看板 KoreaStar 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Title: Jung So Min Signs With New Agency Jung So Min has joined a new agency! On August 2, TH Company’s CEO Kim Tae Ho announced that Jung So Min signed an exclusive contract with the agency. He shared, “Together with Jung So Min who has a bright future ahead, we plan on supporting her active promotions so that she can showcase her capabilities through various projects. Please show lots of interest and support for Jung So Min.” Jung So Min debuted in 2010 through the drama “Bad Boy,” and she starred in numerous projects since then including “Playful Kiss,” “Can We Get Married? ” “Because This Is My First Life,” “Twenty,” “Homme Fatale,” and more. Currently, she is starring in tvN’s “Alchemy of Souls” as the leading role of Mu Deok. TH Company is also home to talented actors such as Kang Ha Neul and Hwang Woo Seul Hye. 翻譯: 庭沼珉加入了新的經紀公司! 8月2日,TH公司代表金泰浩宣布庭沼珉與該公司簽訂了獨家合同。 他分享說:「我們計劃 與前途光明的庭沼珉一起積極支持她宣傳活動,以便她可以通過各種項目展示自己的能力 。 請大家多多關心和支持庭沼珉。」 庭沼珉於2010年通過電視劇《壞男人》出道,此後出演了《惡作劇之吻》、《我們能結婚嗎 ?》、《今生是第一次》、《二十》及《朝鮮花美男》等多部戲劇及電影作品。 近期,她 正在出演tvN電視劇《還魂》,飾演女主角無德。 TH 公司還擁有姜河那及黃雨瑟惠等才華橫溢的演員。 來源: https://www.soompi.com/article/1538857wpp/jung-so-min-signs-with-new-agency -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreaStar/M.1659455671.A.993.html ※ 編輯: HarunaOno ( 臺灣), 08/03/2022 00:08:08
zihyuzeng: 推推( ) 08/03 01:57
darama: 照片好正 08/03 04:34
angelliao37: 推 多接些好戲吧 08/03 05:31
isayhousayya: 推 08/03 09:39
purplelin: 沼珉推推 08/03 10:44
mingo0918: 可以續演還魂第二季嗎? 08/03 20:59