看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Nets coach Kenny Atkinson once wondered about PG Jeremy Lin: 'Is this kid any good?' http://tinyurl.com/hcjh3rk by ESPN 籃網新總教練阿金, 從前也曾懷疑過林書豪, 想說:"這孩子有什麼長處嗎??" The New York Knicks were on the road at some point during the 2011-12 season and, as Kenny Atkinson remembers it, a fringe NBA player named Jeremy Lin was getting torched during a 3-on-3 practice game ... by another assistant coach. 2011-12球季某次尼克前往客場比賽的時候, 阿金回憶到, 一個叫做林書豪沒什麼人認得 的NBA球員, 在三對三的練習中被另一個助理教練打爆了 “And I’m thinking to myself, ‘Is this kid any good?’” Atkinson said he wondered then. 阿金那時候狐疑的自問:"這孩子有什麼長處嗎?" This, of course, was before “Linsanity,” before the undrafted point guard out of Harvard captivated the world with a stretch of stunningly dominant play later that same season. 當然, 這發生在"Linsanity"之前, 在這位選秀落榜&哈佛畢業的控衛用一連串極具統治力 的表現震驚這世界之前 The Knicks had claimed Lin off waivers in late December 2011; Atkinson was New York’s player-development assistant at the time, assigned to work with the team’s end-of-the-bench guys. 尼克在2011年12月下旬找來了剛被揮棄的林書豪, 那時阿金是尼克的球員發展助教, 被指 派去訓練球隊裡位處板凳深處末梢的球員們 “He was kind of an afterthought,” Atkinson said of Lin. “He was part of the group that didn’t play, and I was working with that group on a daily basis.” 阿金說:"林書豪那時是屬於次要球員, 他那時處於沒能獲得上場時間的小團體, 而我就是 負責每天都去訓練培養這種球員的人" Because they weren’t getting any in-game minutes, Atkinson pushed Lin and his other teammates who were out of the rotation hard during practices, putting them through rigorous drills, 1-on-1s and 3-on-3s that often included Atkinson himself. 因為這群球員沒能獲得任何上場時間, 阿金就讓林跟這群組的其他人接受他嚴厲的訓練, 讓他們一對一, 三對三的打, 往往阿金自己也會下場一起練習 Atkinson and Lin bonded in the gym, arriving early and leaving late. 在這體育館裡, 阿金和林書豪建立起了關係, 他們總是早早就到, 卻很晚才離開 “I mean, this guy wakes up at 6 a.m. every morning,” Lin said of Atkinson, according to the New York Post. “I’ll text after a game at midnight, 1 o’ clock when I go home, and I’ll say, ‘Hey, can I look at those turnovers? Can I look at the upcoming team? How they run pick-and-rolls?’ And he’ll have the film ready when I walk into the facility the next morning.” 林書豪回憶到:"阿金每天都是早上六點就起床了, 我往往在深夜回到家後發訊息給他, 問 他說能不能讓我看看我那些失誤? 可以讓我看看下一次對戰球隊嗎? 可以讓我看看他們怎 樣打檔拆的嗎? 然後隔天早上當我再走進體育館時, 就會發現阿金都把這些準備好了" Said Atkinson: “I think it was just the trust that I was going to be that guy that was going to be with him every day -- even if he was probably going to get cut and go back to the D-League and might be out of the league. 