看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/IanBegley/status/1151138723888795648 Reggie Bullock has signed a 2-year deal with the Knicks for less than the $4.7 million exception. His agent, David Bauman, says the “Knicks were fantastic through this process.” https://twitter.com/BobbyMarks42/status/1151584200614731787 Bullock was signed to two-year $8.2M ($4M and $4.1M) contract on Tuesday. The second-year has $1M guaranteed with the balance fully protected on June 28 if he is not waived. The two-year signing gives New York flexibility for next summer. https://twitter.com/NY_KnicksPR/status/1151582803064250368 Medical Update: Reggie Bullock underwent successful surgery today at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York for a cervical disc herniation. The team will plan to provide an update on his rehab and progress around the start of training camp. Bullock今天動了椎間盤突出的手術 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Knicks/M.1563288199.A.149.html
BleuOmbre: 市場上還剩什麼PF沒被找來? XD 07/17 10:08
TBdrays: 雖然MM這個有點不厚道,不過看來現在行政和醫護面的部分 07/17 10:35
TBdrays: 可能進步很多 07/17 10:35
DPP48: 整隊都是新人的感覺啊,目前尼克元老是Ntilikina,2017入 07/17 12:03
DPP48: 隊,打了121場,其他都是剛來沒多久或是新簽的FA 07/17 12:03
BleuOmbre: 不要跟去年的木迪,卡丁艾倫一樣一直刷分就好 07/17 13:36
BleuOmbre: 這種短約的就是怕自私 07/17 13:36
atear: 簽約表示體檢過了嗎? 07/17 13:36
cty: 有消息說可能沒辦法趕上開季 07/17 13:43
cty: 可能至少缺席一個月 07/17 13:44
※ 編輯: cty ( 臺灣), 07/18/2019 07:39:53
camby909: 椎間盤突出@@難怪約變那麼小.嚴重的話可能退休的傷 07/18 09:24
annachie: 難怪經紀人會說尼克fantastic 07/18 09:50
BleuOmbre: 動完刀了 復健中 07/18 10:16