看板 Kings 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kings Reaping Benefits from Starting Tolliver 在Tolliver先發之後國王獲得的好處 The veteran forward has seen his statistics improve since his playing time has increased. 自從他的出場時間增加之後這位老將前鋒已經可以看到他的數據也跟著上升。 The last two games have seen an uptick in playing time for Anthony Tolliver. With Coach Dave Joerger inserting the veteran forward into the starting lineup, Tolliver has seen his production mirror his minutes, with his numbers improved in multiple statistics. 在先發前的兩場比賽,Tolliver已經可以發現他的時間有開始增加。而下一場二哥就把 先發4號位交給了他,而他的表現也隨著他的上場時間而變好,很多數據也有改進了。 In the two games he has started, he has shot the ball well. His 45-percent shooting mirrors a career best he experienced in 2010-11 as a member of the Minnesota Timberwolves. From long distance, the sweet-shooting forward is hurting opponents at an improved rate of 54.5 percent. 在他先發的兩場比賽裡,他的投射更好了。45%的投籃命中率是跟他生涯最佳在灰狼 的10-11年一樣。而在外線投射上,這位神射手有54.5%的外線命中率。 During that stretch, Tolliver has helped lead a resurgent starting five. Helping ease the scoring pressure off DeMarcus Cousins, the floor-stretching big man has more than doubled his season output to 16.5 points over the last two games. 而這也就幫助了隊上的先發五號。減輕了表弟的進攻壓力,這兩場比賽這位大後鋒的 分數也三級跳達到了平均16.5分。 This year, Tolliver possesses his second-best effective field goal percentage at 58.3 percent. In his last two starts, his effective field goal percentage has risen to 60 percent. His true-shooting percentage overall this season is a career-best 63.7 percent. Like his effective field goal percentage, his true shooting percentage has also improved since entering the starting unit to 67.6 percent. 今年,Tolliver的eFG%達到生涯次高的58.3%,先發時則是更高的60%。TFG%(是這樣寫?) 則是生涯最高的63.7%,若只看先發兩場則是更高的67.6%。 When he has started, the ball finds Tolliver’s hands. With 77.8 percent of his made field goals coming off assists, teammates know he is a weapon on the court. 當他先發的時候,球都會去找到他的手。當他接到隊友助攻的時候,他的命中率有77.8% ,隊友都知道他是場上的致命武器。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kings/M.1484289809.A.E90.html
ilovepeja: 這篇其實只是印證了大家之前討論過多次的 有個stretch 01/13 15:51
ilovepeja: 4在表弟和Gay的身旁有多重要 01/13 15:52
ilovepeja: Tolliver並不算頂尖的stretch 4 如果能提升到不用多 01/13 15:53
ilovepeja: Leuer的等級就好 我認為對團隊的整體加分還能更多 01/13 15:54
Miyanishi25: 推托你福!!! 01/13 16:25
oblue: 大部分的stretch 4籃板卡位都不太好 Leuer這種很奢侈了X 01/13 16:26
oblue: D 當然最想理想的是去年選不到的KP... 01/13 16:26
oblue: 但托你福真的很拼 跑動很勤 籃板就算沒機會也常常干擾到 01/13 16:30
oblue: 最後一刻 很讓人感動 01/13 16:30
kings5515: 有外線四號可以拉空間 01/13 16:41
AMX40: 現在是不是該把DC放板凳了? 01/13 16:53
AMX40: ? 01/13 16:53
Kulan: 季初沒搶到Ryan Anderson真可惜 不過脫你佛拼勁沒話說 01/13 17:19
kikijuice: 以前有年胖子還沒進聯盟的開幕賽,我們對上灰狼,那場 01/13 17:21
kikijuice: 我們險勝,但那時候對Tolliver的拼勁就印象很深 01/13 17:22
kikijuice: 沒有人可以在他面前用摸的把籃板摸走 就算會被吹over- 01/13 17:23
kikijuice: the-back 他還是會盡全力爭 甚至撥走 這點是之前先發 01/13 17:24
jyvaskyla: RA有點貴 而且防守不怎樣 01/13 17:38
kikijuice: 剛才沒打完 先發就缺乏這種拼勁 01/13 18:14
kikijuice: 另外 卡卡真的不應該完全DNP 每場十幾分鐘轉換節奏 01/13 18:15
kikijuice: 應該是無妨的 而且我們外圍的防守者除了Ty跟妙妙 01/13 18:16
kikijuice: 其他人幾乎是被一步過的乾淨俐落 與其這樣不如換卡卡 01/13 18:17
kikijuice: 上來增加進攻籃板跟快攻機會 01/13 18:18
kings5515: 覺得二哥這個先發陣容算是變動到了,KK跟胖子錯開了,阿 01/13 18:43
kings5515: 福打板凳蠻需要他的單打能力,至於DC跟泰勞一個得分能力 01/13 18:44
kings5515: 比較強一個組織比較強 01/13 18:44
icetornado: 感謝託你福 真的是託他的福 大家才不會老是看到高血壓 01/13 18:56
thekinginsid: 打球認真。推 01/13 19:18
GodEyes: 突然想到或許今年三菜以後在國王可能有上場時間的也許只 01/13 20:32
GodEyes: 有蠟筆了,接Tolliver的棒子還有點機會,綠茶嬸如果明年 01/13 20:33
GodEyes: 剝蛋報到又卡個阿廟根本沒機會,怕怕比其他兩個還慘更不 01/13 20:35
GodEyes: 用說,與其沒空間讓他們上又卡住陣容彈性不如趁早脫手 01/13 20:36
nanogiant: 我覺得比較可惜的是沒有試圖去交易Ilyasova,76人只用 01/14 00:07
nanogiant: Grant就換到Ilyasova+雷霆首輪,現在Ilyasova在76人打 01/14 00:08
nanogiant: 的像個頂級大後鋒... 01/14 00:08