看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Jeremy Lin, Central Division: Cavaliers, Bulls, Bucks, Pacers & Pistons as Potential Landing Spots http://tinyurl.com/j6mzvob Posted on 5 May, 2016, by Greg in NBA Sportige.com的記者Greg一直以來都會站在Lin的角度寫文章, 他目前已經放上四篇Lin下一季會去哪一隊的淺評分析: http://sportige.com/?s=Jeremy+Lin++Division%3A 包括東區三組與西南組,這篇翻譯中央組的內容. IF Jeremy Lin leaves the Charlotte Hornets, where will he end up? Today we' ll take a look at the teams of the Central division: Cleveland Cavaliers, Indiana Pacers, Detroit Pistons, Chicago Bulls & Milwaukee Bucks, to see his fit there, and the likelihood of him signing. 如果Lin離開黃蜂,他會去哪? 今天我們來探討中央組五隊: 騎士/溜馬/活塞/公牛/公鹿簽約他的可能性. Lin, on paper, is still locked up for one more year, making $2.3 million, with the Hornets. But it just wouldn’t make sense for him to not opt out. Even if he’s planning on staying with the Hornets, there has to be more money coming his way. Lin目前在帳面上是黃蜂合約尚有一年2.3M. 但我們也不能把握說他不會跳出合約, 就算他想留在黃蜂,黃蜂理應付出更多來留下Lin. So how do the Cavs look from a Lin perspective? Not good. There's one thing to keep in mind about Cleveland: If LeBron James opts out of his deal, than it's complete chaos and no one knows what it's going to look like. But assuming James stays, it means there's James and Kyrie Irving. That leaves very little opportunity for someone else to handle the ball, which means Lin, assuming he's looking for more time of playing as the ball handler, isn't going to end up there. Matthew Dellavedova, for example, averaged 24.6 minutes per game last season as the backup point guard, getting to start 14 times due to Irving's injury. 首先設身處地以Lin的角度來看騎士隊,不好.我們要記住很重要的一件事: 如果LeBron James跳出合約,騎士隊的薪資空間將會出現很大的混亂期, 縱使James不跳出合約,這球隊由James與Irving以外的人處理球依舊變得不太可能, 表示Lin想要擔任持球者的工作的話是不太具備機會的. 可參考本季騎士替補控衛Dellavedova, 在Irving傷退14場擔任先發控衛的情況下,場均時間24.6分鐘. On to the Pacers, which make a very interesting option. Rumors suggest Frank Vogel is going to get fired because Larry Bird wants a head coach who knows a little bit more about squeezing something out of the offense. Whether that's true or not, I'm not sure Vogel could have done more than 40'ish wins and a playoff spot with the roster he has. And one position they need an upgrade in is point guard. George Hill is a good player, but too often hides from being the assertive ball handler the Pacers need. Paul George isn't the star who grabs every possession for himself and Lin, who might bring in something a little bit different to the team, could make a very interesting fit there. It is worth remembering that Monta Ellis and Rodney Stuckey are on this team too, which means the backcourt is crowded. Lin would be an upgrade for them, but if he does go there, he'll need to see some players departing to make room. 至於溜馬是個非常有趣的選項,乳摸傳說總教練Frank Vogel被炒魷魚, 是因為Larry Bird想要一個更懂得變化出更多新進攻戰術的教練; 不管是否屬實,我不確定Vogel可以靠著這群球員, 拿到比40幾勝以上踏入季後賽更棒的成績了. 另外一個因素是他們需要更好的控球後衛, George Hill是個好球員,但需要他跳出來支配球的時候他經常隱身, Paul George不是那種會一直霸球的明星球員, 如果他和Lin配合起來,應該能帶來一些不同的火花,是蠻有趣的組合. 當然隊上還有Monta Ellis, Rodney Stuckey,這使得他們的後場滿員, Lin可以給溜馬更多效益,但如果他要去那,溜馬必須讓某些球員離開才行. The Pistons? Not for him. I don't see Lin pairing up with Reggie Jackson and it being different than what happened in Charlotte this season. Jackson loves the ball in his hands, Stan Van Gundy isn't looking for a player like Lin, at least not for his lineup, and while Lin could bring the Pistons something special to their bench, he's not going to be a meaningful player there. 