看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[兩則外電] Jeremy Lin fan helps him make money off Brooklyn move 林書豪跟布魯克林簽約後, 林粉幫他賺錢 http://tinyurl.com/hdm4xxr A quick-thinking Jeremy Lin fan filed for the trademark “Brook-Lin” on July 1, following Lin’s signing with the Nets, and subsequently transferred it to Lin, according to NetsDaily. The pending application on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s website says the term “Brook-Lin” is to be used commercially for hooded sweatshirts, jerseys and T-shirts, among other items. 一位頭腦動得快的林粉在7/1林書豪跟籃網簽約當日, 就馬上去註冊了"Brook-Lin"商標, 然後旋即轉送給林書豪, 美國專利商標局網站顯示, 這"Brook-Lin"的商標將會用於商業 性的汗衫 & 球衣 & T-Shirt上面 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeremy Lin opens up to J. J. Redick about basketball, life and Kenny Atkinson 林書豪開誠布公的和J.J.Redick聊籃球 & 生活 & 阿金 http://tinyurl.com/j7h6llo 周三林書豪上Woj的The Vertical訪談節目, 跟Redick一起天南地北的聊, 聊他的信仰聊 他的髮型, 更重要的, 聊到沒有阿金就沒有來跟籃網的決定, No Atkinson, No Nets. "If there had been no Kenny there, I would not have come even close to considering joining [the Nets] That relationship is one of my more special relationships that I have developed. I don't know, there's something about going through the trenches together. Something about when I wasn't playing and when he wasn't even sitting [on the front bench.] So we were really in tough positions in our career. And we just kept at it "And then, I heard the vision that Sean Marks had and I felt like, for me, I wanted to see what I could do as a starter and what I could do with a bigger roles and they were giving me that opportunity. So it felt like it was a good choice for me." 如果這裡沒有阿金我當時甚至不會考慮到來籃網, 因為這段關係對我來說是極其特別的, 之後我聽到了Sean Marks對我有興趣, 我就想來試試看成為先發PG我能做出什麼成績, 承 擔更大的角色後我又能做到什麼, 接著水到渠成兩廂歡喜, 天作之合啊~~ "It's more if I like the city and I like New York. But I'm going to be out in Brooklyn more, where it's a lot more chill. I'm not sure I'm like a total city guy, like a Manhattan guy, a busy, busy city type guy." 是的我喜歡紐約市, 雖然布魯克林相較之下比較冷些但我還是會更常在這邊走動, 我不太 確定我會不會是個很都市風的人, 像曼哈頓人那樣總是忙忙忙 "My assistant coach pulled me aside my sophomore year and I was only averageing 11 points a game in the Ivy League and told me, 'hey you can make it.' I was like, 'Dude, you're out of your mind.' By my senior year, after my game against UConn -- I had a good game against UConn, a good game against BC -- There was some top level prospects and I thought 'maybe I do have a chance.'" "Then after the draft, I didn't get drafted, I thought I was going to get drafted, maybe a 50 percent chance I would get drafted." 被問到大學時第一次聽到自己有機會進NBA時的感覺, 林書豪說:"大二時我在Ivy League 場均11分, 有次我的助理教練把我拉到一旁跟我說小子進NBA這檔事你辦的到, 聽完後我 心裡想著"老兄你別逗了好嗎?" 但之後我大四時有次對戰康乃狄克大學UConn, 那場我打的很好, 接著對戰波士頓學院BC 也打得很好, 我就開始覺得"我好像真的有機會可以打進NBA耶 但選秀後我沒被選上, 本來覺得應該有50%的機率被挑中的說..... "I had to take a few years to process it. When it first happens, It starts off being so awesome, You're happy. It's exhilarating. It's exciting and then all of a sudden, it happens so fast, you get scared. I got scared. Started not to trust people and that turned into ... I got jaded. At that point, I was thinking, 'man, this whole thing is a burden. you're jaded with people, jaded at the whole world. You don't understand why people are the way they are. and you don't trust people. And that turns into pity. Once you get over that, you slowly start to appreciate it." 