看板 KoreaDrama 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以此Goodbye my love表達金敏圭跟AG3之間的愛情, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOtSOOfjAfE
金敏圭: Did I disappoint you or let you down? 是否我曾讓AG3沮喪,或失望不已? Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? 是否我該深感罪惡,接受審判? 'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun. 因為我在愛情萌芽之前就看到悲傷的結局, Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won. 知道你的愛毫無理智,我知道這樣做我才贏了, So I took what's mine by eternal right. 於是我帶走了屬於我的全部, Took your soul out into the night. 將你reset進入黑夜, It may be over but it won't stop there, 愛情看似結束了,其實我從未停止, I am here for you if you'd only care. 若你真有情便知道我守候在這裡 You touched my heart you touched my soul. 你令我心弦顫動,靈魂顫抖, You changed my life and all my goals. 生命因你而不同,追求因你而改變, And love is blind and that I knew when, 愛情令人失魂,我明白這道理, My heart was blinded by you. 因為我的心隨你逐波, I've kissed your lips and held your head. 我曾經吻過你,輕撫你的頭, Shared your dreams and shared your bed. 也曾經在一張床上敞開心房, I know you well, I know your smell. 熟悉的你,熟悉的味道, I've been addicted to you. 我已無法自拔陷入你, Goodbye my lover. 再見了~AG3 Goodbye my friend. 再見了~機器人AG3 You have been the one. 你曾是唯一, You have been the one for me. 你曾是我的唯一, Goodbye my lover. 再見不再見了,我的愛人AG3 Goodbye my friend. 再見不再見了,我的摯友AG3 You have been the one. 你是唯一, You have been the one for me. 你是我的唯一, AG3: I am a dreamer but when I wake. 我遊走在夢裡很久,我的意志堅不可摧 You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take. 當我醒來,你卻帶走我的夢, And as you move on, remember me. 今日離別,請記得我, Remember us and all we used to be. 記得我們,跟我們的時光, I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile. 我曾經看過你的淚水,也看過你的笑容, I've watched you sleeping for a while. 也曾看你睡得跟孩子一樣, I'd be the father of your child. 我曾想過天長地久, I'd spend a lifetime with you. 想過與你共度餘生慢慢變老 I know your fears and you know mine. 我們懂彼此的顧慮, We've had our doubts but now we're fine. 也曾擔心過,但現在都沒意義了, And I love you, I swear that's true. 我愛你,決無二心, I cannot live without you. 沒有你,沒有我, Goodbye my lover. 再見~主人 Goodbye my friend. 再見~金敏圭 You have been the one. 你曾是唯一 You have been the one for me. 你曾經是我的唯一, Goodbye my lover. 再見不再見,我的愛人金敏圭, Goodbye my friend. 再見不再見,我的摯友 You have been the one. 你是唯一, You have been the one for me. 你是我的唯一, 金敏圭&趙智雅 I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow. 我是如此的寂寞,我是如此的空虛, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow. 完全被你reset, I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow. 只有寂寞 I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow 我只剩寂寞. 小可愛獨唱: 你就不要想起我! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreaDrama/M.1515075895.A.C56.html
DialUp: 推推推 01/04 22:29
shing519: 話說這集 小可愛 沒出場XD 01/04 22:37
Minibee2: 原來藍大這麼會唱歌~ 01/04 22:40
blueo1d: 我是真的被他們的愛情打動了 01/04 22:49
kinki1987119: 想起小可愛戴生日帽,還認真工作了www 01/04 23:02
bypetty: 我還以為是鄧麗君的goodbye my love XXD 01/04 23:16
onagnesce324: 推 好適合他們QQ 01/04 23:18
aQsoqli: 推 01/04 23:25
relax525: 藍大超會唱歌啊 每次看心得都會自動跑出各國歌曲XD 01/05 00:14
relax525: 話說在昨天Live文底下看到z大推的那個可愛剪輯 背景音 01/05 00:17
relax525: 樂配的BGM是嫉妒的化身 歌詞也跟劇情超搭的XD 01/05 00:17
Minibee2: 但藍大您還是得交出19 20心得!別以為想唱首歌就沒事了 01/05 00:25
Minibee2: ~XDD 01/05 00:25
Minibee2: 藍大安可!再來一曲啦! 01/05 01:48
obalin136: 推推推! 01/05 02:03
raininglight: 看到James Blunt必須推!下首要接You're Beautiful嗎 01/05 03:06
blueo1d: 不是KTV呀! XDD 01/05 08:55
fishtree: 推推 他們的愛情好真摯 01/05 09:24
sarakiss: 最後一句有聲音XDD 01/05 10:57
Minibee2: 我還真的在聽最後一句有沒有聲音? 01/05 15:57
tcchenk: 推推b大有聲音有畫面的好文,好有趣 01/05 17:16
cimskp: 突然很想加個「魔鏡歌詞」XDDD 差點跟著唱 XDDD 01/06 10:39