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180821 SBS MTV THE SHOW 節目單 EP.160 播出時間:17:30 (台灣時間) 節目 MC:JENO (NCT DREAM)、叡恩 (CLC)(缺席)、金龍國 特別 MC:雨琦 [(G)I-DLE] 出演名單 (G)I-DLE / IN2IT / MXM / SOYA / Golden Child / NATURE / DIA / D-CRUNCH Red Velvet / Berry Good / SixBomb / AIVAN / IMFACT / 鄭世雲 / KIMI HEYGIRLS # The Show Comeback Stage # - (G)I-DLE [一/HANN (Alone)] - IMFACT [NANANA] - MXM [CHECKMATE & YA YA YA] - Berry Good [青蘋果 (Green Apple)] # The Show Hot Debut Stage # - NATURE [Kiss & Allegro Cantabile (陪在你身邊)] # The Show Hot Stage # - Red Velvet [Power Up] - DIA [WooWoo] - 鄭世雲 [20 Something] - Golden Child [IF] - SOYA [Y-shirt (Deep Inside) (Feat. B.I.G - 熙都)] - IN2IT [Sorry For My English] - AIVAN [CURIOUS] - HEYGIRLS [融化 (NOG-YEOJWO)] - D-CRUNCH [Palace] - KIMI [MAMMY MAMMY] - Sixbomb [Hiccup Hiccup] Cr. SBS MTV THE SHOW 官方網站 http://program.sbs.co.kr/builder/programMainList.do?pgm_id=22000006194 https://tinyurl.com/yak2ofaq SBS MTV THE SHOW 官方推特 https://twitter.com/sbsmtvtheshow https://twitter.com/sbsmtvtheshow/status/1031373852687757313 -- ♥ SUPER JUNIOR D&E ~ 是你 (Always you) ♥ https://youtu.be/6GBbTqsFog8
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1534754182.A.A90.html
show40534: 貝貝貝 08/20 16:50
Breaumance: 孩子們 08/20 16:58
Breaumance: 然後謝謝原PO整理 感謝你們 08/20 16:58
sunny61629: 推(G)I-DLE 08/20 17:01
irene0810: 推貝貝 08/20 23:21
ta5208477: 推孩子們 08/21 15:57
※ 編輯: yoga0701 (, 10/23/2018 20:09:07