看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/de-sciglio-renews-until-2025 De Sciglio renews until 2025 16 June 2022 The story continues. Mattia De Sciglio and Juventus will remain together for another three years, until 30 June 2025. Mattia De Sciglio與Juventus將繼續攜手同行至2025年06月30日,讓我們看下去。 At the Bianconeri since 2017, Mattia has renewed his contract in a season that has seen him return as a first team regular after a year on loan in France. 20 appearances in Serie A led to a total of 29 matches in all competitions, his highest ever for the Bianconeri, and a first international cap for Italy in three years. 2017年來到Juventus的De Sciglio在租借至法國一年之後這個回歸一軍陣容的賽季 續約了,本賽季他在義甲聯賽出場20次,各項賽事總共踢了29場,是他個人在斑馬 軍團的新高,並且也是三年來首次代表義大利國家隊。 Not only did he supply crosses that set up goals at home and abroad throughout the season, he also found the net, for the second time in his career, with the goal that capped off the spectacular comeback at the Olympic Stadium against Roma in January. De Sciglio不只在國內外賽事中以傳中輸送砲彈製造進球,他還在2022年01月作客 Olympic Stadium對Roma的那場驚人逆轉比賽中踢進致勝球。 With that goal and celebration in our mind’s eye, we are delighted to announce Mattia's contract renewal. 連同心目中慶祝這顆進球的喜悅,我們欣喜地宣布De Sciglio續約。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1655486795.A.E36.html
tim1112: 希望之後三年能健康踢球 06/19 12:53
JamesCaesar: 標題是2025吧 06/30 04:02
感謝指正! ※ 編輯: dimhdp10 ( 臺灣), 06/30/2022 08:43:14