看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
What Kind of Numbers can the Brooklyn Nets Expect From Him? 籃網隊可以期待林書豪繳出怎樣的場均數據呢? http://tinyurl.com/ztsowlr The Brooklyn Nets are going to play Jeremy Lin in a bigger role than he’s ever had, and more minutes than he’s ever played. This means a whole different set of stats for Lin, and this is an attempt to gauge what kind of offensive numbers we’re going to see from him next season. 籃網將讓林書豪承擔他從未有過的重大角色, 以及給他比從前更多的上場時間, 這表示 林書豪所有的數據都將變的不同, 也讓我們試著去推估下季林會有怎樣的攻擊端數據 The numbers I was thinking of are these: Lin taking 15 shots per game, going to the line at least 6 times, and shooting four times from beyond the arc, at least. Now, there are 7 NBA players with these kind of numbers last season: James Harden, Paul George, Kyle Lowry, Russell Westbrook, Damian Lillard, Isaiah Thomas and Kevin Durant. Is this aiming a bit too high for Lin, or is it how dominant he’ll be for the Nets? I sorted their seasons by points per game, assists per game and usage ration. 我是這樣想的: 每場15次出手, 上罰球線至少6次, 包含4次三分線出手, 上季有7名球員 有這樣的數據: 鬍子 & Paul George & K.Lowry & 西河 & Lillard & I.Thomas & KD. 這目標對林書豪來說會太高嗎? 還是說這說明了他在籃網隊中將會有的主宰性? 連結點 開後可以看到這幾位球員相關的數據整理 Is expecting Lin to put up so many shots, and maybe close to these numbers (20 points, 8 assists per game, or something close to that) being too optimistic. Maybe. His per 36 minutes numbers from last season: 16.1 points, 4.4 assists per game, taking 12.8 shots a game, including 4 from beyond the arc and 5.1 free throw attempts per game. Lin averaged 26.3 minutes per game last season, but only on a 22.2 usage ratio. Kyle Lowry, who shares the ball with DeMar DeRozan, was the lowest ranked among the 7 players mentioned at 26.1%, and he still averaged 21.2 points with 6.4 assists per game. Everyone on that list averaged over 21 points per game. 預期林書豪出手這樣多次並獲得20分8助攻左右的場均, 會太樂觀嗎? 或許吧, 他上季 數據用36分鐘來看會是16.1分4.4助攻場均, 出手12.8次, 包含三分線出手4次, 以及上 罰球線5.1次. 他上季場均26.3分鐘, 但只有22.2%使用率. 跟DeRozen一起上場分享球權的K.Lowry, 是這7名球員中使用率最低的, 但也還有26.1% , 他上季場均繳出21.2分以及6.4助攻, 這7位球員場均得分都高於21分 One thing worth mentioning is three points. Westbrook, at 4.3, is the only player on that list to take less than 5.5 three pointers a game. He’s also the only player on that list to make less than 35% of his three pointers. Lin made 33.6% of his three point shots last season, a decline after the constant incline he had since the beginning of his career with his outside shot. Maybe it was the matter of confidence from Clifford constantly using him in different roles and minutes. Maybe it was his elbow injury, or the new shooting motion. One thing is for sure: Lin hitting his 3’s at 37.5%-40% makes him extremely dangerous. 