看板 Kings 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://reurl.cc/YklM4 Luke Walton describes his coaching philosophy and his plans with the Kings roster Walton解釋他的執教理念跟對於球隊輪值的計畫 前面是二哥跟Walton下課還有Walton來國王的過程簡述 就不貼了 Below are some things he said about his coaching philosophy. 以下是幾個他提到的執教理念 He acknowledged that today’s game is about spacing and three-point shooting. 他知道現在的比賽已經是拉開空間跟三分球當道的時代了。 Coaching under Steve Kerr with the Golden State Warriors is a big influence on how he sees today’s game. 勇士時期在Steve Kerr手下當助教的時間對他觀察現在的比賽有很深的影響。 He said the great coaches he played for focused on attention to detail and holding people accountable to the standard of play that they wanted as a coach. 他所效力過的偉大的教練都會很關注細節並讓球員對於比賽的標準負責。 (這裡有點不確定後半的意思) The Kings will shoot a lot of threes next season, according to Walton. “As a coach, it is your job to kind of get to know your roster and then try to put them with what’s best for this group of players, and I think we have a group that shooting a lot of threes is what’s best for us.” 根據Walton所說,下一季的國王將會大量投三分。 「作為一個教練,了解你的球員名單然後試著把他們擺到最好的地方是你的工作, 而我覺得一個在外線狂轟猛炸的團隊對我們來說是最適合的。」 “Defense wins championships.” Even though he loves offense and watching the ball move around the floor and shooting, Walton says defense is how you win “ when it really counts.” He plans to put a “huge emphasis” on defense by challenging the guys daily and beginning practices with defense. He said to change the philosophy to be more defensive minded, you have to give it the proper time in practice, you have to embrace the mentality of wanting to be a good defensive team and then having “good defensive players helps too.” 「防守才能獲得冠軍。」 即使Walton更愛進攻及球的流動還有投籃,但他說防守才是獲得勝利的方式。 「它真的很重要。」 他預計用每天挑戰球員的方式來強調防守,並且開始練習。 他說要把球隊文化改得更有防守意識,必須要有適當的防守練習時間, 你要有想要成為一個好的防守球隊的心理,然後還要有好的防守球員的幫助。 On how he plans to use Marvin Bagley: “I told him I think he’s going to be a big part of what we do, and we need him to continue to improve and his versatility, him defending multiple positions will ultimately be a big factor in how much success and how many different defensive schemes we can use. Players like him and Harry [Giles], and some of those bigger versatile guys that we have. I’ll have a clearer picture of all those things the more I get to start to working with these guys and see what their strengths and weaknesses are.” 對於如何使用MB3 「我告訴他我認為他會成為我們一個很重要的部分, 而且我們需要他繼續進步並全能發展, 他能防守多位置這件事會是我們能成功多少的一個重要元素, 也是我們能有多少種防守方式的重點。 我們有MB3跟HG跟幾個多功能型的球員。 在我開始跟這些傢伙共事之後,我會了解他們的優缺點, 對於這些事情我才會有更明確的構想。」 “The relationship part of being in team sports has always been one of my favorite things, and building those relationships and earning the trust of your players, and trust is never just given, you have to show up and put in the work and let them know and have them believe that you care about them. I like that part of the game, and I’m looking forward to doing it.” 「關於一個運動團隊間的感情部分一直是我最喜歡的事情, 建立這些聯繫然後獲取球員的信任,但是這些信任不是隨便就有的, 你必須要把你對於球隊的關心展現出來並放在工作裡, 然後讓他們知道並相信你有在關心他們。 我喜歡比賽的這個部分,而且我一直在做這些事情。」 Good relationships are where Divac and Walton are banking on their connection working. 老狄跟Walton在工作上的聯繫還不錯。 ”I’m sure that you guys that know him around here know what kind of person he is,” Walton said. “He is easy to talk to, he loves the game of basketball, he’s won and played at all the levels. What he values is what I value as far as skill, and playmaking and shooting, and he’s just one of those guys that’s a lot of fun to be around, and I feel like as far as having a partnership with him in a very stressful type of job environment, that’s going to make both of our jobs more enjoyable and allow us to do our jobs better.” 