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原廠說像winxp一樣棄療、沒救了…… 竟然還有這種事、早知當初就買DA@@ 新的kone pure那些正常嗎? Thank you for choosing ROCCAT. Unfortunately the automatic profile switch of the Savu does not work with 64bit applications. Since the Savu has been discontinued about two years ago there won’t be any software updates anymore, I am sorry but this issue won’ t be fixed. If you require further assistance or additional information please do not hesitate in contacting me. Viele Grüße / Best regards, Andi Wulff Technical Support -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Key_Mou_Pad/M.1453124864.A.6BB.html ※ 編輯: vernc (, 01/18/2016 21:54:27
march55237: 他說的是64位元的程式不支援自動換profile的功能 01/19 00:43
march55237: 所以照理來講32位元可以正常切換 01/19 00:43
vernc: 問題就在有一堆64而原廠不管了…… 01/19 02:32
rabbit2004x: 看上面說的,他已經停止支援兩年了… 01/19 07:41
najoy: 海盜k70也不支援xp呀(印象中) 01/21 00:40