阿金對此說到:"這就是我想在他心中建立起的信賴感, 即使他那時看來很可能再被裁掉然 後回到發展聯盟繼續努力, 或是再也無法回到NBA" “But one thing about him was he just kept at it.” "但他就只是單純的持續努力" Atkinson gives Knicks coach Mike D’Antoni credit for always believing in Lin and having an affinity for him as a player, “but I think people would be lying to you if they said this was a guy that was about to explode.” 阿金對於D'Antoni總是信任林書豪給予肯定, 他說:"但我想當有人跟你說""嘿你知道嗎? 這小子要大爆發了喔""時, 往往都是謊言" Exactly. 真心不騙 No one saw this explosion coming, not even the Knicks themselves. They were on the verge of releasing Lin before he busted out in a big way, taking over New York City and becoming the toast of the town in the process. 沒人事先看出林書豪的爆發, 尼克自己也是, 那時尼克幾乎就要放掉林了, 林書豪卻用最 狂暴的姿態掀起了這場林來瘋, 征服了整個紐約並成為舉世焦點 “When he hit the [winning 3-point] shot in Toronto, it gave me chills,” Atkinson said. “It was like when you see a great Broadway show or a great symphony. Those are moments where you get emotional. It wasn’t just, ‘Wow, we won!’ To see that kid and what he went through and see that this was actually possible, it wasn’t just a happy moment. It was an emotional moment. 阿金說:"當林書豪在多倫多砍進那顆致勝三分球時, 我全身都為之顫慄起來了, 就像是妳 去看一場激彩的百老匯秀或是交響樂一樣, 他帶來的那些精彩片段總能帶起觀看者的情緒 , 而不只是讓球迷們大喊"喔耶我們贏了, 走! 去吃雞排", 去看林的比賽看他努力突破過 的種種, 然後看到林書豪把這些努力都變成真實, 這不僅僅是令人開心的時刻, 而是讓人 情緒為之狂熱啊" After the season, however, Atkinson and Lin both left New York. Atkinson became an assistant in Atlanta, while Lin signed with Houston before moving on to the Los Angeles Lakers and, later, the Charlotte Hornets. 但那季結束後, 阿金與林雙雙離開了紐約, 阿金成了老鷹的助教, 林到了火箭然後輾轉再 去了湖人跟黃蜂 They kept in touch, but obviously weren’t as close as they had been. And being competitors changed their old player-coach relationship. For example, Lin asked Atkinson on multiple occasions to break down his game and see how he could improve, but Atkinson had to apologetically decline. 他們仍維持著聯繫, 但顯然的沒像當初在尼克時那樣親密; 不再是同一隊的戰友後以前的 那些殷殷教導也隨之消失, 像是林書豪曾請教過阿金一些問題, 該如何突破當時的一些困 境, 但阿金只能抱歉的保持沉默 “It was hard because I saw things in his game -- his turnovers, being a more efficient player, and stuff I saw defensively,” Atkinson said. “One game I saw him overtraining before pregame. In my mind I was like, ‘What are you doing?’ But we played them that night, and I thought it could help us. 