看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
With Mario Mandzukic until 2021! https://www.juventus.com/en/news/news/2019/mario-mandzukic-contract-renewal.php 'Mister No Good' has extended his contract with Juventus, where both club and player will continue their journey together that started four years ago. Mr No good與Juve 在今日延長其合約,他們將會延續這段四年前開啟的旅程 Mario Mandzukic’s Bianconero career will continue until 2021. The official notice of his contract renewal was confirmed today and it is news that the Bianconeri fans will warmly welcome, because ‘Mister No Good’, on the field, totally contradicts the nice nickname. In fact, having someone like Mario in front of you is good, very good. Mario Mandzukic 的Juvenuts 職業生涯將持續至2021,其官方合約的細節於今日敲定並官宣 斑馬軍團的球迷熱烈的迎來這消息,對他們而言 Mr no good在賽場上完全反轉這可愛的暱稱。 事實上、有Mario Mandzukic這樣的人在球場上是非常非常棒的。 Physical, determined, decisive, capable of self-denying every area of the pitch, ‘Marione’, as he is affectionately known, is the prototype of the modern attacker. Equipped with considerable capacity, he knows how to combine play and technique, which are usually characteristic of players far more concise. 體格、堅定、果斷,重新定義其自我、觸及著球場的每個區域,Marione,被廣為人知的認可為現代攻擊者的原型。 擁有強大的能量屬性,洞悉如何結合比賽與自身技巧。 For four seasons at Juventus, he has already collected 159 appearances and scored 43 goals. But perhaps the figure that best describes Mario's attitude on the field are the 19 assists given to his companions. Generosity is a rare gift in attackers, yet Mandzukic blatantly refutes the cliché. His leading headers are the signature of a dominator in the penalty area, but also the signal of unselfishness, which acts as a multiplier of effectiveness for the companions. And also, this season, the data speaks for itself: six assists in this Serie A, (the highest since 2011/12) for a player who, among Juventus strikers, is the one who has won more duels (132) and more contrasts (24) in the league, which is still in progress. 在斑馬軍團的四個賽季,他為球隊出場了159次、打進43個進球,但或許對Mandzukic最佳的代表是他為隊友貢獻的19次助攻, 作為一個前鋒能如此慷慨是非常罕見的。其禁區內出色的頭槌能力極具代表性,無私的奉獻也為隊友創造了更多的攻擊空間。 在本賽季,亮眼數據說明了一切,6次的助攻、超過132次的爭頂,(這裏的contrast不會翻), 在Juve的前鋒裡、是自2011/12以來義甲中的最高數據,而這數據也將隨著賽程的前進繼續增加。 It is said that he speaks little outside of the field and perhaps it is true, but his charisma is clearly perceived even beyond words. On the other hand, we are talking about a champion with a CV among the richest in Europe. One who plays by example. An example that will continue to provide Juventus for two more years both on the fields of Europe and at Continassa’s JTC. 傳言他在球場外的發言不多也許是事實,但其魅力明顯超越了言語能訴說的一切。 另一方面,我們談論的是一位放眼歐洲簡歷極其豐富的冠軍,一個以身作則的人, 這位模範將為Juventus繼續效力兩年,稱霸尤文的主場與歐洲各賽場。 - - - 心得:終於官宣了,真心喜歡戰士屬性、滿場神出鬼沒的大壯,話說有點久沒看到他的一千零一招頭球灌籃了。 倒數第二段有個contrast不確定要怎麼翻,有請高手幫忙 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPad -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1554396083.A.C19.html
dimhdp10: 官網的球員個人頁面有一些統計,24次看來是tackles won 04/05 01:12
dimhdp10: 至於132次的是"duels",不大確定其定義但顯然不只空中的 04/05 01:13
dimhdp10: 爭頂,因為空中爭頂的統計另有列出。 04/05 01:14
hosichin: 狂喜 04/05 05:34
foxy996411: 大壯!! 04/05 10:01
SouthernFire: 推推推! 今年歐冠該來個冠軍了吧 04/05 14:39
tim1112: 我根本無法想像 我文拿不到歐冠的可能 04/05 22:02
SizukaGozen: 提姆爺準備要當地毯了嗎 04/06 11:05
bluecoldon: 真是太好了 04/06 13:06