看板 KARA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Billboard將《WHEN I MOVE》入選為本年度25首最佳K-POP 第19名 英文全文連結 https://tinyurl.com/3p8cpezb The 25 Best K-Pop Songs of 2022: Staff Picks With more of the world watching than ever, K-pop artists stepped up with their singles in ways previously unseen. (中間跳過) 19 KARA, "When I Move" From pioneers for K-pop's success in Japan, to its members further opening the blinds on the harsh realities of idol life, KARA had already cemented its place in global-music history books even before the group's brilliant 15th-anniversary comeback. Taking the troupe's signature move of mixing modern-day production with vintage-dance beats, “When I Move” feels right in line with classic KARA singles such as “Step” or “Jumping,” but fresh enough to get listeners of any generation grooving. – J.B. (嘗試翻譯,英文很爛,翻的有錯或不好請小力指證 一定立刻修訂) 從作為K-POP攻佔日本的先鋒,到成員們見識到偶像人生的殘酷現實, KARA縱然在發表令人驚豔的15周年專輯前,也早已確立自己在全球音樂史上的地位。 When I move把握住自己的團體特色:融合復古舞蹈節奏和現代製作 就像其他KARA經典名曲,如STEP、Jumping 感覺超棒又新鮮,任何世代的人一聽都跟著舞動。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KARA/M.1671777309.A.0FE.html ※ 編輯: toray ( 臺灣), 12/23/2022 14:44:55
steedptt: 推 12/23 17:42
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addynick: 推 12/23 22:09
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lin041276: 推 12/23 23:45
※ 編輯: toray ( 臺灣), 12/24/2022 02:38:16