看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/ agreement-with-udinese-for-the-acquisition-of-the-player-rolando-mandragora 縮址: https://tinyurl.com/y68sn27u AGREEMENT WITH UDINESE FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE PLAYER ROLANDO MANDRAGORA 03 October 2020 Juventus Football Club S.p.A. announces that an agreement with Udinese Calcio S.p.a. for the definitive acquisition of the registration rights of the player Rolando Mandragora has been finalized for a consideration of € 10,7 million, to be paid during sportive seasons 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. Juventus and the player have signed a contract of employment until 30 June 2025. Juventus宣布與Udinese就球員Rolando Mandragora的完全轉會以在2020/2021與 2021/2022兩個賽季支付歐元10.7M達成協議。Juventus已經與球員簽署2025年06月 30日到期的合約。 At the same time, Juventus has reached an agreement with Udinese Calcio S.p.A. for the free loan for sporting season 2020/2021 of the same player granting the right to Udinese Calcio S.p.A. to extend the temporary loan to sporting season 2021/2022. Moreover, during temporary acquisition period, Udinese Calcio S.p.A. might receive bonuses up to € 6 million upon achievement of pre-determined objectives. 與此同時,Juventus與Udinese就該球員2020/2021賽季免費租借達成協議,Udinese 還擁有延長租借期至2021/2022賽季的權利,此外在租借期間Udinese還可因達成已經 設定好的特定條件而額外獲得歐元6M。 -- Udinese真的是作帳好夥伴... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1601785830.A.AE2.html
schirnir: 畢竟連球衣都長一樣了(誤 10/04 13:42