阿金說:"他那些提問對我來說很難去回應, 因為在他的比賽中我看到了他的失誤, 他努力 去做個更有效率的球員, 以及他在防守上的表現; 有一場比賽我看到他在賽前過度練習, 我心想他在幹嘛呀?, 但那晚是我們彼此球隊互戰, 而我認為這對我的球隊有幫助" “And that was tough because I love the guy, but he became the competition, and I felt like for the team I was with, that’s how I had to approach it.” "這樣真的對我來說很艱難, 因為我喜愛林書豪這個人, 但他卻是敵對方, 我只能做對我 所屬球隊好的事情, 人在江湖啊~" Atkinson and Lin are far past Linsanity now, reunited with the Brooklyn Nets, this time as first-year head coach and unequivocal No. 1 point guard/team leader. Atkinson was at the forefront of Brooklyn’s recruiting pitch to land its top free-agent target, and Lin ultimately signed a three-year, $36 million contract to join the Nets. 林來瘋過後阿金與林漸行漸遠, 如今卻在籃網再度聚首; 從前的助教與板凳控衛, 如今已 變成菜鳥總教練跟籃網頭號控衛兼球隊領袖, 阿金今夏身處籃網引援自由球員戰線的最前 線, 水到渠成的林書豪就以3Y/$36M加盟籃網 “I think he’s an improved player,” Atkinson said of Lin. “I think all the experiences he had to go through with Houston and L.A. -- all the struggles -- were important for his development. And then to be with Cliff [Hornets head coach Steve Clifford], where he did a really good job and stepped up his game defensively and turned the ball over less -- I thought Charlotte was great for him and helped convince me even more that he was ready to assume a larger role. His performance in the playoffs was pretty good, and you could tell when it counted Cliff was counting on him, and that was important to me. In a vacuum, Linsanity wasn’t enough to say we wanted to bring him here.” 阿金說:"我認為林書豪比從前更好了, 之前在火箭湖人所有經歷過的事, 承受過的煎熬, 都成為他成長茁壯的養分, 之後去了黃蜂在Clifford麾下林書豪也表現得很好, 防守更精 進, 失誤也變少了, 我覺得在黃蜂的日子幫助林書豪很多, 也讓我對他去肩負更大角色的 想法更有信心. 他在季後賽的表現著實可圈可點, 而當Clifford需要去倚靠林時, 大家也 能看到林書豪的表現, 這些對我來說相當重要, 大家自己人跟你講白的, 只有林來瘋是不 足以讓我們把林書豪帶過來籃網的了" Atkinson envisions Lin playing alongside Greivis Vasquez and Randy Foye and being able to potentially replicate the success he had playing alongside Hornets guard Kemba Walker. Atkinson also envisions Lin, who thrives in pick-and-roll situations, playing off the ball more than he did in D’Antoni’ s offense. 阿金想像著林書豪跟Vasquez以及Foye一起上場的畫面, 覺得應該能像上季他跟Kemba搭配 那樣的成功, 他同時預期擅長打檔拆的林書豪進攻時可以比當年林來瘋時打更多空手跑位 “Mike D’s offense is more point-guard-centric,” Atkinson said. “It’s the Steve Nash model. But this will be a little bit more Atlanta-San Antonio style, a little bit more touches from other guys.” 阿金說:"D'Antoni的進攻更以控衛為中心, 這是Steve Nash風格, 但新球季我的進攻會更 像是揉合了老鷹跟馬刺的特點, 更強調從隊友端接到球做進攻" The Nets are in rebuilding mode, but they’re hoping Lin, who has had an up-and-down career, can regain the dominance he showed during Linsanity, with his former assistant coach in New York -- the one he still loves making fun of and joking around with -- by his side. 