大天使的氣息XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/27 00:04
heacoun: 就是大家都做出天使的姿勢那齣嘛 我有印象 04/27 01:53
heacoun: 也有一翻叫棒球天使吧 大家一起展翅很感人 04/27 01:59
wailman: 推,翻的好促咪。 04/27 08:01
flymouse123: 翻的超好XDDDD 一整個亂有梗...讚 04/27 09:47
a260617: 翻譯好有梗XDDD 04/27 23:03
msk127: 廢到笑 趕快退一退拉 06/20 00:12