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官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/thanks-for-everything-daniele Thanks for everything, Daniele! 03 October 2020 The paths of Juventus and Daniele Rugani have gone their separate ways. The defender, who has been with Juventus since the 2015/16 season, will play for Stade Rennais this season on loan. Juventus與Daniele Rugani分道揚鑣,這位從2015/16賽季待在球隊的後衛本賽季將 租借加入法甲Stade Rennais。 Thus, closes a story, that between Daniele and the Lady, was made up of victories, growth, and mutual satisfaction. With us, Rugani won plenty of silverware; five Scudetti, three Italian Cups and two Super Cups. Rugani與老婦人共同書寫的歷史告一段落,雙方獲得了成功、成長與滿足,共贏得 5次義甲聯賽冠軍、3次義大利盃冠軍、2次義大利超級盃冠軍。 During this time, he never once lacked in commitment and seriousness, all while showcasing his love for the jersey. 這期間Rugani總是保持忠誠專注與正經嚴肅,展現對這件球衣的熱愛。 In total, Rugani raked in 101 appearances across all competitions whilst wearing the Juventus jersey, taking to the field for 8033 minutes in these five years. In addition, he also has seven goals to his name, with all of six of them coming off the back of a set piece situation, three from the corner and three from a free-kick. 這五年期間Rugani總共為球隊在各項賽事出賽101場共8033分鐘,進了6球都在定位 球狀況,3個是角球3個是自由球。 As such, a long journey has come to an end: Rugani first turned out for Juventus in 2012/2013, when he played for the Primavera side. Now, he walks away with a glistening trophy cabinet and countless memories. Rugani與Juventus共行的旅程不短,他在2012/2013加入Juventus的Primavera青訓 青年隊,如今他帶著耀眼的榮譽與無數的回憶離開。 And when a good story comes to an end, we can only thank Daniele for the memories and his contribution. 與此同時我們只能感謝Rugani帶來的回憶與他的貢獻。 All the best, Daniele! --- 官方YouTube channel: Daniele Rugani joins Rennes on loan! | Grazie Daniele! | Juventus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuXrHe4SKgo
-- Rennes是上賽季法甲第三,這賽季第一次踢歐冠,被分在E組,對手是Sevilla、 Chelsea與Krasnodar。Rennes已經從義大利租了幾位球員,如Roma的N'Zonzi、 Inter的Dalbert。 想當年Rugani的第一個義甲賽季不但全勤還獲得最佳後衛的榮譽,但回到Juventus 就只有擔任替補,只在Bonucci離隊那年有總共26次出場,其餘都少於這個數字,上 賽季Rugani只有14場出賽,確診COVID-19也對一向健康的Rugani有不小影響,復賽 之後的狀態明顯不如以往。 Rugani成名很早,1994年出生的Rugani在義大利U17國家隊就曾擔任隊長,租借到 Empoli兩個賽季都擔任主力,先後幫助該隊升級並留在義甲並獲頒義甲最佳後衛。 現在26歲的Rugani重新出發也還不晚,在Rennes他若能站穩主力,重新回到義大利 國家隊甚至參加賽季結束後的歐洲盃也還是有希望的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1601785318.A.6DF.html