籃網雖處在重建階段, 但仍希望林書豪搭配阿金可以重拾林來瘋時的統治力 “I’ve been saying it was just a matter of time for him because I know how good he is, I know how much he was there for me in New York,” Lin told the New York Times upon Atkinson’s hiring in Brooklyn. “When you’re around him, you kind of understand there’s something different about him -- his energy, his passion, the juice he approaches his work with. He doesn’t leave any stone unturned.” 林書豪說:"我總說成為總教練對阿金來說只是時間問題, 因為我清楚他有多好, 只要你有 機會跟他共事就會知道他跟其他教練的不同, 他的能量, 他的熱情, 他在努力工作時投注 的心力, 他總是千方百計的把工作做到最好" PS. leave no stone unturned = 竭盡心力 or 千方百計 -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1469170395.A.E04.html
cypress626: 推 謝謝翻譯 07/22 14:57
zakijudelo: 感謝翻譯,很高興他們又在一起了>///< 07/22 15:00
WordMar: 感謝翻譯 07/22 15:02
djviva: 看來真的阿金對林來瘋的貢獻比較大, 不是蛋東尼 07/22 15:02
sean0702: 謝謝翻譯,讚。 07/22 15:05
eileen86: 大推d大~~>< 07/22 15:09
YTOM: 謝謝 07/22 15:12
mayasoo: 這篇洋蔥有點多 07/22 15:19
djviva: 這篇字最多, 翻到我快抓狂..... 07/22 15:23
boyd1014: 謝謝翻譯,緣份真的很奇妙,上帝有在做工。 07/22 15:23
littlehouse: 希望Lin來原因,毋寧說是林來瘋,不如說是黃蜂季後賽 07/22 15:26
littlehouse: 好表現...這樣似乎比較符合語意?! 總之,感謝D大翻譯 07/22 15:26
bonnysu: 感謝翻譯 07/22 15:27
Prometheus87: 辛苦d大了,感謝翻譯!是說還要等兩個多月真難熬 07/22 15:27
eileen86: 教練說 如果只是林來瘋已不足以成為他找林當主控的原因 07/22 15:28
eileen86: 是因為這幾年加上黃蜂時的好表現 尤其是季後賽的爆發 07/22 15:29
O10lOl01O: 大概到九月中左右就不會難熬了 因為那時候MLB正要進入 07/22 15:32
O10lOl01O: 季後賽 然後就一路打到開季了 10月也有熱身賽可以止渴 07/22 15:33
davidlhs: 最好有吃雞排啦 XD 不過翻的很到位,感謝 07/22 15:35
davidlhs: LInsanity是段極其瘋狂的,但真的回過頭來看,當時林 07/22 15:38
davidlhs: 技巧還不夠全面,很容易犯錯,後來的磨練,真的是很好 07/22 15:38
davidlhs: 的養分,很期待新球季蹦出精彩的火花(好的方面) 07/22 15:40
b551122: 感謝翻譯 期待新球季 07/22 15:40
henrylinsj: 推 07/22 15:41
bonnysu: 第一段似乎應翻成 一個叫做林書豪沒什麼人認得的NBA球員 07/22 15:47
bonnysu: 在一個三對三的訓練中被另一個助教打爆(慘電)了 07/22 15:47
唉呀呀是我翻錯了, 感謝喔 ^^
donnylee: 推這句:大家自己人跟你講白的… 07/22 15:50
JBGPOIU: 淚推 07/22 16:01
zakijudelo: 好奇LIN是被誰打爆了 07/22 16:31
finocoundown: 推 07/22 16:34
AxelGod: 推 希望籃網大家能磨合好,比賽內容重要 輸贏其次 07/22 16:39
chiminglin: 感謝翻譯 07/22 16:39
ILLwill: 邏輯上來看,他已經比林來瘋時期好得多了 07/22 16:43
minishrike: 這篇酷,譯得好 07/22 16:46
soulfully: 所以Vasquez以及Foye打先發嗎 07/22 16:51
tactics2100: 以前是香腸 現在台灣人吃雞排長大的 07/22 16:52
emmamal: 偷渡雞排XD,感謝d大風趣的翻譯 07/22 17:00
turbomons: 感謝翻譯 07/22 17:08
http://tinyurl.com/jq4kd8p 重溫一下林來瘋吧!! Game by Game!! ※ 編輯: djviva (, 07/22/2016 17:13:50
