看板 KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在Youtube碰巧聽到這部歌迷製作的音樂,模擬一場他預計要參加的演唱會。 但事與願違。 與各位板友分享。 如有不妥之處,煩請告知。謝謝! THIS IS IT (Live at The O2, London) (July 26, 2009) (Full Show) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCncHwHz7qE
MJJ Various Channel My intent was to create something that gives the feeling of reality, I don't know if I succeeded, I can only say that I tried to do everything in respect of Michael. I really hope you all like it. I want to thank the people who helped me in all this, read the description for this and also for the Download link where you can listen to the audio in a better quality. I confess one thing, the date that I put in the title, is the date when I should have been there at the concert, that's why I inserted it, I really cared about it. As always, a hug, and I really hope you all can get excited.jL -- She's Got The Look She's Got The Look Wanting No Break Time She's Got The Look She's Driving Me Wild -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KingofPop/M.1553534383.A.70C.html
carto: 這是誰的歌聲? 04/02 22:37
abcdaazs: 是MJ的聲音啊,我沒有全部聽完,但有很多首都是This is 04/03 08:43
abcdaazs: it 的裡面的聲音檔 04/03 08:44
counterpunch: 這個我之前在水管就有看到,真的做的很不錯 推一個 04/06 00:08
j20307: 推一個!超用心! 04/12 15:57