看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Jeremy Lin & Charlotte Hornets – The Realistic Take on Staying or Not 林書豪與黃蜂面前的現實, 是留? 是走? http://tinyurl.com/jzztzl2 (文青風翻譯) Yesterday was about the fantasy, wishful thinking – What would be the ideal situation for Jeremy Lin in order for him to stay a Charlotte Hornets player this offseason. Today is about reality, which most likely pulls him in another direction. 昨日一如夢幻般的綺麗, 球迷們心中的美麗遐想, 一層層的塗抹著今夏過後, 林書豪再 度披著黃蜂球衣在場上揮灑汗水的身影, 可現實卻總不如人意, 美夢也總成泡影, 前進 的方向, 竟悄悄的的在林迷們紛起紛落的期待囈語聲中, 撇頭轉了個方向 The most important thing to remember is this: The Charlotte Hornets aren’t changing themselves for Lin. There might be teams in the league willing to give him the starting point guard position, but the Hornets are not one of them. 諸君啊, 您可願記得, 那份來自黃蜂的愛, 可曾滿溢到足以為了留下林書豪去改變自己 呢? 牆裡鞦韆牆外道, 牆外書豪, 牆裡Walker笑, 我們始終不曾忘懷的那份林書豪追求 先發PG的執著, 黃蜂的愛, 卻給不起; 天若有情天亦老, 放下這季以來對這球隊點滴積 累成的愛吧, 轉身, 才有你要的未來 Steve Clifford isn’t going to get fired after a 48-win season, although we have seen something similar happen over the last few years: A head coach leading a team to their best season in a while and still get fired for underachieving. Don’t think it’s the case this time. 縱使見過許多名將們功成後的殞落, 但這並不會發生在本季拿下48勝的Clifford身上 Kemba Walker isn’t getting traded, and isn’t going to get moved. Not to the bench to become a scoring sixth man (although his playing style is perfect for it) or become a guard that plays off the ball. He’s a terrible defender and too often gets locked up in his isolation mode, but Michael Jordan wants him as the star of this team, Clifford is eager to please (or just thinks the same thing), and that’s that. If Lin stays, it’ll always be as either a backup to Walker, or his inferior partner in the backcourt. Walker仍會是首席控衛, 不會轉職第六人, 也不會改打無球, 因為他是Michael Jordan 心裡這支黃蜂隊的球星, 留下來的林只能永遠當他的替補, 或一起上場當個護法 And money. Well, the Hornets might offer Lin the $7-8 million or maybe slightly more he should be worth now once he opts out of his deal (and it’ll be insane for him to not opt out, even if his main goal is staying in Charlotte), but I’m assuming other teams will be offering just as much. The Hornets have a lot of free agents to re-sign and add to the team, not to mention think about the long term and the next contract they give Walker, although there’s some time until we get to that point. 至於年薪, 黃蜂大概就是提供個US$7~8M或更少點左右, 但其他對林書豪有興趣的可能將 會提供比US$7~8M略高的價碼, 今夏黃蜂要續簽的球員太多了, 再考慮到Walker的長期狀 況以及要給他的下一份合約, 黃蜂無法給林太多 While the playoffs move on with the Heat, Raptors, Cavaliers, Hawks, Warriors, Blazers, Spurs and Thunder, teams already on their summer vacation begin thinking about next season, and the offseason. The draft prospects they ’ll be working out. The missing pieces from their rosters and lineups. Lin could be a great fit for