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200204-200211 官方推特更新 Dreamcatcher 1st Album [Dystopia : The Tree of Language] 2020.02.18 6:00 PM Coming Soon Teaser Image #E SUA https://i.imgur.com/zWqYmnD.png
DAMI https://i.imgur.com/tWfFhfK.png
SIYEON https://i.imgur.com/ndEb4rm.png
GAHYEON https://i.imgur.com/ZgHq3Ph.png
JIU https://i.imgur.com/OBzIvOC.png
YOOHYEON https://i.imgur.com/6zqguxL.png
全體 https://i.imgur.com/mqPktIg.png
Teaser Image #V SUA https://i.imgur.com/2tlVuET.png
DAMI https://i.imgur.com/AMObrPU.png
SIYEON https://i.imgur.com/JBIhjsK.png
GAHYEON https://i.imgur.com/BSg5bhL.png
JIU https://i.imgur.com/chTuiIL.png
YOOHYEON https://i.imgur.com/uF9Ootc.png
全體 https://i.imgur.com/Gv5OoWc.png
Teaser Image #I SUA https://i.imgur.com/9v6zFho.png
DAMI https://i.imgur.com/PIbj3Hp.png
SIYEON https://i.imgur.com/oZrykKh.png
GAHYEON https://i.imgur.com/bpsLEwk.png
JIU https://i.imgur.com/G3ExE1B.png
YOOHYEON https://i.imgur.com/oG41DI8.png
全體 https://i.imgur.com/qnPJqId.png
Teaser Image #L SUA https://i.imgur.com/wuAUEP0.png
DAMI https://i.imgur.com/7qogDCB.png
SIYEON https://i.imgur.com/mbkWFkW.png
GAHYEON https://i.imgur.com/c9J41TB.png
JIU https://i.imgur.com/6tD7pAO.png
YOOHYEON https://i.imgur.com/ZtvmJpG.png
全體 https://i.imgur.com/9WQPpQz.png
專輯配置 https://i.imgur.com/FFfLxrD.png
cr. hf_dreamcatcher@twitter Dreamcatcher 'Scream' Lyrics Spoiler https://youtu.be/BtheadHmPAc
Dreamcatcher 1st Album [Dystopia : The Tree of Language] Story Spoiler https://youtu.be/41oftK_91PI
cr. Dreamcatcher official@YouTube Dreamcatcher 1st Album [Dystopia : The Tree of Language] Highlight Medley https://youtu.be/TQy9ZBENAtc
cr. Dreamcatcher official@YouTube https://youtu.be/spQ0hIbM4A8
cr. 1theK@YouTube -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1581438366.A.429.html
jiaxuan0504: 捕夢要轉粉紅夢幻風了XDD 02/12 01:09
liang1228: 推 02/12 01:15
ciervo: 也太棒了吧!!! 02/12 01:21
a3612fgh778: 推! 超級用心! 02/12 01:22
p47603986: 推推 好期待 02/12 01:22
LunaPark: 推!!! L版好好看 02/12 01:25
irasirius: 推啊 那麼粉不像捕夢啊 哈 02/12 02:32
cfcandy: 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 02/12 02:52
depo: 推捕夢網 02/12 06:44
biobirst: 正規一整個很讚 02/12 07:22
TT0916: 推!! 02/12 08:13
TExpress: 推推 02/12 08:16
hin50: 捕夢一生推 02/12 08:36
hebe0530: 這次照片都超好看啊!! 02/12 08:47
Hivwing: 推DC!!!! 02/12 09:18
RyanChang: 推捕夢網 02/12 09:27
kk421555: 超級期待推 02/12 09:36
jason930502: 推推推 捕夢推 02/12 10:01
maxheartttw: 為什麼只有6個人? 02/12 10:47
nccucat: 韓東去參加青春有你了 02/12 11:40
N40805: 難怪 想說怎麼沒有韓東 02/12 11:51
jaxer70179: 主打預告出來一點點 好搖滾我好期待啊啊啊 02/12 12:38
sumoncat26: 我四版都買了,我一定是瘋了 02/12 12:49
daiyunung: 樓上沒事,我也手滑了 02/12 13:42
mickey123: 新的預告出來了!好期待啊! 02/12 17:08
Broyz: 有喔 這沙畫預告有fu 02/12 17:23
新增Lyrics Spoiler / Story Spoiler ※ 編輯: pkkcyc ( 臺灣), 02/12/2020 22:16:18
cindy1kimo: 青春有你不是因為疫情暫停了嗎? 02/13 21:14
新增專輯試聽 ※ 編輯: pkkcyc ( 臺灣), 02/13/2020 22:37:50
skyblue12: 推 02/13 22:45