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(補上週的舊聞) 官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/obrigado-douglas Obrigado, Douglas! 05 October 2020 After three years, and with as many Scudetti, an Italian Cup and an Italian Super Cup, Douglas Costa and Juventus will go their separate ways. The Brazilian will spend this season on loan to Bayern Munich. 效力三年獲得三座義甲聯賽冠軍、一座義大利盃冠軍以及一座義大利超級盃冠軍之 後,Douglas Costa與Juventus分道揚鑣,這位巴西球員本賽季將租借至德甲 Bayern Munich。 The Brazilian champion arrived in Turin in 2017, where he immediately conquered everyone with his fascinating skills which made him famous around the world: from his pace and lightning footwork, to his ability to literally decide games. 這位巴西的冠軍球員於2017年來到杜林,隨即以他閃電般的腳步以及改變比賽的能 力技驚四座享譽全球。 He was a thorn in the side of the opposing defences, and his displays earned him 103 appearances in our shirt in three seasons, scoring 10 goals (six in Serie A, making him the fifth best Brazilian in the league in Juventus history). One goal that stands out above all, was the one he scored in the 2018 Italian Cup Final against Milan, at the end of an exchange with Cuadrado on the right wing, that ended with a shot from outside the box. 他讓對方後防如芒刺在背,三個賽季期間103次出場10進球(6個在義甲聯賽的進球使 他成為隊史進球第五多的巴西球員),其中最出眾的是2018年對Milan的義大利盃決 賽,他在右路與Cuadrado配合之後禁區外射門得分。 Douglas Costa was able to demonstrate his quality on both sides of the attack but made life impossible for his opponents by starting more frequently from the left. Douglas Costa在進攻的兩翼都能展現他的風采,尤其他較常踢的右路更是讓對手們 難以喘息。 It was said that 2017/2018 was a great season for him, which saw him provide 12 assists, making his contribution fundamental to the team. 2017/2018或許是他最好的一個賽季,12次助攻使他成為球隊不可或缺的一股力量。 Now it's time to say goodbye: thank you, “Flash”, in fact, obrigado! 是與Douglas Costa道別的時候了:謝啦,The Flash! --- 官方YouTube: Douglas Costa Joins Bayern Munich on a One Year Loan | Obrigado, Douglas! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soas2ObZm54
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