其中值得一提的就是三分球, 西河三分場均出手4.3是這7位球員中唯一低於5.5的, 西河 上季的三分命中率也是這7位中唯一低於35%的; 林書豪上季三分僅有33.6%, 是生涯最低 , 或許這是因為來自Clifford對他的信任導致, Clifford通常給林不同的角色以及不同 的上場時間 但能確定一件事, 就是當林書豪三分命中率來到37.5%~40%之間時, 他是對手眼中最危險 的林書豪 Another thing worth considering is pace. It’s not mandatory: The Raptors were tied with the Utah Jazz at 92.9 possessions per 48 minutes, and the Brooklyn Nets were at 95.2, but they’ve constantly been around the lower regions of the league in recent years. The Rockets, Thunder, Pacers and Celtics were all ranked in the top 11 in possessions per 48 minutes last season. The last season Mike D’Antoni coached, the Los Angeles Lakers were 2nd in the league in possessions per 48 minutes. The Atlanta Hawks were 8th last season in that aspect, with Kenny Atkinson as one of the assistants. When Lin was playing, the Hornets had a 98.4 pace factor, which would have placed them 6th in the NBA. Lin being the point guard means high tempo. 另一個值得探討的是球隊節奏pace, 暴龍跟爵士的pace都是92.9, 籃網是95.2卻長年在 聯盟墊底, 上季火箭雷霆溜馬跟青賽全都是聯盟前11快節奏的球隊; D'Antoni在湖人執 教的最後一季, 湖人pace是聯盟第二快; Atkinson上季在老鷹當助教時, 老鷹pace是聯 盟第8, 而上季當林書豪上場時黃蜂的pace飆高到98.4, 可以排上聯盟第6, 讓林書豪當 控衛就表示快速度的節奏 However, Lin is different from the players on this list, who are all shot-first players. Lin might have been forced into that situation last season and at times with the Lakers and the Rockets, but he’s first about making others around him better. Obviously, if the best thing for the Nets will be for Lin to be their main scorer, he shouldn’t avoid it, but with Brook Lopez expecting good service, and a lot of players who need someone to create shots for them, Lin might have an opportunity to put up some impressive assist numbers, but that 20 points per game might be difficult to reach with so many players depending on him to operate them. 然而林書豪跟上述7位球員截然不同, 那7位都是"自己出手優先"的球員, 雖然林書豪之前 被迫有過得自己優先出手, 但他還是會優先去讓他周遭的隊友變得更好. 顯然的, 如果對籃網來說讓林書豪當主砲手最好, 那林就不該去避免; 但當Brook Lopez 等著更好的供輸, 以及許多其他隊友嗷嗷待哺等著某人替他們創造更多出手機會時, 林書 豪或許將有機會把他的場均助攻數據推上高峰, 那麼場均20分就將會很難去達成, 畢竟那 麼多隊友都依賴林去替他們創造機會 So is 18 points and 8 assists per game a solid expectation from him next season? Only three players last season averaged better than 18-8 last season: Chris Paul, John Wall and Westbrook. But totals and even averages can be misleading. SO maybe dial down the expectations? To 16 points, 7 assists per game? Maybe, although we still don’t know the rotation minutes Atkinson is going to be using. Lin’s biggest season in terms of minutes was in 2012-2013, averaging 32.2 a night with the Rockets, 2640 in total. Assuming there are no injuries, he should expect around 2800 minutes at least. Point guards, players who are the basis of everything their team does, play these kind of minutes, and from the looks of the team the Nets built for this year, Lin is going to be hard to keep off the floor. 好的, 那18分8助攻對林書豪下季的表現來說, 是個過苛的期待嗎? 上季只有三位球員場 均高於18分8助攻: Chris Paul, John Wall跟西河, 那下調一些到16分7助攻?? 一切都還無法確定, 因為Atkinson要怎樣調度陣容各自的上場時間還不知道; 林場均上場 最多的是2012-13球季, 那時在火箭的他場均打32.2分鐘, 該季共打了2640分鐘; 所以一 切健康順利的話, 新球季林應該至少能打2800分鐘, 這是一般球隊裡先發控衛會有的上場 時間, 所以如果再考慮到籃網新球季對林書豪的厚望.......豪期待啊啊!!! -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1470632839.A.26E.html
rick: 8助攻 完全是要靠隊友啊! 麻煩隊友別手軟! 給他一顆顆投進!! 08/08 13:09
casman: 16分7助應該可以達標~ 08/08 13:11
Peaks3000: 15分/6助 你知道的...XDDDDDDDDD 08/08 13:12
