看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/nicolo-fagioli-renews-until-2028 Nicolò Fagioli renews until 2028! 14 November 2023 Juventus is delighted to announce that Nicolò Fagioli's contract has been renewed until 30 June 2028. Juventus欣喜地宣布與Nicolo Fagioli的合約已經更新延續至2028年06月30日。 The relationship with Nicolò therefore continues, with the midfielder having arrived at Juventus in 2015 as a 14-year-old, rising through the youth ranks until his senior debut in 2021. 因此Juventus與這位在2015年當時年僅14歲就來到Juventus並一路晉升於2021年首 次登場一軍的中場球員繼續攜手同行。 CRISTIANO GIUNTOLI'S WORDS “We confirm what we had already communicated a few weeks ago: we support Nicolò Fagioli in his therapeutic and training journey, and we want to provide him with all the support he will need in the coming months. The renewal of his contract is precisely in line with this, but not only: Nicolò is a very important player for us, his technical quality and his tactical intelligence are known to everyone, and we are convinced that his return to the pitch will be for us an added value of primary importance. So Fagioli must know, and he does know, that he can continue to work here, training every day with the team, with the necessary serenity. And he also knows that we are counting on him and waiting for him." Juventus足球總監Cristano Giuntoli說:「我們將過去幾週已經討論過的內容正式 敲定了,我們支持Fagioli的賭癮治療與訓練,並且想要提供他接下來幾個月所有需 要的幫助,此次續約正是其中之一,但不止於此,Fagioli是一位對我們來說非常重 要的球員,他在技術與戰術方面的水準有目共睹,確信讓Fagioli回到場上對於我們 會有重大貢獻。因此,Fagioli必須了解他可以平靜地繼續留在隊內每日訓練,他也 已經知道了,包括我們依賴並且正在等待他的歸來。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1700233180.A.BA0.html
yanesen: 真是感人的消息 T.T 11/17 23:04