看板 KoreanPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
KIXS - I'll Be Here https://youtu.be/1QgmHjdF-3w
NoeL - Our Last Day https://youtu.be/71z-aLzJhu4
NoeL - Bboom Bboom(MOMOLAND) Dance Cover XD https://youtu.be/PA6mK0clqzk
The EastLight. - Real Man + Uptown Funk(Mark Ronson) https://youtu.be/bTj5BKvmBIE
NoeL - 求婚 https://youtu.be/BgnkHkDlGDM
DJ KOO & The EastLight. - Don't Stop https://youtu.be/lbx5YWVkgl0
Mamamoo - Starry Night Mamamoo - Starry Night https://youtu.be/_unLKZNu86g
Mamamoo - The Dance In Rhythm(Kim Wan Sun) + You In Vague Memory(Lee Jung) + Wonderful Confession(Yoon Soo Il) + Flying into the Night Sky(李文世) https://youtu.be/MZLVBbHYMMA
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1520752417.A.05F.html
sodanicky: 推媽木!!03/11 15:17
ss5010593: 推媽木不朽名曲串燒~~~03/11 15:21
jbd123: 媽木不朽串燒!!!!03/11 15:28
sungirl: 推媽木03/11 15:42
KACIRIE: 有媽木的地方就有我!!推!!!03/11 15:42
linyt530: 推媽木不朽組曲!!!03/11 15:47
bboy0223: 小標不見了03/11 16:22
welly851014: 推媽木~03/11 16:31
HBD330: 推媽木不朽串燒!03/11 16:40
wjw92900: 推不朽串燒!!!!!03/11 16:44
b15551012345: 大推實力唱將媽木!!!03/11 16:50
b15551012345: 大推實力唱將媽木!!!03/11 16:50
koalamaster: 推媽木!推不朽串燒!03/11 16:53
LurYeon: 推媽木!推不朽串燒!!!03/11 16:59
jungfang: TheEastLight!!03/11 17:10
GorgeousRose: 媽媽木組曲超讚!03/11 17:12
earchou: 推媽木03/11 17:18
bapylala: 媽木組曲好棒~~上節目前就在想這次有沒有組曲XD03/11 17:19
yyy2014: 又一個不朽串燒了 感動~03/11 17:21
bestlai1112: 大推媽木不朽名曲串燒!!!03/11 17:43
daeny: 推實力團媽木!新歌跟組曲都好棒03/11 17:49
starjun: 姜均成跳BOOMBOOM有模有樣XDD。NOEL好好聽啊03/11 18:07
kingzak: 推媽木啊啊啊03/11 18:31
yuiuki: 推媽木!!!03/11 18:32
shinshinch: 推TheEastLight~推媽木03/11 18:54
mary41534: 推TheEastLight03/11 18:58
LilykoKun: 大推媽木組曲!!03/11 19:20
jbd123: 黑金妮的衣服根本不是衣服吧///////03/11 19:30
wendy1215wat: 推媽木!!!!!!!03/11 20:52
sating614: 推媽木組曲!!03/11 20:52
mirror1989: 推Noel03/11 21:39
cacafish: 推媽媽木推串燒!超好聽的~~~~~03/11 21:46
neednottono: 推媽媽木!推不朽名曲串燒!03/11 21:48
kkhh10: 推媽木 串燒好好聽03/11 22:17
kkhh10: 推媽木 串燒好好聽03/11 22:17
anitajk: 推媽木新歌和不朽串燒!超嗨!!!!03/11 22:20
anitajk: 她們的舞台魅力真的很棒~!03/11 22:21
miiac: 黑金妮那個身材(鼻血03/11 22:51
ffflee: 推推呀~03/11 23:24
ffflee: 媽目萬歲03/11 23:24
twpandar: 推媽木!03/12 00:41
※ 編輯: DivinityTG (, 03/12/2018 01:45:51
goodmary: 被玟星心臟狙擊 O<= O<= O<= O<= O<= O<= O<= O<= O<= 03/12 01:51
bibobibobi: 推媽木!!!! 03/12 11:06
yin727: 推媽木!!組曲超棒!容仙打鼓好帥好美!! 03/12 13:41
shanddd: 淚推媽木! 03/12 17:23
yichobits: 媽木推! 03/12 18:41
pinkchi: mamamo翻唱總是唱出屬於自己的魅力 03/12 21:00
seapple: 分類的括號要用半形[] 03/13 02:23