Hard1980: 20分 8助攻 期待+1 08/08 13:18
ghostxx: 推翻譯 健康第一 數據自然會到手 08/08 13:40
qazxswptt: 當先發 打的時間又夠 近20分 近10助攻 應該是合理預想 08/08 13:41
kuloda: 希望贏球 08/08 14:04
archi: 助攻也要隊友打得進啊.... 18分6助攻應該合理 08/08 14:08
jamesyu545: 能有18分 8助攻, 就非常高標了。 08/08 14:13
jamesyu545: Lin不是 ISO強的PG, 蠻吃隊形戰術的 08/08 14:14
O10lOl01O: 15分/7助/5板/1抄/1鍋 得分要看3PT%有沒有改善 08/08 14:29
O10lOl01O: 但15分是起碼要求 三分如果有準 那20分可以期待 08/08 14:29
phix: 15分6助就三千萬的摳尼了耶 08/08 14:33
Peaks3000: 15/6 就TOP10+頂薪了捏 XDDDDDD 08/08 14:38
O10lOl01O: 可你要找的到冤大頭願意簽阿XD 08/08 14:42
JerrySloan: 熊頭 08/08 14:44
O10lOl01O: 熊熊額度已經用完惹 下次請早 08/08 14:55
kinki999: 怎麼國外報導比迷迷還有自信啊~qq 08/08 15:06
bonnysu: 作者Greg就是一位忠實林迷阿XDDD 08/08 15:17
TimeEngine: 在黃蜂時有走路人可以吸引對手注意,在籃網對手後場只 08/08 15:21
TimeEngine: 要針對Lin,所以Lin下季出手相對會比較困難 08/08 15:24
eileen86: 林上季出手也是相對不易 面對的幾乎都是比自己高大的SG 08/08 15:28
HuangJS: 林ISO中上啦 08/08 15:29
boyd1014: 17-7 08/08 16:19
pain2: 林火箭第一年就達到大約14分6助了 08/08 16:25
pain2: 籃網沒霸球王 但隊友弱不少 15分6助應該是底線 08/08 16:26
nate567: 健康優先,希望可以順利打完 08/08 16:28
phix: 問題就體力 不知能撐多久 08/08 16:28
jstar100: 無論怎麼說,至少出手數可以到15以上 08/08 16:37
eileen86: 林體力沒問題 只是林不像很多球星只要專心進攻就好 08/08 16:55
eileen86: 林還需拼防守... 這本來就耗體力 08/08 16:55
Koch: 全員加光環才是重點啦 08/08 16:58
yurian: 不要常常有一場只得4 5分 又被守死一堆失誤無法製造機會就 08/08 17:05
yurian: 好了 08/08 17:05
yurian: 只要順順打 每場命中率控制好拿個十分以上 助攻機會有做出 08/08 17:06
yurian: 來就可以了 08/08 17:06
samtang: 先發體力比較好調節,在黃蜂常有34節連打超過12分的... 08/08 17:29
samtang: 籃網陣容不打團隊也不行,剛好適合LIN的風格 08/08 17:30
casman: 連上20分鐘的都有, 只是那是在整季場均26分鐘的情況, 這一 08/08 17:32
casman: 季很可能是場均32~36分鐘, 應該沒有先發體力比較好調節這 08/08 17:32
casman: 種事 08/08 17:32
casman: 上一季會有連續上超過12分鐘不是因為林替補的身份, 是因為 08/08 17:33
casman: 林的重要性和特性, 如果把林擺在先發, 他還是有可能連續上 08/08 17:33
casman: 一節以上的時間, 這跟先發替補應該沒有正相關 08/08 17:34
akainorei: 原來是Greg... 08/08 17:45
sillywhoever: 最重要的是:林有能力讓每個隊員都變好! 08/08 18:00
springman: 期待有好的表現! 08/08 18:10
Mondesi2006: 希望17分5助就很爽了 自幹一點 08/08 18:35
jt: 先發還是比較好調整狀態和體力的 08/08 18:36
jt: 會連續上場超過一節 這是教練調度方式的問題 08/08 18:37
jt: 場均成績還是可以期待的 不必高估也不用過分看低 08/08 18:46
surfkevin: 我怕他已習慣不出手了,然後隊友再沒把握,他的數據… 08/08 18:58
donnylee: 不會習慣不出手,當林自己知道是要來左右戰局的,就不會 08/08 19:58
donnylee: 畏縮了,看他上季先發場次的表現就幾乎可以推敲一二 08/08 19:58
expedition: 較擔心是他打出什麼樣的節奏,面對左右戰局時是否管用 08/09 00:07
expedition: 面對一線時在個人表現跟全隊表現是否能取到平衡跟挺住 08/09 00:09
soulfully: ok的,別擔心,球員也不可能每場都打得好,但林會去調 08/09 08:41
soulfully: 整找到最好的贏球方程式 08/09 08:41
vyjssm: 根據對手要調整吧,好像專打馬刺怎回事? 08/09 08:53
coosla: 5-6助應該是合理值 08/09 09:53
cute101037: 25分10助工籃板隨便抄截隨便 配上前面失誤能4以下就好 08/09 11:06
cute101037: 加油加油加油阿~~~ 08/09 11:07
cute101037: 對了問一下,籃網有誰可以配合林的空拋球麼??? 08/09 11:08
eileen86: Booker 狀元郎 RHJ 08/09 11:10
O10lOl01O: 狀元郎...我還是叫他水貨哥好了... 08/09 14:35
miha80425: 水哥班奈特 08/09 15:36
darkfeather: 空拋怎麼能忘了德國幹籃哥XDD 不過進攻只整籃下,上 08/09 15:53
darkfeather: 場時間可能不多 08/09 15:53
sodes72: 推 08/09 17:53
bingobin: 豪神不是已經有大鬍子八成買飯功力了。場均8罰球。 08/09 21:14
casman: 內文都寫上季場均5.1顆罰球了 08/10 00:40
kimikott: 剛看高光,發現Lin打high之後,有像魯夫開二檔一樣,身 08/10 09:51
kimikott: 體呈現粉紅色的狀況,呵。。。(上季對騎士和馬刺都有) 08/10 09:51
O10lOl01O: 你仔細看 頭髮還有發黃光 08/10 15:09
GIE13: 上面的都沒看仔細 身體週圍還有淡淡金色的氣 08/10 16:25
playing808: 很期待 推 08/11 00:43