那麼活塞呢? 絕對不適合Lin. 我不覺得Lin可以和Reggie Jackson像和Kemba Walker那般合作, Jackson需要球在他手上運轉,大Van Gundy也沒有想找像Lin這種類型球員的意願, 就算不是為了他的先發陣容,在替補陣容中,Lin在活塞基本上是沒有特別的存在意義的. The Chicago Bulls was a team I thought would go after Lin last season, and rumors suggested there were talks but nothing actually materialized. They kept Aaron Brooks as their backup point guard, playing him 16.1 minutes a night. Derrick Rose played something close to a full season for the first time since 2010-2011, but his coexistence with Jimmy Butler was part of what held the Bulls back. We’re going to see changes in Chicago, who need someone like Lin in their backcourt, but whether it's good for the team or not, I don't see anyone benching Rose for Lin, even if it makes more sense in Fred Hoiberg's offensive system. There’s also Butler to take into account, who loves having the ball in his hands a little bit too much, and tends to slow down the game, which is exactly the opposite of what the Bulls wanted to happen last season. 上季公牛曾經是我認為會找Lin的球隊,乳摸有傳但卻什麼也沒發生, 他們留下Aaron Brooks做為他們場均16.1分鐘的替補控衛. Rose本季出場幾乎接近2010-11球季般的全勤, 但他和Butler兩人的後場球權問題,不管這對公牛的化學效應是正向還是負向, 目前還看不到公牛會為了Lin把Rose放替補的可能性, 就算這符合總教頭Hoiberg的進攻哲學. Butler也因為球權的增加變得愛一球在手,並且讓球隊整體的節奏慢了下來, 這夏季我們必定會看到公牛會做出改變. And we finish with the Milwaukee Bucks. The Bucks played for most of this season trying to use players who aren’t point guards as ball handlers. But then they realized Giannis Antetokounmpo, a 6'11 forward with arms longer than the Mississippi river, can be their ball handler. He had a 24-game stretch late in the season (late February until April 10) averaging 19.1 points, 7.8 rebounds and 8.3 assists per game. Now, this offense could use another player who can do something with the ball, which the Bucks have decided Michael Carter-Williams can’t do. Is Lin on their radar? I think he could do very well in Milwaukee, but perhaps the Bucks don't want anyone else getting in the way of Giannis' dominance with the ball. 最後談到公鹿隊,他們這一季都在嘗試不讓控球後衛掌握球權, 終於找到了雙臂可比密西西比河還要長的6呎11吋前鋒Giannis Antetokounmpo, 做為他們的控球前鋒,他在賽季末24場比賽中(2月下旬至4月10日), 場均19.1分,7.8板和8.3助攻. 目前公鹿這套系統運作得還有個樣子, 他們已經決定不讓MCW來處理球了,Lin會是他們的解答嗎? 我認為Lin能在公鹿隊做得非常出色, 但看起來公鹿隊並不想改變由Antetokounmpo主導球的進攻方式. [結論] 騎士: 有LBJ與Irving免談 溜馬: 除非溜馬大幅改變其後場陣容,加上總教練未明 活塞: 不可能 公牛: 先解決新舊少主之間的問題吧 公鹿: 看起來公鹿打定主義用希臘字母哥當控球前鋒了 -- 當我們還在擔心小少將會不會帶壞小玉的時候,勿忘雜賀孫市每回定番帶壞小玉的實力! 小玉「原來我和他(男自創子)是《晡巡長*》的交情啊。」(*= 不尋常) 孫市「唉呀唉呀大小姐真是熱情,我也該找找我的真愛啦。」(閃人) http://i.imgur.com/bFCZOq5.jpg 《戰國無雙4.タダナラヌ~♪期間宣傳簽名檔》
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1463388270.A.C38.html
jaywang4: 漆原大,原來你也有翻啊 05/16 16:49
flow1978: 謝翻譯 05/16 16:58
jaywang4: 其他三篇在巴哈有翻 05/16 16:59
surfkevin: 這篇看起來就是五隊都不可能 05/16 17:00
Joba07: 溜馬那個新教練..... 我看還是算了吧 05/16 17:04
bhmok: 哇咧 樂透可以改選項嗎 05/16 17:04
UsungKU: 講完就是都不可能 05/16 17:07
wailman: 謝謝翻譯跟J大資訊~剛特地跑去巴哈看一下~ 05/16 17:07
ZhouGongJin: 真希望Kid考慮Lin 05/16 17:07
odiar: 溜馬新教練不是已經訂下來了?溜馬迷在哀號 05/16 17:18
HunterD: 結論:通通不可能! 05/16 17:27
ninaman: 這五隊本來就不可能 雖說公牛傳最兇 但公牛現在更大的問 05/16 17:36
ninaman: 題是找巨頭和JB配 05/16 17:36
sean0702: 推,漆原大 05/16 17:53
ken720331: 大推 辛苦了 兩邊都翻 05/16 17:57
june0204: Butler也因為球權的增加變得愛一球在手 05/16 18:03
june0204: 公牛感覺又是個SG坑 05/16 18:04
azure0920: George Hill那小段翻譯錯了,應該是 "某些時候需要Hill 05/16 19:28
azure0920: 勇於持球表現, 但他沒有挺身而出" 05/16 19:28
Peaks3000: 突看標題 還以為乳摸快破20隊了!!!! XDDDDD 05/16 20:27
※ 編輯: Landius (, 05/16/2016 21:11:25
phix: 看來都沒希望 05/17 09:15
ChrisPaul03: 我看標題還以為 林書豪要組隊 而且一次組五隊 05/17 09:16
msk127: 廢到笑 趕快退一退拉 06/20 00:15