「我確定你們這些認識他的人都知道他是怎樣的人, 他很好聊天,他熱愛籃球比賽,他在各個層級都比賽過,也都是贏家。 他跟我對於技巧、組織還有投籃的重視都一樣,而且他是一個充滿歡樂的人, 而我感覺是在一個充滿壓力的環境下跟他締結了夥伴情誼,(同病相憐嗎XD) 這樣能夠讓我們更享受工作,而且能夠做得更好。」 Divac says they are on the same page: ”The coaching job is the toughest job in the NBA and having somebody that is behind you and work together and be on the same page, and share the same philosophy about the game definitely is going to help both of us moving forward .” 老狄說他跟Walton是在同一陣線。 「教練這個工作在NBA是很困難的, 有人能在你背後一起工作,站在同一邊,而且有著一樣的比賽理念, 絕對能夠讓我們更進步。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kings/M.1555476422.A.564.html
IngramBrando: 挑戰球員、注重防守,MB3能換防多個位置和多功能球 04/17 12:57
IngramBrando: 員,這訪談內容真的很熟悉XD 04/17 12:57
IngramBrando: 不過我會很好奇在陣地戰系統裡我疼會給Fox什麼定位 04/17 13:03
IngramBrando: 。打全場攻守轉換這沒啥疑慮 04/17 13:03
samsam80821: 主要還是會打快吧 半場應該簡單的擋拆 然後中前鋒有 04/17 13:06
samsam80821: 機會出來處理球 04/17 13:06
IngramBrando: MB3、HG、Hield在我疼帶的湖人前兩年陣容裡多少都有 04/17 13:07
IngramBrando: 可以做參考推測的,但Fox似乎就沒有了 04/17 13:07
samsam80821: 給射手掩護的戰術應該會不少 還有手遞手 04/17 13:07
gibbs1286: 好熟悉的湖人味喔... 04/17 13:17
michaelch: 總之就是用速度和準度輾人 大方向簡單 重點是執行 04/17 13:53
hank13241: 我只想關注防守的提升而已,其他的相對次要 04/17 14:45
DeAaronFox: 湖人沒有Hield這種聯盟前五等級的射手 也沒有MB3 HG這 04/17 15:03
DeAaronFox: 種身材與機動力的長人 04/17 15:03
bear7731: 但是湖人有LBJ… 04/17 15:34
hank13241: 我覺得LBJ就是問題之一... 04/17 15:38
DeAaronFox: 題外話 蠟筆今天季後賽初體驗了 可喜可賀 04/17 15:56
※ 編輯: strayfate (, 04/17/2019 16:41:22
cscs562002: 感覺我王 下賽季會打的很華麗 助教別找湖人的蕭.... 04/17 18:36
newjangevan: 沒有提到WCS 很好 04/17 19:03
yhes916103: 推翻譯,早上看到這篇想說晚上來翻,還好有先來看... 04/17 19:34
yhes916103: 進攻好話每個教練都會說,畢竟球員天賦就擺在那。但Wa 04/17 19:34
yhes916103: lton很快就點出了防守問題,國王現在的問題就是進攻爽 04/17 19:34
yhes916103: 爽打快,沒人在乎防守失分,失分了沒關係,球給我馬上 04/17 19:34
yhes916103: 用進攻討回來,很開心Walton知道國王最缺乏的就是防守 04/17 19:34
yhes916103: 意識。這季其實如果有水準以上的防守,大概就可以拿到 04/17 19:34
yhes916103: 42-45勝 04/17 19:34
Lacus0827: 投籃教練如果不找會有延伸問題就是 04/17 19:56
Highflying: 國王需要加強兩部分 進攻和防守 04/17 19:58
samsam80821: 沒事 叫你們副總下來教就好 04/17 21:30
super1315566: 推翻譯,私心希望防守和專注度可以更穩定而非大起大 04/18 02:24
super1315566: 落 04/18 02:24
※ 編輯: strayfate (, 04/18/2019 09:42:55
ltmps: 有人可以給MB3 randle的電話嗎? 04/19 18:52
qwerty789: 經過Randle事件 Walton還會重蹈覆徹嗎 XD 04/19 19:23
starcry: https://youtu.be/PQNz1lA3H90 HG傳球高光 好看 04/23 05:24
billy759552: 未來教練被告了.. 04/23 10:25
chris9922: 還沒上任就被吉水喔 04/23 10:33
qwerty789: Walton 你....愁雲慘霧 04/23 10:36
hank13241: 反正等後續發展,光聽片名之辭也無法確定什麼 04/23 11:05
michaelch: 我覺得...大概是真的XDDD 該來的總要面對 好好止血吧 04/23 11:06
aredifficult: ....................... 04/23 11:09
spongebob111: 現在來的及換教練嗎 04/23 15:20
michaelch: 這種肢體騷擾根本無法舉證...反正法院見 無需多言 04/23 17:05
BnLou: 不管怎麼發展,都對剛換教練的國王不利吧 04/24 07:13
Gunsroses: 我猜會換 04/24 10:56
michaelch: 可是換掉我疼接著是老何...我覺得不行 04/24 11:22
Terra791205: 問一下 跟Walton 還沒簽約嗎 04/24 11:39
spongebob111: 希望換成messina 04/24 12:47
cscs562002: 助教有消息嗎??? 04/24 22:17
hank13241: 應該是不可能換教練的,這案子太難舉證了,我覺得Walt 04/25 16:47
hank13241: on應該還是穩的 04/25 16:47
KillLakers: 看拖到啥時吧 冠軍賽前沒搞定 大概會影響FA來的難度 04/27 09:15
pennykidd: 忽然覺得Rubio如果能來國王輔助Fox很夢幻 他也才29歲 04/27 10:18
Gunsroses: Rubio打替補?認真的嗎? 04/27 10:42
pennykidd: 他應該不會屈就替補啦 哈哈 04/27 11:17
Terra791205: https://i.imgur.com/kDrzWlT.jpg 04/27 12:07
Terra791205: 我王要去香港~ 04/27 12:07
BnLou: 比較想要阿爵的Crowder、O'Neale來增加側翼深度 04/28 06:16
BnLou: 不過還是要看Walton會把黑棒放3還4 04/28 06:18
qwerty789: Barens還沒決定要不要執行球員選項... 04/28 13:25
qwerty789: 經濟人還在探市場行情吧 04/28 13:26
qwerty789: O'Neale不錯 不過上一個爵士養來的是A.Burks 04/28 13:28