neos042: 菜鳥時期因為心理壓力,即便只是練習賽,表現不好都蠻合 07/22 17:20
neos042: 理的~ 07/22 17:20
ocean921: 謝謝你翻譯 07/22 17:32
cary871015: 謝謝翻譯 07/22 17:44
kevin0733: break down his game 是請他幫忙分析比賽 不是突破 07/22 17:53
qazxswptt: 這沒什麼好比的 蛋東尼一直挺他也是夠仁義了 這幾年 07/22 18:26
qazxswptt: 下來這種人還真的不多.. 07/22 18:26
djviva: Thanks Kevin, 我是把break down跟improve連在一起翻譯, 07/22 18:43
djviva: 分析 之後該如何改善,所以我翻該如何突破困境 07/22 18:43
BadGame: 看了這篇之後 就是林自己的機會了 打出來 其他人才會閉嘴 07/22 18:47
casman: 推翻譯!!!!! 師徒感情和默契真的極佳啊 07/22 19:07
windtalker22: 推 07/22 19:20
sodes72: 感謝翻譯~沒想到那時的林被助教打爆。。。囧rz 07/22 19:38
Hildebrandt: d大請我幫忙修正:1. he was kind of an afterthought 07/22 19:42
Hildebrandt: 那句是指林當時只是教練心中的備胎,畢竟他只是板凳 07/22 19:42
Hildebrandt: 中的板凳。 07/22 19:42
Hildebrandt: 2. 阿金教練把功勞歸給丹東尼,因為他總是信任林,與 07/22 19:45
Hildebrandt: 林保持一種很緊密的執教關係。(而非阿金助教當年很信 07/22 19:45
Hildebrandt: 賴林大力推薦林……總之,阿金並沒有把林來瘋的功勞 07/22 19:45
Hildebrandt: 攬在自己身上) 07/22 19:45
dalinman: 推多倫多哪顆三分 我也是看到雞皮疙瘩阿 07/22 20:04
yachuyachu33: 謝謝翻譯 07/22 20:34
※ 編輯: djviva (, 07/22/2016 20:42:35
djviva: 謝謝Hildebrandt幫忙指正錯誤 07/22 20:43
Prometheus87: 對暴龍那顆逆轉三分絕殺真的像神蹟一般! 07/22 21:08
wandyptt: ^7^ 07/22 21:13
bhmok: 各位觀眾 經過幾年打怪鍛鍊 正戲就要上場啦 07/22 21:32
bhmok: It was hard because I saw things in his game 07/22 21:34
bhmok: 這比較像看到比賽中的失誤 阿金心理苦 阿金不能說QQ 07/22 21:35
sillywhoever: 真是超級令人感動的在一起~~>"<~ 07/22 21:54
eileen86: 明明就典型的~~~~舊愛還是最美~~~~ 07/22 21:56
qazxswptt: Lin這幾年也不是白玩的 缺點方面修正不少 以全面性來說 07/22 22:18
qazxswptt: 更上一層 希望下一季能開花結果 07/22 22:19
Peaks3000: 看的~我起雞皮疙瘩 07/22 22:22
ghostxx: 感謝翻譯 希望林能保持健康 07/22 22:55
kuloda: 兩個教練都跟Lin有不同的緊密跟師徒關係,都是很棒的貴人 07/22 23:20
spitzzz: 談到與Vasquez和Foye同場;與複製Kemba搭配的成功這段話 07/22 23:29
lostt: 對暴龍是平手下絕殺,剛剛又去回味確認了一下 07/22 23:44
spitzzz: 讓人陡起疑竇啊...... 07/22 23:44
lostt: 當年看暴龍那場時,其實我覺得林沒算打很好,在前幾場 07/22 23:47
lostt: 林檔拆打得讓人驚豔,而暴龍這場則看到到Calderon屢屢擋拆 07/22 23:49
lostt: 三分兩分跳投得手 07/22 23:51
lostt: 看得很心驚膽跳 07/22 23:52
lostt: 最後真的是英雄命 07/22 23:54
O10lOl01O: 暴龍那個絕殺真的能說嘴一輩子 07/23 00:07
seto: 九月是MLB季後賽...可是有NFL與College Football啊....都好 07/23 00:14
seto: 想看!!! 07/23 00:14
patrickleeee: 樓上SETO大 07/23 00:27
Prometheus87: 打暴龍是平手絕殺?可能原本是被壓著打所以搞錯了 07/23 00:29
patrickleeee: 先是輸三分 然後林投球假動作 切進去上籃 打了2+1 07/23 00:31
patrickleeee: 追成平手 後來最後一波 先給香波切入跳投沒進 拳王 07/23 00:31
patrickleeee: 籃板抓到丟出來給林 決定打最後一波拖點時間 看教練 07/23 00:32
patrickleeee: 確定讓林決定戰術 不暫停讓對方佈防 林運球接近卡蝶 07/23 00:33
patrickleeee: 龍 最後卡蝶龍怕林切入守的比較遠 林就在三分線起跳 07/23 00:34
patrickleeee: 球進還剩0.5秒 全場爆炸 07/23 00:34