接著就是每次必被問到的Linsanity, 林書豪如下表示...... 那段時光真的需要好幾年才能釐清心頭思緒的千絲萬縷啊, 當林來瘋發生時, 起初是那樣 的不可置信, 所有的一切都那樣令人開心興奮, 卻在一瞬間快速的變了調, 變的讓人感到 害怕, 我也是, 然後我開始不再去相信別人, 開始感到疲累厭煩. 那時候我常常會想"這一定是我的業障太重, 我對人們感到厭煩, 對這世界感到厭煩, 甚 至不相信人們為什麼會變那樣, 都˙是˙假˙的! 之後, 情緒就轉化成可惜, 而當我能 夠穿出這思想的迷霧後, 慢慢的我就會開始感激這一切了" Lin and Redick agreed as well on the importance of the mental aspects of the game. "It might be more important that the physical side to be honest. At some point, talent can only get you so far. We’ve seen so many players who have an unbelievable IQ. The mental approach to me, I try to worry about that more than the physical stuff. If I’m not playing with the right mindset, it’s over for me from the beginning. If I’m not aggressive or don’t believe in my shot or don’t believe I belong, I have no shot." 林跟Redick都同意比賽時心理素質的重要性, 林說:"講白的我覺得心理素質更重要, 某些 時候天賦只能讓你走到一定的距離, 我們都曾見過許多有著不可置信IQ的球員們, 比起身 體狀況我更加在意我的心理狀態 如果我不是用正確的思維去打球, 我從一開始就GG了 如果我不夠積極或是不相信自己的出手, 甚至不相信我所屬的一切, 我也GG了 On a lighter moment, Lin spoke about the history of his hair and why the braids last week. Bottom line: expect more hair... "A year ago, I was with my family on a journey and I grew out the man bun. A friend of mine from high school sent me this thing will all these different corn rows. So I have saved these pictures and said, 'one day I'm going to do it.' But i don't really know any braiders where I am in California so when I got to Brooklyn and i thought for sure, there has to be good braiders there. So, the team set me up with one and this lady did it on Monday. I said, 'hey I like it. I'm going to keep it for the press conference.'" This year is going to be a lot more braids, a lot more refined stuff. now that my hair is longer and I can do the stuff I wanted to do with it. 接著林書豪輕鬆的聊到了他的髮型, 以及現在的辮子頭 "一年前我跟家人一起出遊, 我綁了個髮髻, 我一位高中時期的朋友寄給我一張辦子頭的 照片, 我看了看然後想說有一天我也要綁這樣的髮型" "但我在加州沒認識什麼編辦子頭的設計師, 而我想布魯克林一定會有, 然後球隊就幫我 找了個女辮子頭編髮師周一幫我弄了, 我還挺喜歡這髮型的, 也決定球隊記者會時我要 頂著這髮型出席, 今年我頭髮更長了, 也將會弄更多辮子頭造型喔, 敬請期待" -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1469504059.A.6A6.html
wylscott: 假的! 07/26 11:39
eileen86: 好煩 害我腦海浮現克總的頭XDDD 好刺眼 07/26 11:41
jackjack0040: 推推 07/26 11:54
emmamal: 看d大翻譯是一種樂趣XD,自從林回紐約後,紐郵和紐時就 07/26 11:56
emmamal: 時常會有他的報導 07/26 11:57
idunhav1: 業障重xD 07/26 12:10
patrickleeee: 假的 白爛XDD 07/26 12:11
casman: 到處都有海濤~ 07/26 12:11
BadGame: 辮子 喔噁 07/26 12:19
djviva: 幫大家在修賽季增添樂趣, 不啻為一種功德啊 07/26 12:26
bonnysu: 辛苦了! 感謝翻譯^^ 功德無量 善哉!善哉! 07/26 12:35
littlehouse: 都˙是˙假˙的! 07/26 12:39
bonnysu: 補充一下 "Brook-Lin"商標是由JLin Portal註冊移轉給Lin 07/26 12:41
ChrisPaul03: For Lin, no Atkinson, no Nets. 07/26 12:41
ChrisPaul03: For Nets, no Lin, no wins. 07/26 12:41
PowerOp: 謝謝翻譯,不過這個podcast主持人是Redick,並沒有woj喔 07/26 12:42
的確! 感謝指正
bonnysu: http://imgur.com/a/KhSrK 註冊 07/26 12:42
bonnysu: http://imgur.com/a/nV1Eq 移轉 07/26 12:42
kinki999: 假的,業障重~~~ 07/26 12:59
※ 編輯: djviva (, 07/26/2016 13:01:48
PowerOp: 不客氣,看起來 The Vertical 這個WOJ領銜的媒體品牌,已 07/26 13:05
PowerOp: 經有不少記者供稿囉 07/26 13:05
Koch: 推 假的 07/26 13:18
ac8297q64885: 馬der 自己加戲 wwwwww 07/26 13:18
boyd1014: 早說是心理了~~讚 07/26 13:45
handlesome: 假的 07/26 13:45
nsmmsn: 假˙的! 07/26 14:11
HuangJS: 假的!!! 07/26 14:28
b551122: 謝謝翻譯!! 07/26 14:42
waderu: 不可置信IQ的球員們 ==> My Boys 07/26 19:56
turbomons: 感謝翻譯 07/26 21:10
kaka2013: 感恩翻譯 07/27 00:25
damontso: chill是指輕鬆悠閒的氣氛,不是冷 07/27 01:51
raune: 推翻譯 07/27 15:12