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Steve Aoki透露2018即將會有和BTS更多的合作曲 媒體名稱:Billboard 新聞連結:https://goo.gl/KrcAoK 記者姓名:Tamar Herman 新聞全文: The partnership between Steve Aoki and Korean boy band BTS began with “Mic Drop (Remix),” but that's just the start. In a recent interview, Aoki confirmed there is more in the works between himself and the septet. 譯:Steve Aoki和韓國男團BTS之前有合作發行"Mic Drop(remix)"一曲,但這僅僅是兩方 合作的開端。在近日的訪談中,Aoki透露和此七人團體,也就是BTS,有更多的共同創作 While appearing on Trending Live, the EDM producer told the hosts that his November remix version of BTS’ song, which featured Desiigner, isn’t going to be his last project with the group, teasing some works for this year. Trending Live中,Aoki談到11月和BTS以及知名饒舌歌手Desiigner合作的歌曲,並不會 兩方最後的合作,並且透露今年可能釋出的作品。 “That was the start,” said Aoki, referring to “Mic Drop (Remix).” “And now we got some new music coming out for 2018! That’s exciting as well! So we got this remix to put out there, but now we have some more original music as well!” 「這只是開始」Aoki談及"Mic Drop(Remix)時說道,「我們在2018會產出更多作品,真 的是很讓人興奮啊!所以我們先釋出了這首Remix,但之後會有更多原創音樂。」 Aoki also called the band “great guys” and opted out of choosing a favorite member, by praising the group members as “all really good guys.” Aoki也稱BTS為「很優秀的各位」並且拒絕選出團體中最喜歡的成員 因為他認為每一個成員都很優秀 Trending Live的訪談Twitter連結 :https://goo.gl/3apfe9 心得或評論(選填):有沒有考慮跟88的人合作? Keith? Joji? -- https://imgur.com/HfnTZI1.jpg https://imgur.com/tX8UmPG.jpg
https://imgur.com/fe1qUYf.jpg https://imgur.com/TGTwjSD.jpg
https://imgur.com/Flm8g7q.jpg https://imgur.com/TwxCDQW.jpg
https://imgur.com/jLxyjCW.jpg https://imgur.com/FNeKTzM.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreaStar/M.1517040838.A.00B.html
orange722: 每首都Remix一下吧 01/27 16:16
a963: 好奇問一下,簽名檔有什麼意義嗎?看到pink floyd的專輯封 01/27 16:25
a963: 面。 01/27 16:25
DivinityTG: 棒棒 01/27 16:25
icode: 推~ 01/27 16:28
sodavoxyi: 推Aoki~期待跟防彈的新合作!! 01/27 16:39
mi40828: 推防彈!推Aoki! 01/27 16:39
swagstliou: www,先期待新專輯,再期待合作曲,感覺以後還會和更 01/27 16:44
swagstliou: 多音樂人合作,都是可以期待的( ′▽` )ノ 01/27 16:44
tzuchun0214: Mic drop remix很耐聽,期待有好作品! 01/27 16:49
lovegu0317: 期待新合作曲 等新專QQ 01/27 16:57
Nivose13: 怎麼不跟TWICE?實力問題嗎? 01/27 17:02
dogjoker: 樓上的餌廢到笑 01/27 17:04
sodanicky: 推 01/27 17:09
sunny61629: 推~期待新曲 01/27 17:11
Nilycee: 推推 01/27 17:13
blauXaoi: 喔喔真的嗎好期待!! 01/27 17:17
sana1307: 推!!!!!!!!拜託!!!!!!! 01/27 17:25
asteroidR: 怎麼又換新ID來釣魚了 真的很閒XD 01/27 17:30
shwd: 13真的直接不裝了欸XDD 01/27 17:56
iundertaker: 期待!! 01/27 18:14
pigpig0318: \推Aoki/\推世界彈/ 01/27 18:14
everyposs: 推推期待新合作 01/27 18:47
summer0625: 期待推 01/27 18:50
elizy: 期待~ 01/27 18:58
minie0114: 聽完Aoki的混音版就回不去了 01/27 19:03
yehese095: 期待!! 01/27 19:37
jereval1226: 推推 01/27 19:40
parkyu531: Aoki真的神混音,一直聽都不會膩 01/27 19:40
vanish5566: 期待 01/27 20:00
here0613rkk: 推 01/27 20:45
JMsjams: 蛋糕哥! 01/27 21:16
velownica: 超期待! 01/27 23:09
TPC1993: 期待!! 01/27 23:44
eilujkira: 期待新合作!!remix超讚 01/28 00:55
ta5208477: 期待合作!! 01/28 09:36
a24362002: 推!期待合作! 01/28 10:26