Peaks3000: 那個爆炸..根本是主場 XDDDD 阿金師的表情...一臉呆滯 07/23 00:37
eileen86: http://i.imgur.com/4uT9FUp.jpg 決殺後阿金在那看著林 07/23 00:52
eileen86: http://youtu.be/O4XWINDldrU 林來瘋對Nets 4:45有阿金 07/23 00:59
eileen86: 的訪問 07/23 00:59
eileen86: Highlights 前面場邊也有拍到林與阿金互動 07/23 01:00
fairysan: 看到E大說的那個訪問我整個雞皮疙瘩都起來了,明明這影片 07/23 01:45
fairysan: 我已經看過N次了...緣份真是太奇妙了 07/23 01:45
jlu: 現在再回去看尼克林,那時技巧真的差現在很多! 07/23 01:49
qazxswptt: 現在技巧比當時更多 所以當時Lin遇到鐵桶隊還是會被封 07/23 01:59
kevinmonkey: https://youtu.be/Hc7Rdl0TeHo 50秒這個跟林練球 07/23 02:53
kevinmonkey: 的是阿金吧 07/23 02:53
davidlhs: 樓上那影片, 1:20左右好像也是他 07/23 03:04
Zorro0101: 感謝翻譯,看了好感動,很期待新球季的火花^_^ 07/23 07:30
bonnysu: 樓樓上d大 那不是阿金 是師公=投籃教練Doc Scheppler 07/23 08:54
davidlhs: 原來是這樣,感謝說明 07/23 09:36
soulfully: 阿金教練有說是要打老鷹和馬刺的團隊戰術,強調球的流 07/23 11:01
soulfully: 動,以及接球後的出手。所以林的打法應該不會像尼克時 07/23 11:02
soulfully: 期那樣,期待林來瘋對他們確實不公平,但相信在老鷹及 07/23 11:02
soulfully: 馬刺的團隊戰術下,林只要有穩定的上場時間以及教練的 07/23 11:02
soulfully: 信任,數據也會不錯的 07/23 11:02
eileen86: 這樣減少受傷風險也好 07/23 11:32
kuloda: 打老鷹跟馬刺打法比較多樣化,Lin不容易被針對防守,黃 07/23 11:53
kuloda: 蜂也常這樣打 07/23 11:53
kuloda: 這幾年來,Lin增加了空切、C&S等等技能,更能多方面的提 07/23 11:54
kuloda: 供貢獻 07/23 11:54
july713c: 推 07/23 12:07
kuloda: 就像當初Kerr接勇士時也說要用馬刺打法,但並不會造成Cu 07/23 12:07
kuloda: rry或KT的表現空間有所限縮 07/23 12:07
wylscott: 也好 球全部從林開始發動 不但很累也很容易被針對就停擺 07/23 12:32
wylscott: 戰術本來就是有效的話 愈多元愈好 07/23 12:33
BBgun: 推! 07/23 12:54
darkfeather: 現在比較擔心的是3pt%,外圍威脅不夠的話..... 07/23 14:20
davidlhs: 3pt有當然最好,但就算沒特別優秀,戰術有跑起來,應不 07/23 14:36
davidlhs: 會有太大問題,以前爵士的雙人組合,雖然籃網的天賦目前 07/23 14:37
davidlhs: 沒這麼高,但有戰術,應該是可以的 07/23 14:37
jerry761031: 推翻譯 07/23 14:51
kuloda: 3分只要不是太不準,你站在那邊人家也不會不貼上去啦 07/23 15:16
djviva: 林為首的戰術跑的開的話,大家的三分會更準,因為多了很多 07/23 15:51
djviva: open shots 07/23 15:51
yamato21: 感謝推 07/23 17:38
nsmmsn: ! 07/24 04:49
attdave: 走吧,我們去吃雞排 07/24 08:16
jt: 感謝翻譯 MDA和阿金都是對林很重要的貴人 07/24 11:56
mono1023: 推 希望至少有穩定的catch n shot 07/24 16:22
wuling1001: 感謝翻譯~ 很期待! 07/24 18:27
kuma660224: MDA體系才是造成林來瘋的主要原因。Atkinson只是從旁 07/25 02:27
kuma660224: 協助 07/25 02:27
kuma660224: 所以它不會去爭這功勞,甚至MDA也不敢。 07/25 02:28
kuma660224: 因為他也看不出能如此成功,是他堅持的體系 07/25 02:28
kuma660224: 意外造成林的爆發。實在太契合。 07/25 02:28
kuma660224: 當然那不是長久之道,Nash只有一個,無法複製 07/25 02:29
kuma660224: 林的能力經驗也還沒有到Nash的MVP水準 07/25 02:30
kuma660224: 所以更強調球的傳導,少一點控衛中心,比較 07/25 02:32
kuma660224: 不怕針對性防守,能走的遠一點久一點 07/25 02:32
raune: 感謝翻譯 07/25 14:28
allright22: 翻的很號深入其境 07/26 02:37
drgraffiti: 推翻譯阿~~~~~~ 07/27 20:21