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[Crush] 'Outside'收錄曲'Summer Love'MV驚喜先公開! Check out the surprise MV release for 'Summer Love', the 1st track off of Crush's album 'Outside'! Cr. LOENENT @ YT, crush9244 @ FB -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1498640549.A.7EE.html ※ 編輯: a0981314780 (, 06/28/2017 17:14:03
Im22Yo: 推Crush! 06/28 17:22
xxxcco: 推!! 06/28 17:24
naengjanggo: 推Crush 06/28 17:30
yutin2121: 推!!! 06/28 17:34
cien881021: 推Crush!!!!! 06/28 17:52
yua123: 好聽 06/28 21:35
jean4827: 推Crush~~~ 06/28 21:38
Kissess: 推推!!!! 06/28 22:07
weiiufan: 推 什麼了~ 06/28 22:21
poliyummy: 推Crush 06/29 11:42
l145678p: 好聽! 07/01 23:27