a number of teams. He could be a great fit for the Hornets too, but for that to happen it’ll take changes that simply aren’t going to happen. Lin might love playing in Charlotte, but it comes down to what’s the most important thing to him at this stage in his career, and in the end that’s probably going to lead him somewhere else. They’re not going to be selling a lot of these in Charlotte a few months from now. 林會適合許多球隊, 也包括黃蜂, 但續留黃蜂所得引發的遊戲情節卻不會發生, 林書豪 或許真的愛著黃蜂, 但卻不得不去優先考慮到他自己在NBA的未來, 這念想勢必引導著林 書豪走向離開黃蜂的方向 -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1462425440.A.429.html
attdave: 天若有情天亦老,蜂若有錢蜂亦簽,自古兩難全~~ 05/05 13:21
djviva: 我輸惹... 05/05 13:23
surfkevin: 黃蜂的生涯還是曾經擁有即可 05/05 13:27
zujjee: 推文青風翻譯!!!願LIN能找到適合的球隊,展翅高飛!!! 05/05 13:30
kkk22805385: 薪水不就是老闆對你能力的重視嗎 如果只想少少錢留 05/05 13:40
kkk22805385: 住 那我覺得重要性也不會比拿大約的重要 尤其是球隊 05/05 13:40
kkk22805385: 有巴頓+沃克 那Lee跟MV絕對比林好用 05/05 13:40
kkk22805385: 但是相反來說 巴頓如果沒有續約 我覺得林可以留在黃 05/05 13:41
kkk22805385: 蜂 05/05 13:41
inschool: 原來d大也是性情中人 05/05 13:44
casman: 這篇是啥啦XD 05/05 13:47
turbomons: 人在江湖 身不由己 05/05 13:51
fortemp95: 喜歡這翻譯風格 哈哈 05/05 14:01
peterwu4: 雖然才五月初,先給你們林迷打個預防針,林他不會換經紀 05/05 14:05
peterwu4: 人,而他那個經紀人太~~小牌了(講白點他根本不是個咖, 05/05 14:06
peterwu4: 在他那行裡),所以開心打球比較重要啦~~ 05/05 14:07
zujjee: 所以我們得做好心理準備,結果是留在黃蜂快樂(?)打球..... 05/05 14:08
peterwu4: 我講的他最初那一位喔,不是石佛那位(應該不過問江湖了) 05/05 14:09
Joba07: 他不是有兩個經紀人嗎? 我記得他後來有簽一家大公司的 05/05 14:10
Joba07: 而籃球以外如廣告還是給原來那個經紀人 05/05 14:10
drgraffiti: 快被dj大的翻譯笑死了 05/05 14:21
djviva: 前幾天在總版差點被打成林酸.... 05/05 14:28
cadie: 有時候要氣氛好快樂打球 就得犠牲沒球權或ALWAYS一輪遊 05/05 14:29
cadie: 聯盟裡就是這樣的..有人要錢 有人要冠軍 有人要快樂 05/05 14:30
phix: 簽1+1就是要烙跑啊 05/05 14:36
nancyh: 上場發揮的時間不夠多真能一直快樂嗎? 除非就此安逸或養老 05/05 14:39
xsummerx: 這翻譯太op 05/05 14:45
ChrisPaul03: 同樣遇到Rich老兄 Lin不如去和Rich Paul談談心 05/05 14:48
nsmmsn: !? 05/05 14:50
emmamal: 1.黃蜂GM 2.小皇帝的經紀人 05/05 14:58
Gilbertsky: M型化的薪資結構下 我完全不看好黃蜂會給林超過6M 05/05 15:25
natsuki123: 可俏皮可文青,d大太有才啦!!!!感謝翻譯 05/05 15:25
Gilbertsky: 覺得反而是其他隊給個7~8M 並且承諾先發的可能更大些 05/05 15:26
Joba07: 6M不是大問題 重點是球權永遠排在Walker 和 Batum 之後 05/05 15:28
patrickleeee: 你是林酸阿(指) 05/05 15:28
donnylee: 推文青...程度真高 05/05 15:32
jcchiou: 這是中翻英嗎? 05/05 15:35
kerrygabriel: $7~8M或更少點左右,應該是或稍微高點 05/05 15:39
kerrygabriel: Slightly more 05/05 15:39
JYTM: 二三段翻的真好 05/05 17:13
christine51: 推文青風翻譯!謝謝D大!下次要不要挑戰痞痞風? 05/05 17:24
djviva: 都當爸爸了不可以那麼痞的 >"< 05/05 17:36
wuling1001: 真是黯然銷魂翻~ 太黯然~ 太銷魂惹 05/05 17:57
ken720331: 大推 05/05 18:36
onegaisimasu: XD 05/05 19:17
lwu24: 文言文,直接End XDDDDD 05/05 19:54
JerrySloan: 趁著小孩還沒長大 趕快痞一下 05/05 20:04
peruman: 一樓 好詩好詩 XDDDDD 05/05 20:42
sodes72: 推XD 05/05 22:45
SaChiA5566: 好濕阿 好濕 05/06 04:01
littlehouse: 這翻譯XDD 05/06 09:33
handsomecat3: 看完第一段翻譯 嚇到 05/06 10:07
p800917: 哈哈哈~這翻譯太op了 05/06 13:08
stja: XD 05/08 13:36
chi12345678: 什麼文青風XDDDD 05/09 22:51
msk127: 廢到笑 趕快退一退拉 06/20 00:14